- What is your “day” job if you are not a full-time author?
I wear scrubs to work, saving the world one sleep disorder at a time.
- If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be?
Ramblings of an Insane Mind
- What is the hardest thing about being an author?
Making the characters tell me their story when they don’t want to.
- What is the best thing about being an author?
Creation. Living vicariously inside my characters for just a little while…
- Have you ever been starstruck by meeting one of your favorite authors? If so who was it?
No. Unfortunately, I’ve never met Nora Roberts, LOL. Or Neil Gaiman. Or Marissa Meyer.
- What book changed your life?
Not so much a book but a series: Harry Potter. I’d kinda gotten into a rut where I didn’t read much anymore. That world drew me in and reawakened my love of the written word.
- What were some of your favorite books growing up?
I loved the Ramona Quimby series!
- What books are currently in your to be read pile?
Every book Nora Roberts has ever written! Not JD Robb’s books, but only because I’ve read all those already, LOL.
- Which do you prefer ebooks, print, or audiobooks?
Yes!!! All of them.
- If you could live inside the world of a book or series which world would it be and why?
I cannot answer that!
Harbor Quartet
Date of Publication: September
15, 2020
Word Count: ~40,000
Cover Artist: Premade Ebook Cover
Tagline: The only thing standing
between this fallen angel and redemption is the woman he loves.
Book Description:
Eons ago, Seth fell for another
angel—literally—and was cast down from the Heavens. Seeking redemption, he went
to work for the Angels of Death, taking the lives of people destined to die.
His only desire is to return home, but everything changes when a foul-mouthed
brunette walks into his life and plunges his ordered world into chaos, tempting
him with the one thing he hasn’t felt in longer than he can remember: love.
A busted radiator strands Lyndi
Garrison on a deserted stretch of coastal Maine and puts her in the path of a
violent madman. She expertly fends off her attacker just as a stranger arrives
offering assistance. She’s instantly enamored by her gentle giant hero, and
before the evening is over, they share a devastating kiss and a knockout round
of sex unlike any she’s ever known. But happiness and Lyndi have never been
long-term friends, and Lyndi can’t help but wonder if she is finally getting a
second chance at happiness or if Fate is planning to coldcock her again.
Seth didn’t know
which was worse. Spending eternity in hell or working his way out of damnation
by becoming a murderer.
Okay, in his
defense, he technically wasn’t a murderer, at least not in the terms mortals
used. He had, however, been responsible for the termination of more lives than
he could count—all in the name of finding redemption. And no, the irony wasn’t
lost on him, but at the moment, he didn’t have time to contemplate his penance.
He was on the clock.
Michaels jogged around the bend. Each footfall brought him closer and closer to
To death.
With the
dropping temperatures, the coastal park in Redemption Harbor, Maine, was all
but deserted. Seth was grateful for the privacy. Not because he feared his
target might see him—the job was easier if Seth didn’t think of his victims by
name—but because this termination necessitated solitude. The target had to die
alone. No exceptions.
Why? Because his
bosses, the Angels of Death, deemed it so. And Seth’s job wasn’t to question
but to do. To fulfill his obligations without emotion and with as little
deviation from the plan’s parameters as possible. Simple.
Ha! There was
nothing fucking simple about carrying out a person’s death, even a scumbag like
this one.
For reasons Seth
didn’t understand, this asshole hadn’t been slated for termination two years
ago when he’d had his first heart attack—with the coronary Seth would cause
tonight being the second. No, fate had allowed him an additional two years of
blessed breath. Time to see his daughter get married, to see his son welcome
his own child into the world.
To rape four
more women.
He’d beaten one
woman with such animalistic rage that she’d later succumbed to her injuries.
Another had died by her own hand when she could no longer withstand the black
void Michaels had punched into her soul.
Seth hovered
toward the target. A lone spiritual “touch” was all it would take to send this
bastard into a lethal episode of cardiac arrest and straight to hell where he belonged.
Seth reached out and—
“Son of a bitch!
I’m gonna set a blowtorch to your ass and turn you into a goddamn sculpture!”
Seth pulled
back. Curiosity had him turning toward the furious, yet sultry, female voice, a
strikingly odd combination.
Just off the
main road near the park entrance, a woman stood with her back to him as she
kicked the shit out of a hybrid car’s tire. White smoke billowed from the
vehicle’s engine. Caught in the soft glow of the streetlight above, she ran her
fingers through long chestnut hair that had just a hint of auburn undertones,
as if she’d spent much of the previous summer camped out on one of the nearby
beaches. No pants protruded from the hem of her dark, calf-length jacket. The
skin of those toned legs set off a creamy contrast to her coat—so okay, maybe
no long hours spent on the beach.
Wild thoughts
flashed through his mind as he wondered what she wore beneath that jacket. A
dress? A skirt? Would the material cling to her body like a second skin? Or
maybe she wore nothing at all?
Concentrate, he
scolded. You’re here on a job.
Seth turned to
his mark, but the mark was gone.
Damn it. Seth
opened his mind, searching out and instantly finding the target. Up the walk,
he’d folded himself into the shadows, his dark arousal filling Seth’s being
like onions wrapped in ripe gym socks. Beautiful-Potty-Mouth was exactly this
animal’s type. A pretty little brunette who was all alone. The Guardian in Seth
would be damned if he’d let the fiend hurt her. Not on his watch.
Yet even as the
noble notion entered his mind, so did the warning against intervention. Death
Code and Angelic Code both forbade interference in the affairs of mortals,
except by Divine Order. Seth had one purpose here tonight. To make sure his
target died in the manner his bosses foresaw. No more. No less. To disregard
the Code was to risk all hope of ever returning home.
To assure his
banishment would, indeed, be for eternity.
Still, he moved
toward his target. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what the other man was
doing: stalking. Dark anger welled inside Seth. How was he supposed to sit back
while this creep raped and possibly killed an innocent? If Seth killed the
target now, before he made his move—
turned from the car—toward Seth— and something happened that he hadn’t experienced
since he’d lost his wings.
His soul
the Author:
Brandi Evans was raised by a
caravan of traveling Gypsies. She spent her days learning the ways of her
people and her nights lost in legends as old as time. Okay, not really, but
that's way more interesting than the truth!
In reality, Brandi grew up the
oldest child of an ordinary family. Grade school, middle school, high school.
Nothing extraordinary happened until she left the nest. She joined the
military, went to college, got married, and became a mom. And somewhere along
the way, she discovered she liked to read—and write!—stories hot enough to melt
Website: www.brandievansauthor.com/index.html
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