Friday, December 24, 2010

Witching You a Merry Christmas: Free Read at

My free holiday read is up at

Witching You a Merry Christmas is a short, paranormal, erotic romance, holiday tale.

Here's a taste:

Witching You A Merry Christmas

by Roxanne Rhoads

Vicki walked into Daniel’s great room and curiously eyed the Christmas tree he was decorating. The twinkling lights lit up the whole room. Multicolored sparkles bounced off the walls and furniture.

“I didn’t know vampires celebrated Christmas,” she said with a hint of sarcasm even though the warm glow of the room instantly filled her with a sense of holiday coziness. This was a side of her fellow Guardian she hadn’t seen before.

Daniel turned to her showing a hint of fang in his warm smile, “Some of us do. I was raised a Christian so I still celebrate the holidays just like I have for the past 154 years.” He turned back to decorating his tree.

“What do you ask Santa for, some blood bags in your stocking? Maybe a fresh victim or two?” Vicki asked with a sarcastic little laugh.

“Oh, Wicked Witch of the North, what do you ask Santa for?” he sneered playfully over his shoulder.

“Nice one, fang face. I ask Santa for the eradication of all evil-doers, especially fanged ones like you. I never seem to get my wish granted though.”

Daniel ignored her snarky fang comment, as he always did in the years they’d worked together. “Well it is kind of hard to stick that in a stocking or wrap it up nicely to place under the tree. Maybe you should ask for something a little easier. Destroying the evil that walks this earth is much more than a one man job, not even Santa can rid the world of evil all by himself.”

“Yeah, don’t I know it? Fighting evil threw us together.” Someone had to keep humans safe and the bad supernaturals from wreaking havoc in the world; someone like the Guardians. She had been recruited as Daniel’s partner after a rogue vampire had attacked her.

“And that’s so awful, Vick?” he asked with just a hint of a suggestive tone in his voice.

Vicki looked him up and down; tall, dark and handsome Daniel was the epitome of hawtness. Too bad he had fangs. She absent mindedly touched the scar on the back of her neck as she stared at him considering all the possibilities. If only he wasn’t a vampire, she thought to herself, he’d be the perfect guy.

Daniel noticed Vicki touch her scar. She did that a lot when she was thinking about vampires. “Vicki, you know I’m not like that. I’m not one of them. I would never hurt you.”

She looked up at him. Deep down she knew he was right; he’d saved her ass more than once out in the field. Yet she just couldn’t seem to get over the fact that he was a vampire. Just like that bastard that had almost killed her five years ago.

“Right. Of course not.” She knew she didn’t sound too convincing so she opted for changing the topic. “So what do you do to celebrate the holidays other than decorate your tree?”

“I shop for gifts, go ice skating, drink hot cocoa, watch sappy Christmas movies on TV, and my all-time favorite–sleigh rides in the snow.”

“Really?” she asked incredulously. “It all sounds so…human.”

Continue reading this story at

What to write after Xmas?

First of all, MERRY XMAS, Hannukah and Winter solstice!

I have been cooking for some hours now, waiting for family to come and have the Xmas Eve dinner with me and my husband, and being very Greek at times (though not always!) I decided to cook a mousaka (layers of potatoes, eggplants, zucchinis, mince meat sauce and white Bechamel sauce, topped with grated cheese)and bake homemade bread.

This got me thinking, as always, about stories. Food plays a large role in certain stories, and it can be quite erotic if handled properly (and sometimes disgusting if not, but that's quite beside the point, since bad handling can apply to just about everything...)

Got me thinking that I would love to write an erotic story involving cooking and food. One of my boys, I thought (since my stories tend to me m/m) should cook. Would he be a chef or just someone who enjoys cooking? The other might not be interested in eating before meeting with the other protagonist - and discovering new associations *g*

What do you think about erotic romance involving food? Do you think you might like a story like that? And have you read and could you recommend any such stories to me?

Enjoy your Xmas dinner!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Galaxy Express Sci Fi Rom Holiday Blitz

Like to win free books?
Go here if you'd like a chance to win some of the 50 free reads that are being given away during the Holiday Blitz.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Golden Blush Award for A Different Breed

Haven't read A Different Breed yet?

The folks at Literary Nymphs did and gave Richard and Josh their top rating - the Golden Blush Recommended Read!

Here's a little bit of out what Chocolate Minx had to say:

"Angel Martinez has created a magnificent story. A Different Breed is a thoroughly enjoyable saga, as well as an absolute must read for fans of gay fiction."

And for the mini interview on Literary Nymphs Hot list, pop over here:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Release Party and More

My steampunk erotic romance Mrs. Bright's Tea Room will be released on Wed., Dec. 15th. I'll be having a release party and contest on the next day on Nights of Passion blog.
Join us enter the contest, asks questions, dress casually, have some fun.

Also the voting for the Bookie Awards is still open.
My work has been nominated for 3 Bookie Awards. If you haven't gotten the chance to vote.

If this is the first you’ve heard about it, I’d love your vote at:

Vampire in the Basement – Best Shifter Short Story in Poll 1 & Vampire Short of the Year in Poll 4 and

Poseidon’ s Catch for Best Fantasy Short in Poll 2.

Last but not least, this is an invitation to receive my occasional and very confidential newsletter. All you have to do is email me at onlyladyknight(at)yahoo(dot)com and put Newsletter in the subject line. I will be having a special contest for the Newsletter subscribers in January.


Susan Hanniford Crowley

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Interview with Kiki Howell

On my blog today fellow Paranormalist author, Kiki Howell, chats about how she combines writing and craft in marketing her books on Etsy. I was having technical difficulties earlier this morning, but I'm pleased to report I finally out-smarted the blog gremlins. Hope to see you there!

Come Out and Vote!

Barbara's paranormal erotica romance thriller is up to vote, thanks to a top review. Voting is only this weekend so please hop over.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Not so long ago, I invited my erotica muse to talk on my blog. It is an author whose fanfiction and original stories convinced me to start writing erotica. I love her style and her ideas. Her name is Becca Abbott, and she is not famous - not yet! But now she will be, because her novel "Cethe" won 2nd place on the Rainbow awards! I am so pleased!

Now, a brag of my own: the M/M Gay anthology of fairytales BEDKNOBS & BEANSTALKS in which I have my short story "Merman's Tail" won honorable mention on Rainbow Awards!
So I am doubly pleased.

Here is the link to the awards.

You can buy BEDKNOBS & BEANSTALKS here.

You can buy CETHE here.

I think I will be snapping some of those books for Xmas!

Witching You a Merry Christmas

I recently learned that my erotic paranormal romance story, Witching You A Merry Christmas, will be a free read for the Circlet Press Erotic Advent Calendar.

Every day this month at you can read either a brand new story or a story from one of their books- for free.

Most have Christmas or holiday themes or settings.

Mine is obviously a Christmas theme, hence the title. And it features...a vampire and a witch. I know reoccurring roles in my stories. Seems to be my favorite match up- a sexy male vampire and a spirited female witch.

Here's a little blurb for Witching You a Merry Christmas:

Vicki has been leery of vampires ever since she was attacked five years ago.

Vicki's preternatural crime fighting partner, Daniel, is a vampire. It's been an awkward partnership especially since he's secretly in love in with her.

Daniel loves Christmas and hopes that the spirit of the holidays will be just what Vicki needs to soften her hatred of vampires and see him in a new light.

Daniel's greatest Christmas wish involves getting a certain witch to finally see past his fangs.

Will Santa give him what he wants most?

Right now this story is scheduled to be published on December 26 at

Once it goes live I'll post a link.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Villian Who Stands Above Any Other

Some crimes can never be forgotten.
Four years after she was raped and left pregnant, Kate lives a quiet, unassuming life. Everything changes the day she opens her door to accept a bouquet of flowers from a stranger. Jack bursts into her apartment, says he’s going to marry her and drags her on a cross country journey to hell. He reunites Kate with the child she thought had died, but how can she believe a word he says when his idea of a perfect family is beyond her worst nightmare?

Coming soon from Decadent Publishing

I can't wait for the world to meet the characters in this thriller, and finally, it's in the works. The release date for Chosen can't happen fast enough.
Congrats to you, Barbara!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews: The Small Print by Barbara Elsborg

Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews: The Small Print by Barbara Elsborg: "The Small Print by Barbara Elsborg Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary Length: Full Length (257 pgs) Other: M/F,..."

I am featured in Tabitha Blake's contest - come and win books!

Today I am up at Tabitha Blake's website, participating in her Xmas contest! Come, answer 3 easy questions with the answers found in my novel excerpt and bio, and win awesome books! :-)
There will be two erotica authors featured every day for a week, with a blurb of their novel, an excerpt, and their biography. :-)

Out Today: No Place I'd Rather Be by Roxanne Rhoads

My first Noble Romance release is now available

No Place I'd Rather Be

by Roxanne Rhoads

Genre: Paranormal erotica
Length: Naughty Nibble

Sonora is torn between a human and a vampire. How can she choose between the man who makes her feel safe and the vampire that makes her blood race? Sonora prays to the Goddess for guidance while harboring secret desires that her broody vampire, Brom, and her brawny human, Avery, can get past their jealousy and be willing to do more than just share the witch in the middle.

Can the Goddess grant Sonora's wish, or will she be stuck making an impossible choice?

Special Content Alert: Menage
m/f/m, f/m, m/m

Here's an excerpt:

No Place I'd Rather Be
By Roxanne Rhoads

Could I choose between them? Choose between the man who made me feel safe and the vampire that made my blood race?

Neither was perfect, but both were oh so sexy. Avery was a little rough around the edges and did a great job of hiding his emotions, while my vampire Brom's violent past left him broody and unpredictable.

My best friend, Sandra, had advised me to keep them both and enjoy the best of both worlds—the safety of humanity I so craved with Avery and the danger that thrilled me so much with Brom.

I just didn't know if I was a witch who could play two men against each other. I'd always been a one-man type of girl. But when one isn't really a man, when he is so much more, the rules had a tendency to bend and blur.

In my world, I had to wonder sometimes if there were any rules at all. I tried so hard to live like a human, love like a human, but honestly, at some point, I had to accept I am not human. And neither is Brom. The only human in my equation was Avery, and if he had a problem with what we are, with what I am . . . . Well, let's just say he had to make the decision to either step into my world completely and accept me for the monster I am, or walk away and never look back.

A born witch, I never asked to be this way. I was raised to be with my own kind, then I fell for a vampire, then soon after that, I fell for a man . . . a human man who I had actually been trying really hard not to fall for. Both vamps and men were forbidden in my circle, but if my coven were to choose, the vampire would be the better choice.

Being with a human could pose way too many problems, especially a human like Avery who had a problem with the monsters.

I didn't want to choose between them. They were both so . . . so . . . so damn delicious.

So I found myself wedged between a cock and hard place. Not necessarily a bad place to be.

I wished I could keep them both, that they would willingly share me. Perhaps at the same time.

Oh, I know it's a little taboo, but I really had hopes the two men of my fantasies might think less about tearing each other apart and more about doing more intimate things to me . . . together . . . and just maybe to each other.

I know, witchful thinking, right? But damn, it would have made my life easier. And so much hotter. I wouldn't have to play them against each other; instead, I could play with them . . . together. I could even watch the two of them play—with each other. Goddess, wouldn't that be a sight?

I grew a little moist just thinking about their hard cocks wedged against each other . . . inside me. My body quivered.

I had never even come close to being with two men at the same time.

I knew Brom had some experience with other men; it seemed par for the course a vampire who lived for centuries would experiment sexually. I mean, come on, when you can live for eternity, the hang-ups humans have about sex become a bit petty and tedious. Plus, after awhile, I am sure the same ol' same ol' might grow tiresome, and the desire to try new experiences would become intense.

Avery was a different story; being human made him a tad bit homophobic. Confusing thoughts and societal acceptance made many men at least slightly homophobic. Some guys freaked about every little thing, worrying something they might do would be perceived as gay, while other guys are totally comfortable with their sexuality and don't even seem to even care. I would never understand men; at least women were usually more open to the whole bisexual thing.

Honestly, I think everyone is really bisexual, most of us just never act on it or experiment with it. I had. I loved having sex with other women—soft curves and round breasts—but when it came right down to what I really preferred sexually, well, I loved nothing more than a big, hard, cock buried inside me. I had fantasized about two guys at once before but never even considered someday it might be a reality—not until I met Avery and Brom. The thought of sexually having them both at the same time almost had me heading to my bedroom to find a few toys.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

eBook Giveaway

Was checking the usual haunts and I came across this. Marva Dasef has an interview and is giving away a copy of her science fiction romance eNovel over at Dawn's Reading Nook. All you have to do is leave a comment. Marva is a fantastic writer and the read is definately worth winning.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Contest for readers and giveaways - a message from Tabitha Blake

Like Angel Martinez (who invited me to this event), I am one of the twelve authors participating in Tabitha Blake's wonderful Xmas contest next week. I have here a message from her to inform you about the contest. I hope to see many of you there - it will be great fun!


Tabitha Blake says:

In the spirit of the twelve days of Christmas NN gives you twelve amazing authors that have been kind enough to give away twelve books to the winner of our Christmas contest. One lucky winner will walk away with twelve books, some signed copies and some ebooks. This contest will start on the 6th of Dec and run until the 13th of Dec. The way it will work is each day I will be posting two new authors to the blog. All you have to do is become a follower of the blog and answer the three questions each author has posted after their bio, blurb and excerpt. They are all easy, you will find the answers in the information each author has posted. So no searching to find the answers. Then you will email the answers to the questions to to me at It will be easier if you email me all the answers in one email. Please make sure you sign up to follow NN to be entered in the contest. I also would appreciate it if you wrote out your email address in the body of the email. The contest closes on Dec. 13th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Dec. 16th. I hope you all have loads of fun and good luck to you all. I hope you will join us, this is our Christmas present to all our readers. Here is a list of the authors participating in this contest. This page will be down between 12:00 and 2;00 to add the new authors to the contest.

Dyanne Davis
Sandra Edwards
Amber Kallyn
Willa Edwards
Angel Martinez
Catherine Bybee
Ambrielle Kirk
Cindy Spencer-Pape
Renee Rearden
Jay DiMeo
Annie Nicholas
Ericka Scott

Merry Christmas,
Tabitha Blake

Catching Up News for A Different Breed

Oh, boy! Richard, Josh and I have had a busy week. I think the boys are handling it, but my head's spinning. Just wanted to share the important stuff:

1. A Different Breed released last Sunday (11/28) at Amber Allure. It's still at the special release-week price (45% Off!) and has already been released on Kindle as well. Paperback is due out mid-December.

2. The boys and I will be participating in Tabby Blake's Nocturnal Nights - Twelve Authors of Christmas. Twelve books to one lucky winner (including a signed copy of A Different Breed!) Runs 12/6-12/13

3. We have a Trailer - woohoo! Technologically challenged me would never be able to do this alone - the wonderful (and oh so patient) Catherine Bybee does the actual production:

Trailer for A Different Breed

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Great Review and Whipped Cream Contest!

This week I received an awesome review from Whipped Cream Reviews for my erotic paranormal romance novel "Have Stake, Will Travel"

Whipped Cream gave Have Stake, Will Travel 4.5 cherries 

and the reviewer said "This book is like Buffy on steroids."  

The review only gets better!! Including:  "Ms. Leigh did a great job of keeping me interested in the story.  I wanted to know how the whole thing was going to end."  To read the whole review visit Whipped Cream Reviews.

As if the wonderful review wasn't enough, I'm up for book of the week at Whipped Cream this week :)

If you'd like to vote, please visit Whipped Cream starting tomorrow (Saturday Dec. 4) and running through Sunday (Dec. 5) and choose Rebecca Leigh's Have Stake, Will Travel for Book of the Week.

To learn more about dhampir vampire hunter Orion Masters and her sexy vampire beau Julian Hunter, visit Noble Romance Publishing!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Want to give a book, but don't know what to buy?

Then, come on over to my blog! I'm compiling a list of recommendations of books for every type of person, from "boys who hate reading" to "70 year old grandfathers who like to laugh."

Come share your ideas and let's give a book for Christmas this year!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Party! Party! Party!

Nights of Passion Blog is having their Holiday Blog Party starting at 10 pm on Sunday, Nov. 28 and through to Sunday, Dec. 5 to 9 pm.

Every day there are new guests and contests. a.c. Mason kicks it off with a special edition of Mason's Paranormal Scope. Leanna Renee Hieber will be on Thursday. More authors are joining us.

So join the fun. Enter the contests! Go to
Susan Hanniford Crowley

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting Naughty in the Backseat!

Today I'm chatting about the music that inspired Howl at Naughty in the Backseat!
Stop by and find out why sometimes love bites.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Blog Party Nov. 29 - Dec. 5

Nights of Passion Blog is having it's weeklong Holiday Blog Party from Nov. 29th to Dec. 5th with romance authors a.c. Mason, Lindsay Downs, Mary Martinez, Toni Kelly, Rebecca Royce, Annie Nicholas, Sandra Sookoo, Leanna Renee Hieber, Susan Hanniford Crowley, Marie Roy, Kit Marlowe, C. Margery Kempe, and Inara LaVey. Join the fun and enter the contests.

--Susan Hanniford Crowley

Monday, November 15, 2010

Writing outside a reader's comfort zone

In the last few months, I've been asked a few times to write about my experiences as a Canadian author (who writes Canadian-themed fiction) who sells primarily an American audience. The following post has been, in different forms, on several sites including Maria Zannini's blog.

Since there is a good mixture of different countries of origin represented here on Paranormalists, I thought that I'd share the original version of "The Six Month Winter".


It doesn’t take long before folks figure out that I’m Canadian. I try to inject as much Canadiana into my work as possible, even when it is fantasy and science fiction. Canadians have difficult cultural ticks, different unspoken rules, and different laws than the US. I want my work to reflect that differentness. Easier said than done.

When I first ran “Harvest Moon” by my American beta readers, many pointed out my “typo.” See if you can catch it:

Six moons would pass before the spring thaw, relieving her of seeing her masculine features.

Spot it yet? It was the “six moons” (six months) phrase. I had a lot of feedback saying that winters are never six months in the US Midwest. I asked why did they think it was even set in the US. The response? They didn’t realize it could be set anywhere else. I laughed it off and developed a scene where Dancing Cat actually mentions the geography of the area. The beta readers put the story in the Northwest Territories. A little too far north, but at least closer. A few more twinks and most people figured out that I was writing about Northern Alberta, Canada.

(Americans, don’t feel picked on. My content editor is British and was quite shocked by the length of winter!)

Injecting other cultures and changing up the setting in fiction really helps challenge both the reader and, I believe, the author. It would have been easy for me to have placed Harvest Moon in Idaho or Montana. However, it would have changed the small, subtle differences: what people ate, what people wore. It was those differences, those tiny layers of texture, that I felt changed the tone of the story.

As an author, I feel that it’s important to include different peoples, different cultures, and even different sexual orientations. It’s even more fun when you take those differences and toss them into the mix of a stereotype or cliché. It makes for a rather interesting salad.


Krista D. Ball is a Canadian author who, through no fault of her own, has 1.5 dogs, 2.3 kids, and 7 cats. Her novella, Harvest Moon, is available for Kindle, iPad, iPhone, and in many other formats. Check out the MuseItUp Publishing bookstore to purchase.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

YES!!!! BLOWN AWAY is out TODAY!!!!!

Two stories that are certain to blow you away, Dawn comes through with amazing characters and an explosive plot. Available in e-book and print!

Sincere congrats to you, Dawn.


Alice MacKay can't keep up with all the bomb threats in Trios Port. When Boomer, a former Terran Marine with more than a healthy dose of arrogance, strolls into her office for an interview, she can't get rid of him fast enough. But disarming bombs is easier than disarming amorous Marines. When Boomer decides to stick around, MacKay wonders if she's met her match.

Happy Trails

Jenna's been infatuated with Tyson Rivers since she boarded the mining ship, but the scoop's explosive ordnance officer doesn't seem to know she's there. Too shy to introduce herself, she decides to snoop in his personnel file instead. When Tyson catches her digging, he realizes he's not the only one feeling the attraction, but could his tactics to get her alone end with a bigger bang than he expected?

  This cover is too awesome not to post again!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Need your vote! And the dreaded query

What a great surprise my email held this morning! At Dark Diva Reviews, Wilderness Girl is up for August Book of the Month! It's the first time one of my books has had such an honor. I'm so excited!

I would also love your vote! You have to scroll down through July, to the bottom of August, but it's there. Here's the link to the poll. Thanks!

Wilderness Girl, my contemporary humorous erotic romance, is also a 2011 EPIC finalist! Woot! Go Wilderness Girl. She's having a great run. Must be why she has such great legs!

Last week, another author gave me a heads-up on Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write week. If you haven't already checked it out, it's worth a look.

One of the daily "challenges" was to submit a query letter for editors to critique. The description was one of the best I've seen on how to craft a query. You can read it here, but here's a quick summary:

1. No more than three paragraphs.
The opening should contain about three sentences: describe your submission and the line you're targeting; a brief overview of the story; whether it's completed.

The second paragraph should contain no more than five sentences. Describe the most important aspects of your novel in a little more detail; here is where your wording can be more descriptive - you want to make the editor read more.

In the third paragraph, list your writing credentials. Don't forget to thank the editor for his/her time.

2. Include only facts - no gimmicks.

Easy peasy? Yeah right!

But it can be done. Following this formula (and I encourage you to read the full post on Harlequin), I put together what I thought was a ho-hum query, but submitted it.

To my surprise, it was one of the five the editors picked! You can read all five selected queries here.

Here is what I sent in:
The Magic of Lavender, my 87,000 word paranormal romance, is the first of The Goddess Connection series. Each will portray a strong heroine who learns to embrace her quirks when she learns they’re actually skills and strengths to help her survive in the paranormal world. Every woman should embrace her inner goddess, and The Goddess Connection series asks: what’s your connection?
Jocelyn Gibson’s ready to kick start her life following her husband’s death. When she buys an old B&B to restore, she has no idea it sits atop powerful ley lines, or that dark forces want to harness the energy. Also widowed, local veterinarian Eric Hendricks falls for Joss, but demons trap him in Tartarus in The Underworld. Joss learns about her family’s secret connection to the goddess Iris in time to rally her own forces, but can she save Eric and the town of Boiling Springs? The first draft of this novel is in revisions.
With fourteen e-published titles in the past two years, I’m excited that four are 2011 finalists in the EPIC competition, of which I’m a member. The Pearl S. Buck Foundation awarded my short story first place in its inaugural competition this year. My short stories have been published in such literary zines as Cezanne’s Carrot, A Long Story Short, The Battered Suitcase, Quality Women’s Fiction and Dark Sky Magazine. You can find reviews, book trailers, story excerpts and more information on my web site…
Thanks very much for your consideration.

And here are the editor's lovely comments:

This is a query letter that will make a connection with editors. It’s short, sweet and straightforward, conveying just the right level of detail about your story and your publishing experience. First and foremost, I like how you’ve summarized your book and series. In general, keeping the synopsis to a maximum of one or two paragraphs in the cover letter shows that an author knows what her story is about enough to boil it down—a good sign. And the credentials add to the professional impression you’re making. Two cautions, Cate. First, don’t forget to mention the imprint or series you’re targeting in your opening paragraph-- Harlequin has more than one place for publishing paranormals. Second, lose the sentence about how this is a first draft in revisions. Editors don’t want to know that a book isn’t finished or polished. The thinking is, once the revisions are done, then you should be querying—so mentioning that you’re still working on it in the letter makes it seem as if you’re not fully prepared to submit. But otherwise you’ve nailed this query letter challenge, Cate. You go, Goddess!

Talk about giving me a shot of adrenalin! I was psyched. This novel's seen several revisions, and I am still tweaking it, so wouldn't have submitted a real query yet. I mentioned the revisions knowing this was an exercise.

I wish I'd completed the synopsis in time to submit to the first chapter/synopsis challenge, but now I'm encouraged enough to submit later.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stacey Kennedy is blogging today at Para-Fanatics

Stacey is over at Para-Fanatics today, blogging about her newest release, An Everlasting Bite. Please hop on over if you have a chance and say hello.



Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Book Giveaway and Author Interview: HALO by Alexandra Adornetto.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the awesome opportunity to meet Alexandra Adornetto, the seventeen year old author of the intriguing novel, HALO.  Just look at that cover. It's awesome isn't it? This book puts a fresh spin on the angel trend in YA by making the girl an angel. She falls in love and it literally brings the hell out of some people! HALO was one of my favorite books of the summer. I couldn't put it down and when I simply had to, I couldn't wait to dig into again. The author was gracious enough to do an interview and you can check that out here and learn how she was inspired to write her delicious story.  I'm also giving away the hard copy edition of the novel that the publisher was gracious enough to send me. It's the first book of a trilogy and I can't wait for the next installment. Hades is due to be released in the fall of 2011. Hope you'll drop by!


Monday, November 1, 2010


I am being interviewed and giving away a copy of Soul Catcher at PJ Schnyder's blog. Please come out and say hello.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Soul Catcher Release Day

Please come join me at Delusions of Grandeur for my release day celebrate for Soul Catcher. I will be giving away a free copy to a lucky winner.

Like Cate, I'm doing happy dances, too!

 EdensHell_TheNewCoveyAwards.jpg Eden's Hell, I: The First picture by DusktilDawnDale         
  Print Cover

  EdensHell3_fullres.jpg picture by DusktilDawnDale
   eBook Cover

Eden's Hell, I: The First is a finalist in the Paranormal Erotic Romance Category of the 2011 EPIC eBook Awards Competition™.

Eden's Hell begins a five part novel series, where biblical facts and fiction crash headlong to answer the age old question of how and why vampires came into existence.

In the beginning…
God created man and called him Adam, a fine specimen replicated in his own image. He then created woman to ease Adam’s loneliness and named her Lillith. Unfortunately, God realized his mistake too late in giving woman free will, for she would rule her domain, not man.
When Lillith left Adam, God created another for his first-born son, and gave her the name Eve and a kingdom called Eden, but by then it was too late, for he’d unleashed Hell into the world of man.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Four-time EPIC finalist!

I'm dancing on air! I received the email this morning from EPIC notifying me that I'm a finalist in the 2011 competition for my paranormal novella, One Soul for Sale - and three more stories!

I just made reservations for the conference in March. Can't miss that party! Anyone else attending?

One Soul for Sale - Paranormal Novella
BLURB: When Madelyn sells her soul on UBuy, she’s not ready for the hell that’s unleashed. All she really wants is to make a success of her art. But the gorgeous stranger who buys her soul for $666 asks her to perform a few tasks. Tests of her true worth, Madelyn thinks, as each brings her – and her cat Brutus – into greater danger. And closer to the frightening shadowy figure stalking her. On All Hallows Eve, her final test will open the gates of hell. Or is it heaven?

The other three include two contemporaries, Going with Gravity and Picture This, plus an erotic romance, Wilderness Girl.

I'm so excited I can't think straight!

Monday, October 25, 2010

YoungRebel Publications Launches Today

YoungRebel Publications launches today with three fabulous titles. Does anyone care for some deliciously scary Halloween treats? 'Rebel Moon - A Paranormal Anthology', and 'The Caller Knows You Are Waiting' by Daniel Cooper are just what you need. If curling up with a teen romance is more your style, try 'One Night Witch' by Rebecca Bookout.
To celebrate our launch, we’ve begun a series of interviews with our debut authors. Our first featured author is Daniel Cooper, a young British author who has recently recovered from cancer. Check out his interview at
YoungRebel Publications - where rebel readers and writers come together!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Excorcist

Hot DAMN!!!  Does this movie scare me.

Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. I can watch slasher movies and monster movies without nightmares. I still scream but then again, I'm screamed during Finding Nemo, so no big deal there. Anything to do with the spiritual world, demons, and possession has me clinging to my DH like a five year old for days.

I was about eight years old when I saw the Excorist. (Thanks Dad.)  It came on television, since there were no VCRs or DVDs in THOSE days. He saw the little girl with the movie star mom and thought it was a Disneyish movie. Low and behold, my life was changed and my parents couldn't kick me out of their bed for nights.

Years later when I was a new mother the director's cut came out. I didn't even need to see the movie. All it took to set me off was the commercial of the spider walk.

I was home alone with my new born. My DH worked evenings at the time. I phoned my older brother, it was about 10PM, and asked if he'd like to come over to hold my hand. LOL  Thank goodness for big brothers.

What movie makes you shake in your boots?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Man Behind The Wolf Man

Which actor arrived in the world nearly stillborn and was revived when his father plunged him into an icy lake? Stop by Mariposa's Musings to find out more about the actor who portrayed four of Universal's movie monsters.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Angel Martinez, "Diego" and Fairy tales for adults!

I have discovered an amazing author and her beautiful world of pookas and fae and passion – Angel Martinez, now a fellow Paranormalist.
If you don’t know her, go and find her books and read them! I read her novel “Finn” and fell in love, and now I have just finished “Diego”, the incredible sequel to “Finn” – and I am about to go back to the start and read it all over again, because such stories rare, ladies and gentlemen, and have the real magic!

She is today a guest on my blog, talking about Fairy tales, and how they weren't always meant for children - how they are dark and beautiful and real.

Read her post here!

I admit I can't wait to read the rest of her stories. This is some of the best fantasy and erotica I've ever read.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


TheFirstPostcard_front.jpg Postcard Promo picture by DusktilDawnDale

Hi, everyone. I'm new here and thought I would drop a quick hello and  introduce myself. *waves*  I see a lot of familiar faces; some of you know me as a paranormal author, and some as a cover artist. In fact, I saw several of my creations in the Paranormalists Book Covers section.  *blushes*

So, a little bit about me...

I began writing paranormal in the 1980's, shortly after reading several of Anne Rice's vampires novels. Back then I wrote primarily in the "fantasy" genre, you know, wizards, dragons, etc., but magic of any kind has always fascinated me, along with the forever raging battle between good and evil. While I'm still an author of fantasy under another author name, my love for paranormal is first and foremost.  I was mesmerized by how Ms. Rice drew me to her characters, vampires who possessed emotions, battled inner conflicts like mortals, had the ability to love...and more specifically, were portrayed as human beings and not monsters.

I have several paranormal novels published with Purple Sword Publications. Two are stand-alones, and I have a five novel series called The First, wherein two novels have been released. Return to Me and Forever and a Day, are stand-alone vampire novellas, with the main characters in both also making appearances in the final novel of my The First series.

Geeze, talking about myself is boring, so before you all nod off,  I'll say bye for now, but will return with more about my The First series at a later time.

If you'd like to now more about me, please visit...

Never use your soul as a bargaining tool

Madelyn can tell you what a bad idea it is - especially near Halloween, the night when the veil between the two worlds fades, allowing souls to travel freely between. In my paranormal novella, One Soul for Sale, she posts her soul online at the bidding site UBuy, and all hell breaks loose. Literally.

This month, you have two opportunities to win One Soul for Sale. Join in the Night Owl Reviews Web Hunt all month for a chance to win one of three print copies. Next weekend, join the LASR Scavenger Hunt for a chance to win a PDF copy. Or you could buy your own copy now - One Soul for Sale is available digitally from Eternal Press or in print from Amazon.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another Rave Review for Small Print

Rating 4.5 out of 5

Anyone who hasnt already grabbed this one, and you need some convincing, check out this review. Of course, I give the story a 4.9999999 (sorry, lost a fraction because I'm jealous of awesome character names...oh hell, I'm jealous of awesome characters.)

Sam Cheever's Annual Halloween Bash - Oct 24- 31

Go Trick or Treating with your Favorite Authors!

Sam Cheever is sponsoring her fourth annual Trick or Treating Bash on a street near you! The street is inexplicably filled with some of your favorite authors and they will be waiting by the door with tricks and treats for you. The lucky winner gets a Halloween Bag with a Kindle e-reader in it, books, assorted candy, and other wonderful prizes from the authors who live on Sam’s street. To start at the beginning, visit Sam’s Halloween Contest page from October 24th through October 31st for instructions.

Only one trip down the street per contestant and you must be at least 18 to play!

Come and join the fun and play for a chance to win a Kindle and a bag of goodies. You might be surprised to learn who lives on Sam’s street!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Author Spotlight & Another Monster

I'm in the spotlight at Pam Thibodeaux's blog today met Pam at The Wild Rose Press Writers Conference in Bandera, TX. She is a gracious author on-line and in person. Stop by and visit.

I'm also featuring another classic movie monster actor on my blog. Find out which actor recieved as much fan mail as Clark Gable.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yippee. Read the Post Below This!!!

I already won a copy of SALVATION, by Vivi Dumas. After reading that blurb posted below with the link for a chance for one of you suckers (yep, looks like an exciting vamp tale) to win a copy also, I'm even more thrilled. My first e-reader arrived yesterday, and I'm seriously looking forward to filling it up. Thank you, Vivi, and I'll be sure and comment after reading.

Release Day for "Salvation"

Today is the release day of my short story "Salvation." Please stop by and comment on my blog, Delusions of Grandeur, for your chance to win a copy.

Salvation Blurb

Darius set out tonight to meet his end. Instead of meeting the true death and seeing the sun for one last time, he stumbles upon a reason to live. After a millennia of being held a sex slave by the Vampire Queen, he finally finds his mate, but she lie dying on a park bench. Will Darius be able to sacrifice her soul to save himself? And will he risk going back to the one person he desperately wanted to escape to help his mate through the change?

Salvation Excerpt

She ruined him to love, turning him into her sex slave, diminishing his strength as a male. When she came to him, he’d been honored to be chosen, but after an eternity chained to the wall in the damp, dark crypt, honor was no longer a word he understood. Shame and anguish were his brands. His lust for all things, including blood, left with his will to endure long ago.

But today, the day he planned to take his departure from this world, the thirst returned, calling to him from this exquisite creature waiting at Death’s door. Darius’s harsh laugh echoed among the trees. Fate was a tease. She played with his emotions and tempted him further into condemnation, searing his torture just as the straps of silver singed their pattern into his flesh.

The iron-tainted smell of blood permeated the air. Darius stared into the woman’s angelic face. With her eyes closed and lips slightly parted, the childlike innocence of her expression pleaded with him for mercy, but not the kind of mercy he struggled to administer. The death awaiting her was not the kind he was prepared to give. He reached out and fingered a lock of her golden brown hair, then caressed the side of her round face, wiping the dried blood from her mouth. She was lovely. Can she accept me as I am— a broken monster?

CATCH: Book 2 of The Angler series is AVAILABLE

Caught between two vampires, Connie is torn between Rurik, the one she loves and Tane, the one she’d love to stake.
Hunger burns in Connie Bences’ soul--she craves the blood of her vampire lover, Rurik, but it’s not satisfying her needs anymore. It’s driving her insane. Desperate to find help, Rurik brings her to Rio De Janeiro, where Tane rules the vampire nation.
The back-stabbing vampire almost killed her and Rurik when they’d first met, then used them to obtain his crown.  She would rather stake him, but the small drop of Nosferatu blood he’d forced her to drink in Budapest is blooming into a bond, one which ties her life to his. One he won’t hesitate to manipulate.
He admits to binding her so Rurik would have to remain at his side, but their timing couldn’t be any worse.  The betrayer finds himself betrayed. Tane’s rule is in upheaval and he’s forced to place his trust in two people who owe him no allegiance—her and Rurik.  In the middle of a power struggle, Connie fights to keep her lover, but didn’t plan on Tane slipping into her heart.


Vampire slayers mourned those of their ilk who got caught. While most died a true death, some of the very things they hunted lured them to cross over and they became creatures of the night. Or in my case, blood bound with one. Colby and Red, my former comrades-at-arms, treated me as if I was dead, but I never felt more alive.

Jardim Botanico was a botanical paradise famous for its peaceful landscapes. Minutes away from my hotel, it sat in the heart of the south side of Rio de Janeiro. I’d spent the night sneaking along its gardens, ponds and well-manicured lanes, desperate to escape the predator who stalked my trail. Every time I got close enough to make a run for the streets, he’d pop out from hiding, almost as if daring me to try.

An envelope of silence surrounded me as I hid under the dark green leaves of a tropical plant. The scents of nutmeg and cinnamon lay thick in the air, I hoped they covered mine. My heart raced and sweat made my curls stick to the nape of my neck, not only from the heat, but from anticipation of the chase. I’d been smart this time, wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, sport-shorts and water bottle clipped to my hip so the Brazilian weather wouldn’t sap my strength. My hair color, though, gave me away most of the time. So pale and yellow, sometimes it seemed like a neon sign saying ‘here I am’.

I’d gotten pretty good at running away from vampires. Connie Bence, live bait extraordinaire, was my last job, but I quit and tonight wasn’t a trap.

It was a game.

The night blanketed everything. I thought a city like Rio would be up at all hours, people partying in the streets, especially on New Year’s Eve. I was right. They were. Just not around here. The Copacabana Beach probably swarmed with people. One nervous human and one lusty vampire were the only creatures roaming the botanical gardens tonight.

A humongous, lighted Christmas tree floated on the central lagoon as a landmark. From the hotel window, I could see it to the northwest. This meant I needed to go southeast. Or did I? Ah shit, I suck at this stuff. Don’t throw me in the woods, no matter how manicured.

Laughter drew my attention and I peeked through the leaves. The street was ten yards in front of me through a small stone archway. The noise drifted closer.

I’d been waiting for a witness. It sounded like a group celebrating, probably heading to the beach where the fireworks would be going off in a few hours. If I could make it to them, my vampire wouldn’t be able to finish the hunt.

He had to keep his people’s existence a secret. If he broke that law, the big nasties would come and punish him.

Even vampires had nightmares—the Nosferatu.

I crouched under the foliage and did my best imitation of an Olympic sprinter waiting for the start pistol. My adversary strolled out from the shadows next to the archway.

Clenching my teeth, I swore under my breath. Dirty, freaking bastard knew what I was going to try.
With his hands clasped behind his back, he whistled a little Hungarian ditty. He wouldn’t kill me, this wasn’t about life and death. It was about winning.

The small group of people, my would-be rescuers, appeared.

My vampire blocked the exit with his body, waved at them and called out something in Portuguese. They laughed. It appeared they found him hilarious.

I didn’t find it funny.

The muscles in my legs trembled with the strain. They wanted to take off and run with all their might. It took some effort to make myself relax and slow my breathing. Rurik, the vampire, knew I was close, not my exact position or he would have taken me by now. How did he follow me? Maybe the blood bond we shared gave my location. If that were true, shouldn’t I sense something about him, too?

For once, I’d like to win this game, just once. Make it to our hotel before he captured me. It would mean he’d finally submit to my whims, instead of the other way around. The irony that I couldn’t dominate him without his consent wasn’t lost on me, but I’d make do.

He now stood in the center of the exit, his arms extended to touch the stone walls of the archway. The dim light from the streetlamp outlined his lean muscled frame. “Run, Rabbit, run.” The softly spoken words sent shivers down my spine. “Try to get away.” He’d named me Rabbit when we’d first met in Budapest a little over a year ago. Only he could call me by that nickname, he had earned the privilege. No one else had my permission.

My options for escape narrowed. The garden contained more gates, but I didn’t know where. We’d been playing since sunset and he already prevented my leaving three other times. If I gave up he would be disappointed. I understood his need to hunt, yet I grew tired of losing, too.

I eyed a wide Banyan tree by the fence. Long vines hung from the branches, waiting to root themselves one day. Before Rurik bound me to him, I wouldn’t have considered the crazy plan formulating in my head. The blood we shared made me faster and stronger. I healed quicker and didn’t get sick. Best of all, I stayed young. Worst of all, if he died, so did I.

Marriage vows seemed weak compared to that. So if he needed a little hide-and-seek in the dark, I played with him.

 Annie Nicholas

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Are you a purist?

I recently saw a post about how romance was ruining urban fantasy. What's your take? Do you like a little romance in your urban fantasy? Or would you prefer it straight up?

I'm about 10k into what I think is an urban fantasy, but I'm on the fence about the romance part. I'm actually leaning toward leaving out the romance, especially if it turns out this could be the first of a series. Would a romance muddy it up? If there's a romance, should it continue throughout the series? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Interview at Naughty Novelists

I'll be chatting about Howl at the Naughty Novelist through Thursday. Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Howl.

Hope to see you there!