You know authors; we older women have fun, too. Not just the
thirty-something, just got over a bad relationship type of woman. Oh, you know
the ones who happen to look gorgeous, most likely in peril, and who meets a
hunk who comes to her aid.
Yeesh. Demographics, shemographics. Target audience, shmarget
Ahem, back to the point. As I was
saying, we like a good romp in the hay. For you young ones that means, well,
guess-- can’t leave out that buyer’s audience. Try to keep up with us, kids.
We like adventure. You should see me drag race my friends
down the boulevard. No, not in wheelchairs, you smart alecks. See my car?
We’re not all married you know. Some of us are widows, divorcĂ©es,
or some of us just plain haven’t met the right guy yet. Yep, we’re out here.
Don’t you dare call us spinsters! I’ll smack you upside the head. We do still
have choices, you know. Well, a few anyway.
For instance, there
is this neighbor that ogles me from across the street when he waters his lawn.
So what if his chest has dropped a little and
his teeth click when he talks. He’s a very interesting man who saved my sanity
when I got arrested driving for having just a few too many with my friends.
I mean that stop sign jumped right out into the
middle of the street. I swear.
Now that’s a knight in shining armor.
Think about it. See, older woman in peril. Hunk comes to the
rescue. He did bail me out. Write about that, why don’t you?
So, kiddies, don’t forget, we’re not all cardboard
characters, dotty parents of the young and the beautiful, or matronly nurses
working in hospitals. Give us a chance to star, to find love, to have a bit of
adventure—if our hearts can handle it--even if our hero has to take that
dysfunction pill. We are still human, after all.
While we’re on the subject, I think this is a good time to
introduce my character, Winnie Krapski, my senior citizen and star of my continuing
short story series the COD Club. (Call on the Dead)
And as readers have told me, “She is a hoot.”
I have two out from BookToGoNow. A third will be released
soon and more to follow. The first two stories are in the #1 download. Isn’t
that great?
And just for you, two commenter’s names will be picked out
of a fedora to receive a free PDF (that you can convert to your E-reader) so,
let’s get with the comments.
Oh, I guess I should tell you a bit about Winnie and show
you the covers. Excuse the memory lapse.
Book one and two in this download.
Come and meet Winnie Krapski who hugged a cherry tree during a
lightning storm. The bolt slammed her, splitting the tree in half. The
near-death experience bestowed her with a gift–one she’d rather not have.
Drafted into the C.O.D. Club (Call on the Dead) by Fat Phil Phillips, her mission is to grant the newly deceased’s ghost one last reasonable request. Can Winnie honor her oath?
Well, she tries. But, not before she stumbles into situations that almost get her killed. She’s one spunky broad. Follow her adventures in the COD Club series.
Drafted into the C.O.D. Club (Call on the Dead) by Fat Phil Phillips, her mission is to grant the newly deceased’s ghost one last reasonable request. Can Winnie honor her oath?
Well, she tries. But, not before she stumbles into situations that almost get her killed. She’s one spunky broad. Follow her adventures in the COD Club series.
Also available on Barnes and Nobles and Kobo.
Secrets abound. Bullets fly. Yep, it’s
Winnie granting a dead person’s last request.
Winnie works the request and ends up in
more danger than she can handle.
Yep, Winnie is in deep poo again.
Not to worry, the next adventure will be released soon.
For more info about Lorrie, visit her website at http://lorriejuly.blogspot.com/
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