
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Interview with Diane Scott Lewis Author of Outcast Artist in Bretagne #HistoricalRomance

- What is your “day” job if you are not a full-time author? 

I was working for the navy in Virginia, and writing when I had the spare moment. Now I’m retired and I write full-time. Even when I’m not writing, I’m thinking about my next scene, how to revise a scene, and what better verbs could I use. I often call myself verb-challenged. Usually in revision, I’ll come up with the right one.

- If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be?

Dangerous while Dusting. That’s facetious of course. I tend to knock things over or break things when I clean. A good reason to stick to writing. Another title: The Woman who never gave up. No matter what has happened I keep trying.

- What is the hardest thing about being an author? 

Promotion. You never know what is going to work. I’d love to just write novels and pay someone else to promote them. But I would need to be rich for that. A good publicist is expensive.

- What is the best thing about being an author? 

The creativity of imagining a scenario for my characters, building their world, and giving them a dilemma to solve. And I love to research. Since my novels are historical fiction, I like to get my facts correct. I read too many novels that have incorrect details, when today with the internet it’s so easy to look up the facts.

- Have you ever been star-struck by meeting one of your favorite authors? If so who was it? 

I haven’t yet met my favorite author. But I attended a writers’ conference where Bernard Cornwall spoke. He was fantastic, so down to earth, and inspiring. As a person, he was definitely a favorite.

- What book changed your life? 

A book about attention deficit. I figured out I’m not really crazy (okay the jury is still out about that) but I have ADD. It helped me to understand myself better.

- What were some of your favorite books growing up?

Charlotte’s Web. Black Beauty. The Wizard of Oz. I read this last one to my best friend who was in a body cast. And, yes, we’re still friends after all this time.

- What books are currently in your to-be-read pile? 

I’m halfway through a story set in Greece just after WWII. I used to live there, where the story takes place. I have five research books staring me in the face. Did I say I love to research? I need to get back to these soon.

- Which do you prefer ebooks, print, or audiobooks? 

I prefer print, but I’ve become used to reading ebooks on my Kindle. There is still nothing like holding a real book in your hands—the smell of paper. I haven’t gotten into audiobooks that much, but I have friends who love them.

- If you could live inside the world of a book or series which world would it be and why?

 Downton Abbey, if I could be one of the rich sisters. The clothing, the food, the elegance of it all. I’d adore that. I’d also enjoy talking to the servants, being one of the gang—having more freedom in my speech. Away from the upper class, of course.

Outcast Artist in Bretagne 
WWII Heartbreak and Forbidden Love
Diane Scott Lewis

Genre: Historical Romance 
Publisher: BWL publishing, inc.
Date of Publication: May 1, 2023
ISBN-10: ‎0228625505
ISBN-13: ‎978-0228625506
Number of pages: 370
Word Count: 98,000
Cover Artist: Michelle Lee

Tagline:  Can a damaged Englishwoman find love with her worst enemy, or will the brutality of war rip them apart? Is she a spy? Will he retaliate against Hitler? A dangerous love affair.

Book Description:  

Unwed and pregnant, Norah Cooper flees England to hide with her cousin in Brittany just before Germany’s 1940 invasion of France. After her baby is stillborn, she's trapped under the Occupation as war expands across Europe. Norah grieves and consoles herself by sketching wildlife. When she’s caught too near the coast, she comes under scrutiny of the German commandant, Major August von Gottlieb.

August loathes what Hitler is doing to his country and France but is duty-bound to control the people in his jurisdiction. The lively young Englishwoman piques his interest. Is she a spy? He questions her and asks her to sketch his portrait so he might uncover the truth.

Soon, their relationship evolves into a passion neither of them can deny. She endures taunts from the villagers. His superiors warn him of not being harsh enough—he could be transferred or worse. He plans to sabotage a major war machine of the Reich, while she secretly helps the Resistance. Both acts are fraught with danger while kept secret from one another. Will their love ruin her and end in heartbreak? Or will they overcome the odds and survive the surging threats on all sides?


August’s offer of marriage sent a tremor through her. Could that ever be possible? Did they have a future? Or would the war destroy them?

So many problems to consider. Norah traced a finger over the slight cleft in his chin and his lower lip. The lips that had given her so much delight. The gaze she once thought arrogant now adored her, assuring her as best he could.

She smiled at his confidence. The memory of their union sent warmth throughout her body. She brimmed with love, though the danger lurked beneath the surface.

He sat up and smoothed down his hair. “Let’s dress and get off this floor.”

Sitting, she pulled her clothes on. August finished dressing, stood, and offered his hand.

Once on her feet, she picked up a cushion and so did he. They fitted them back in the chairs.

She ran her fingers through her hair, then retied the bow on her blouse. Another concern surged up. “When can you contemplate retirement from the army?”

“The earliest would be next year. I want my son graduated from school, then sent off to college.” He brushed off his trousers. His gaze met hers. “A college in Switzerland being preferable.”

“You want him safe.” Had August been making plans all along to keep his son out of Hitler’s claws? Norah wanted August out of the madman’s clutches, too.

“Yes, safe. But I have important business to take care of here before any thoughts of retirement.” He tucked in his shirt. “Something I’ve recently realized needs to be done.”

“What is it?” She rubbed low on her back.

“I’ll tell you when the reason for it is closer.” He tugged on his tunic, fastening his high collar where the Iron Cross hung.

She glanced away from the reminder of what he represented. “You can’t tell me anything? I want you to confide in me.”

He pulled her close and kissed her, thoroughly. “I’ll confide when I can. Don’t worry, you will approve.”

“Is it dangerous for you?” She gasped after the kiss and now grew apprehensive about this new information. The idea of the guarded port stuck in her mind for some reason.

He opened the door and peered out. “I’ll give you the details later, I promise.”

“Not too much later, please.” She cocked her head and clasped his arm. “I hope it’s something to slow this war. We must all make that effort.”

He pressed on her fingers, his smile sweet, then gestured for her to exit. “Goodbye for now, meine liebe. We’ll meet again as soon as it can be arranged. I’ll discreetly leave notes for you in the terracotta pot of geraniums in front of your cottage.”

“Yes, very soon. But that reminds me.” She pulled a paper from her pocket and handed it to him. “The words for my telegram.”

“I will take care of this tomorrow morning.” August slipped the paper into his tunic pocket. His smile now looked sad. “Don’t forget, I have limited power out here. There are constraints.”

“I understand. I’ll check the pot daily. Be careful in whatever you plan.” Stepping out into the warm air, her mind swirled with fear for him, herself, and the need for more of what they’d just shared.

“I love you,” they both whispered, gazes intense.

Norah’s step quickened away from the summerhouse. She’d turned into the worst of wanton women, a fraternizer. The English called it a Jerry-bag. But her love for him gripped her, staggering her as she hurried around bushes and under trees. The green scents washed away the sweat of lovemaking.

She chewed the inside of her cheek. How much time would they have if Hitler clamped down harder here, in Brittany—and across the channel? She could lose August, lose her country. 

About the Author:

Diane Parkinson (Diane Scott Lewis) grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, joined the Navy at nineteen, married in Greece and raised two sons all over the world, including Puerto Rico and Guam. 

A member of the Historical Novel Society, she wrote book reviews for the Historical Novels Review. Diane worked from 2007 to 2010 as an on-line historical editor. Writing since the age of five, she had her debut novel published in 2010, a story that takes place during the French Revolution. She’s had several historical and historical-romance novels published between 2010 and 2021. 

Her newest novel, a WWII romantic suspense, released in May. A fan of graphic arts, she’s designed brochures and book covers. She also enjoys traveling and camping. Her extensive traveling inspired her love of history.
Diane lives with her husband and dachshund in western Pennsylvania.

For more on her books visit her blog:

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