
Friday, May 21, 2021

Author Interview - The Somewhere I See You Again by Nancy Thorne #YARomance #AuthorInterview

1. What is the best thing about being an author?

For me the best thing about being an author is that I finally have the career I always dreamed of. As a child in grade school, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have told you that I was already a writer. Unfortunately, no one at that time saw this as an achievable or positive aspiration for a girl.

2. If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

Hmm, interesting question. Before I was adopted as a baby, my birth mother gave me the name Pamela. Since then my life has taken me in surprising and unique directions. So, the title could accurately be titled, The Seven Lives of Pamela.

3. What book changed your life?

The first “adult” book I read was The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway. It definitely had an effect on me. It made me realize the importance of emotion in a story, and how the difficulties and challenges of peoples’ lives could be written in a clear and precise manner.

4. What are some of your favorite books growing up?

Because I’m older than many young adult authors, the books I loved growing up might come across as vintage. However, I loved to read The Bobbsey Twin series.

5. Which to you prefer: ebooks, print, or audio books?

I love everything about a print book. Even the way a book smells attracts me, although I do have books from my great-grandmother that smell very musty, which doesn’t attract me at all. Still, I love them. Ebooks are great, too, and handy. I’m going to try audio books whenever the heck we can go on road trips again!

The Somewhere I See You Again
Nancy Thorne

Genre: YA Romance

Tagline: The lives of two teenage girls take a dramatic turn when both their families face financial ruin. Blackmail may be their only solution - and undoing.

Hannah will resort to anything to save her mother’s life. Including blackmail.Even if the target is the former boyfriend of her goody-goody best friend, Stacy.

Except, he just moved to the West Coast, and now it’s up to Hannah to convince Stacy to hitchhike with her cross-country to confront him.

It’s 1971. Change is happening. And Hannah’s understanding of the world is about to be tested by those she encounters along the way, includinga gorgeous draft dodger.

Someone is about to face a deathly experience. But it’s not Hannah’s mother.

The Somewhere I See You Again is an extraordinary story about the life-changing power of love and friendship against insurmountable odds 

Excerpt 3 

Expensive jeans and the newest styles of desert boots and sneakers shuffle in front of us. My eyes follow denim up to a zipper then to a pocket stuffed with a hand. A blue T-shirt with a Rolling Stones logo covers what appears to be a flabby abdomen. I gaze up at a face that distorts from my angle. The guy peers down. He’s not attractive, but not ugly either.

“You have the coolest hair,” he says to Stacy.

I’ve never considered Stacy’s hair cool to be honest. Guess I’m just used to it. But looking at it now I can see what he means. Far past her shoulders, it’s parted in the middle and each side gleams copper in the setting sun.

Stacy leans back and lifts her chin. “Um thanks. We live on the other side of the park.”

“You two from Slum Hill?” the short guy blurts.

“It’s Sloan Hill, “ I snarl.

“Don’t mind him, he’s a dickhead,” says a scrawny guy, swiping at a thick head of hair too big for his body.

“You know someone around here?” the not attractive but not ugly asks.

“Nope.” I wonder the same about him. But he gazes at Stacy like he wants her to answer. Like I’m invisible.

“Your school the one being torn down?” he tries again.

Stacy does a hair flip. “Yep. We’ll be going to Carver this year.”

“Oh yeah? That’s our school.”

“What’s is like?” Stacy asks in her polite, doltish way. “Are the teachers strict?”

“Depends on who you get. Some are cool. Some are assholes. It’s sure gonna be crowded this year.”

The group continues down the road in their boy-pack parade.

Except for him.

“I could grab the keys and give you a ride home if you want.” He brushes aside straight bangs. “It’s a long walk to SlumI mean, Sloan Hill.”

“You live near here?” I ask.

He lets out a laugh. “Yeah, real near.”

He points to my dream house, and the robin’s egg blue convertible parked in the carport.


About the Author:

Nancy Thorne is an award-winning author of fiction inspired by the romance and courage of youth.

Born and raised in Toronto, Nancy fostered a passion for words and creating stories in grade school but hid it much too well. Bringing to life a lifelong dream, her short stories have recently appeared in anthologies and literary journals.

Her debut novel, VICTORIAN TOWN, a  young adult paranormal romance with mystery and time travel elements, was released in 2018 and won First Place for the 2019 Dante Rossetti Award.

Nancy Thorne’s work has appeared in over seven major publications including The First Line Literary Journal and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

She has received several awards and accolades including the Writer’s Award from the APL. Her works continue to appear in many journals and online publications. She lives just outside of Toronto with her loving family, energetic labrador, and an entertaining corgi.

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