
Monday, August 10, 2020

Interview - Oblivious, A Kendra Spark Novel by S. Peters-Davis #authorinterview #PNR

Hello, Paranormalists;) I’m S. Peters-Davis, author of Oblivious, A Kendra Spark Novel, Book 4. So, glad to be here and happy you stopped by.

- What is your “day” job if you are not a full-time author?

SPD – I’m a full-time author and editor. I left my full-time job as a production manager for a plastic sheeting company many years ago.

- If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

SPD – A Lifetime of Finding Myself

- What is the hardest thing about being an author?

SPD – I love everything to do with the craft of writing, except for spending time away from my family. I’m home, but busy writing. Once I made that adjustment, figuring out how to make family time and writing time work, my writing became so much easier.

- What is the best thing about being an author?

SPD – I set my hours, and then honor them. I love what I do, networking with other authors, having a great publisher, and a supporting family.

- Have you ever been starstruck by meeting one of your favorite authors? If so, who was it?  

SPD – I went to a library in Grand Rapids for one of Karin Slaughter’s book tours. She turned out to be quite the jokester, making everyone laugh at her life and times, growing up and becoming an author. And I was starstruck to see such a famous author speaking with incredible ease to a full-house of fans. She appeared so comfortable and made all of us feel the same.

- What book changed your life?

SPD – More like a TV show, and this is going to date me – Lost in Space. I wrote my version of the episodes for the Robinson family sci-fi adventures, and Peggie Robinson was the protagonist. I was in fourth grade and got my first taste of writing short stories.

- What were some of your favorite books growing up?

SPD – Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys Mysteries – my grandmother, had volumes of those books, and I binge-read all of them.

- What books are currently in your “to-be-read” pile?

SPD – I have a lot of favorite authors and a kindle full of books, here’s a few: A Deadly Fall by Susan Calder; Never Look Back by Mary Burton; Let’s Talk About Hex by Roxanne Rhoads; Romeo’s Rules by James Scott Bell; The Necromancer’s Library by JL Bryan; Love on Beach Avenue by Jennifer Probst; Reckless by Maggie Shayne; Murder on the Docks by H. Paul Doucette; What Lied Beneath by David Archer; Imposter’s Lure by Carla Neggers; The Rosewood Whistle by Pat McDermott; Murder by Massage by Stuart R. West, and tons more.

I like to read different genres, depending on my mood, and I have a staggering amount of books in my library:)

- Which do you prefer ebooks, print, or audiobooks?

SPD – Ebooks for my regular fiction reading, print books for resource and reference, and audiobooks for long travels.

- If you could live inside the world of a book or series, which world would it be, and why?

SPD – I got blown away by JL Bryan’s Ellie Jordan Ghost Trapper Series because his story-star, Ellie Jordan, resonated at such a deep level with me, her life, the setting, I became her. I haven’t read his whole series, but I’ve read several of his books. I even contacted him and told him how much I enjoyed his novels. He mentioned that he was thinking of not writing anymore, and I felt devastated and said that to him. He’s still cranking out those great books, and I have some binge-reading to do:)

Thank you for hosting me at your place today. I’ve had such a good time visiting and wish you all the best. Stay safe and enjoy every day:) Thank you for stopping by and don’t forget to enter the drawing before you go;)

Oblivious, A Kendra Spark Novel
Kendra Spark Series
Book Four
S. Peters-Davis

Genre: Paranormal, Suspense-Thriller, Romance
Publisher: BWL Publishing, Inc.
Date of Publication: May 16, 2020
Kindle 9780228614197
ISBN 9780228614234
Number of pages: 267
Word Count: 55,500
Cover Artist: Michelle Lee

Series Tagline: Kendra sees ghosts, and then her BFF, Jenna, becomes one. The two friends and FBI agent Derek Knight fight for justice to the victims of heinous crimes.

Book Tagline: Kendra, Jenna, and Derek, specialized FBI force of the supernatural, face-off with a Voodoo Priestess turned evil witch, carrying a vengeance…

Book Description:

Kendra communicates with ghosts. She’s gone from a best-selling suspense-mystery author to an FBI asset on a secret mission team.

Jenna, an FBI criminal analyst and Kendra’s best friend, died in a fatal accident, but she continues to work for the team with Kendra’s translations.

Derek Knight, an FBI Special Agent, leads the FBI-Violent Crimes Unit-Sensitive (better known as Supernatural) Investigations team to fight evil entities disrupting the Earth plane.

A Voodoo Priestess turned evil witch of the dark arts steps in with a vengeance…

The world changes for Derek now that he sees the dark spirits. But defeating them is no simple task, especially when one resides inside someone on his team.

Oblivious much?


The twenty-minute drive took about twelve. When I pulled in, an old silver Chrysler LeBaron was parked outside the pole barn. I grabbed the Glock out of my glovebox, then got out to check the inside of the car. Sassy Blaze lay in the backseat, looking dazed. I opened the door to make sure she was alive. Her pulse registered slow, and shaking her didn’t awaken her.
“You’ve got bigger problems than Miss Witchy-Pants there.”
I cracked my head on the door frame of the car and a stream of vanilla scent invaded my olfactory. “Good Gods, Jenna. Give me a little warning.” I sneezed.
“Crazed Gun-Slinger Darla is inside, waving a gun at Kendra’s head. She wants to know where Bertellia and Estevez are.”
I ran to the back-porch door and quietly let myself inside. Female voices.
Jenna stood at the open doorway, leading into the great room. She waved me closer then placed a finger to her mouth for quiet.
I peeked inside. Darla. Her eyes crazed and hair wild, she reminded me of a psychopath.
“You’ll make quite the vessel, or you’ll end up dead weight. We’ll see how good your ability really is, Miss Kendra Spark. You’ve been a real sliver in my spine, and I will never forgive you for the annoyance you’ve been to Bertellia and Estevez. I can no longer reach them, so you’ll have to share what you’ve done to silence them. What sort of prison have you confined them in?” Darla’s voice came across shrill, heavy on the southern accent, I’d never heard her sound like that before.
I stepped inside the house. Kendra sat on the couch, staring toward the fireplace. Darla, eyes wide, stood behind her, pointing a gun at Kendra’s head, and then they both looked my way.
“Well, Mr. Knight, you’re finally here. Miss Kendra remains pretty much speechless, so I’m hoping you can answer my questions about where Bertellia and Estevez have gone.” Darla waved her gun at me, her arm jerky and wild, then she pointed it back at Kendra. Darla’s fingers squeezed Kendra’s shoulder. “Where are they?” A grimace of malice crossed Darla’s face, something else from her I’d never witnessed.
“What’s happened to you, Darla?” I shook my head, holding my weapon down at my side, out of view. “Did your aunt do something to influence this behavior? Why are you talking with an accent? That’s not you at all.”
“I’m going to shoot this woman if you don’t tell me what I want to know. For the last time, where’s Bertellia and Estevez?” Her eyes narrowed to slits, and her lips pinched into a snarl. Her grip tightened on the pistol held at Kendra’s temple.
Jenna screamed, “Her tells say she’s gonna do it, Derek.”
The house phone rang, startling Darla. Kendra dropped sideways onto the couch cushions. I took that moment to aim and shoot. I hit Darla’s shoulder. Her gun flew to the floor in front of the sofa, and she fell backward with a thud. I rushed the couch and vaulted over the top, landing next to her. She lay on the floor with her eyelids fluttering, the bullet entered on the right side just below her collar bone. I gently rolled her to see the backside. The wound looked like a through-and-through. I pressed my hands on both sides of her body to staunch the blood flow.
Suddenly, a dark shadow in the form of a blurry faceless mannequin emerged from Darla’s body and ran toward the open porch doorway. Darla passed out in my arms, and the shadow disappeared.

About the Author:

S. Peters-Davis writes multi-genre stories, but loves penning a good page-turning suspense-thriller, especially when it’s a ghost story and a romance. When she’s not writing, editing, or reading, she’s hiking, RV’ing, fishing, playing with grandchildren, or enjoying time with her favorite muse (her husband) in Southwest Michigan.

BWL Publishing Inc.:

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1 comment:

  1. Hello Roxanne - thank you for hosting Oblivious, and for the author interview. Excellent questions I found interesting to answer...gave me a little self-reflection:) Your place is a great one to visit, especially for a paranormal writer:) Heart Hugs, Susan
