
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Interview- Caught by Kimberley Cale #fantasy #mermaids #authorinterview

- What is your “day” job if you are not a full time author? 

I used to write safety manuals but I’d get into trouble when I’d write about the worker and employer finding love in the operating procedures. Lol just joking. I’m at home now and my time is split between family and writing.

- If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be? 

A Series of Unexpected Events, yes I know that one taken but my life has been full of them.

- What is the hardest thing about being an author? 

The interruptions and need for food and sleep. Also as an indie author, I think marketing, it’s so foreign to me, like trying to learn how to speak squirrel, it drives me a little nuts sometimes lol.

- What is the best thing about being an author? 

It’s so satisfying putting your ideas on paper and the sense of accomplishment when a story is finally on paper, but even that is nothing to when a reader tells me they enjoyed the story, that’s the goal

- Have you ever been starstruck by meeting one of your favorite authors? If so who was it? 

I’ve met author Tracy Posey Cooper. She is very interesting to talk to and very helpful as well.

- What book changed your life? 

To say just one book changed my life would be unfair. To name just one of the many, I would say I was inspired by James Allen’s As A Man Thinketh because it really brings home the fact that our thoughts shape our reality.

- What were some of your favorite books growing up? 

Mostly romance but I loved everything from the classics Charles Dickens Great Expectations for example to Douglas Adam’s The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

- What books are currently in your to be read pile? 

I’m currently reading A promise of Fire By Amanda Bouchet but then I plan to read War (The Four Horsemen #2) There are a ton more but I haven’t gotten around to listing them yet. If anyone has suggestions I’m looking for friends on goodreads and would love to talk,

- Which do you prefer ebooks, print, or audiobooks? 

I love them all. Print for reading in the tub, e-books because I can make the font bigger, and audio because then I can multi-task.

- If you could live inside the world of a book or series which world would it be and why? 

Wow, there are so many worlds that would be cool to visit. I know I’d want to stay away from any of Stephen King’s books for obvious reasons. With my love of chocolate, Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory comes to mind, but seriously who wouldn’t want to go to Harry Potter’s Hogwart’s? Going to magic school while living in a magical castle would be so exciting. I’d love to be a magical healer in a story but all the ones I’ve read, there’s usually a war going on or the healer is locked away or persecuted and on the run, so I stand by my first choices.

Thank you for having me here today, this has been fun.      

Sea Temptress Series
Book One
Kimberley Cale

Genre: Fantasy romance
ISBN: 978-1-7772821-0-3
Number of pages: 155
Word Count: 58127

Cover Artist: Sharko Studios cover model Taylor Walker

Tagline: She was just supposed to be a myth. He was just supposed to be a stupid pirate. Who knew?

Book Description: 

A vengeful pirate…

Ruthless pirate captain Quinn O’Connor is bent on getting revenge on the creatures who wrecked his ship and killed his crew. When he claims their leader as his captive, he doesn’t expect the scorching consequences that come with being stranded with her on a mysterious island.

A beautiful sea temptress…

Lorelei, a daughter of Poseidon, is willing to bargain with the dangerous pirate who captured her in order to save the ones she loves. He believes the worst of her and her kind, and when he drags her onto dry land, turning her beautiful tail into a pair of unsteady legs, she’s not sure if she’ll be able to return home—and soon she starts to wonder if she really wants to.

Magic and mayhem bring them together…

With each smoldering kiss, each heated touch, their desire blazes higher. Can they overcome misunderstandings and monstrous enemies seeking to tear them apart? Will a mermaid challenge her fate for the love of a pirate? Will the vengeful pirate give up his revenge and take on a god to save his mermaid?

Excerpt One for Caught

He’d make her pay. He vowed it. Quinn sat with his unconscious prey in the only remaining rowboat. With red-rimmed eyes, he watched as his ship, his pride and joy, The Mayhem, was consumed by fire. Yellow and orange flames blazed, creating a distorted tale of fiery devastation on the dark waters, while billowing black smoke overshadowed the star-studded sky above.
He would not look away, not from the sweltering heat of the flames, nor from the acrid stench of burning oiled wood and sail. Not even the vile smell of human flesh set afire could make him avert his gaze. He wanted to imprint this sight into his brain, so when he was ready to punish the murderous little creature he had captured and plucked from the sea, he would not falter. He would remember and take measure for measure.
He stared at her now, and hatred raged in his heart. Her face, so deceptively innocent, did not fool him. Relentlessly, he rowed towards the little island not far off while his thoughts churned on the treachery of women.
Having once been played the fool by a pretty face in his checkered past, he’d learnt a thing or two about women and their self-serving ways. He’d almost paid the price by getting leg shackled to one until he’d discovered the true extent of her devious nature.
Fortunately, he’d found her out before she’d been able to cause too much damage.
The one taking up space in his rowboat had scuttled his ship and succeeded in sending his crew on a one-way journey to Davy Jones’s Locker.
It gutted him to think of their lifeless bodies drifting down into a watery grave while their murderer sat across from him, alive and well.
Quinn collapsed back into the bow of the rowboat. His weary mind drifted back to before the mermaid had invaded his life. Memories took on a dreamlike quality, taking him back to just before this nightmare started, as if the events were occurring for the first time.

About the Author:

Kimberley Cale writes fantasy romance and is the author of the Sea Temptress Series and the epic Tales of Terraron. She has been a reading addict for as long as she can remember. While she enjoys reading anything and everything from historical, paranormal to contemporary novels, she has found her passion bringing her feisty heroines together with their bad boy heroes and adding a spark of magic to create fantastic page turning romance.

After visiting over half of the United States, Mexico, The Dominican, Europe and parts of Canada, she can honestly say the experience has broadened her perspective on other cultures and enlivened her already overactive imagination.
Her family will tell you that from the time she was a child she has rarely been without a journal in hand building worlds for her characters to live in and exciting obsoletes for them to overcome.

With a few college and online writing courses under her belt, Kimberley is constantly learning how to improve her writing craft online, While she worked for an insurance company, part of her job involved writing letters to claimants. These were sad tales that should have started with sorry for your loss. Later she worked in the safety industry and wrote many a safety manual for different companies. Unfortunately not one manual included an ounce of romance in it. Finally after years of research, which involved reading a great variety of romance novels well into the night, she decided to pursue her writing passion.

Kimberley’s other loves besides her awesome family include, trying unsuccessfully to keep the weeds out of her garden. So far verbal threats and hand gestures haven’t worked; still it’s a war she intends to win. She’s also obsessed with a streaming cup of hot chocolate; well chocolate of any kind really, there’s been talk amongst family and friends about an intervention. When she’s not writing you will find her snuggled next to her hubby searching Netflix for the latest epic movies.

More than anything else she loves hearing from her readers and makes it a priority to respond to any and all who are willing to take the time to send her a line.

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