
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Interview and Giveaway - Love Spell in London by Shereen Vedam #Giveaway

Welcome to Paranormalists.

If you were not a writer what would you be doing ?

Hi, thanks for having me over. In my day job, I work with numbers and graphs and trends. I track information and find ways to tell a story that can perhaps help prevent incidents and accidents.

If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be?

Friends are the best therapy.

What is the hardest thing about being an author?

Saying farewell to a world when you reach the end of a series.

What is the best thing about being an author?

Falling in love with my characters.

Have you ever been star struck by meeting one of your favorite authors? If so who was it?  

Yes. Terry Brooks. I had him autograph one of his books for my brother, who introduced me to fantasy novels.

What book changed your life?

Lord of the Rings. While reading it, I fell in love with the concepts of fantasy and have never looked back.

What were some of your favorite books growing up?

Anything and everything that was written by Enid Blyton. My favorite was Five on a Treasure Island. Loved the dog, Timmy. I’m not entirely sure since the series has not yet been completed, but I suspect Timmy has been reincarnated and is lurking in the current urban fantasy mystery series I’m working on. As are many of the concepts Enid Blyton inspired in me through her books. Like friends becoming family. Friends working together to solve mysteries. Friends guarding each other’s backs.

Blyton is likely also behind my answer to your earlier question about the title of my imaginary autobiography.

What books are currently in your to be read pile?

Lots of Cozy Mysteries, since I would like to instill a flavor of a cozy mystery into my new 8-book urban fantasy mystery series.

Which do you prefer ebooks, print, or audio books?

Print, except on the bus, when I prefer an ebook.

If you could live inside the world of a book or series which world would it be and why?

Lord of the Rings. I hope I come in as a hobbit with big hairy legs and a healthy appetite. Wait, is this the Shire I’m currently living in?

Love Spell in London
The Cauldron Effect
Book Three
Shereen Vedam

Genre: Regency Fantasy Romance
Date of Publication: March 31, 2020
ISBN:  978-0-9953447-9-2
Number of pages: 265
Word Count:  85,443

Cover Artist: Desiree De’orto

Tagline: By the pricking of my thumbs…

Book Description:

A healing witch hopes her stolen hellhounds’ passionate master will return soon to claim his hounds, and perhaps, notice her. When he does, not only does she catch his eye, but also that of his fiendish dark fae mother.

“Grace,” her mother said in a curt voice. “This is Mr. Devlin Chase Dewer. Mr. Dewer, my daughter, Miss Grace Elizabeth Adair.”
The stark introduction did not do justice to the young lady in the doorway. She stood with her left knee slightly bent, ankle provocatively tilted. She had raised her chin and head, emphasizing an exquisite neck, while her wide eyes observed him with direct, inquisitive scrutiny.
“He is here to reclaim his . . . beasts,” her mother said.
In Baroness Mandell’s hesitation over the word “beasts,” Dewer heard “demons.”
Her snub of his hellhounds slid off his back like a bead of oil. It wasn’t her first insult since his arrival. He had been here for forty odd minutes – feels like a month – awaiting this enchanting creature’s return home. All that while, Lady Mandell refused to be seated, as if admitting him into her home was an affront she could not take sitting down.
The baroness’s upright stance had meant Dewer must also remain on his feet. Not a terrible inconvenience as he had sat more than stood since leaving Wales yesterday morning. For the last five minutes, however, Lady Mandell had been shifting from foot to foot; suggesting their Napoleonic standoff would end shortly with either his departure or her capitulation by taking a seat and thus allowing him to do so as well.
“I have sent for a fresh pot of tea,” the old witch on the sofa said. Lady Mandell’s mother was apparently oblivious to the baroness’s intention to discourage their guest lingering.
Dewer was glad of the tea idea. He may not need to sit, but he was thirsty, for the raven-haired vision in blue in the doorway left his mouth as parched as a desert.
It was hard to mistake the family resemblance between these three females. All had high cheekbones, tall statures and a natural sensuality that age had not appreciably diminished. All similarities ended on the visual plane.
Miss Adair seemed intrigued by his presence, but wary. Well she should be. Thief.
Her mother, Baroness Mandell, had been itching to toss him out since he first stepped into her home. Harridan.
The eldest witch was the most approachable. Unfortunately, she was currently leaning forward to entice Farfur with a crumpet. Crumbs littered the Persian carpet between his feet and hers, as she made atrocious smacking noises from between pursed lips. Definitely Dotty.
Dewer took hold of Farfur’s scruff again, to ensure Dotty, his only ally in the room, would not lose her fingers if the hellhound decided to accept her insanely ill-thought-out offer of a treat.
 “We must leave for London forthwith, Grace.” A negligent flick of the Harridan’s hand, and the crumbs on the carpet vanished. “I hope your morning visit with your cousin was elucidating and makes Mr. Dewer’s visit timely.”
So, that is why Harridan permitted him to enter her home. She wants the hellhounds gone. Excellent!
Grace’s full mouth firmed, her hands clenched and that tempting ankle straightened, signifying that no matter her mother’s preference, Dewer was not about to depart with his hounds without protest. The young witch’s stormy gaze met his in a battle cry that tightened his chest muscles. He repressed the urge to smile with relish at the looming fight.

About the Author:

Once upon a time, USA Today bestselling author Shereen Vedam read fantasy and romance novels to entertain herself. Now she writes heartwarming tales braided with threads of magic and love and mystery elements woven in for good measure.

Shereen's a fan of resourceful women, intriguing men, and happily-ever-after endings. If her stories whisk you away to a different realm for a few hours, then Shereen will have achieved one of her life goals.

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