
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hi, I'm Jennifer James

And yeah, I'm new here. And I'm also rather Squee! excited about it. 

The last few months have been rather crazy for me, landing my first two publishing contracts with Decadent Publishing, finding myself being asked to write guest posts on blogs, and getting to know some of the coolest people on the planet. 

Who are these super cool people? Authors. yeah, I'm a geek for words and chatting with other authors gets me completely stoked. They're my rock stars. Probably why I like to write. :)

I write pretty much every sub-genre of romance, from PNR to UF to Contemporary to Western to full bore Erotica.

My first release with Decadent is called LOVE KINECTION, it's a contemporary filled with geek references and jokes and sexual tension.

I also recently contracted with Decadent in their line The Edge, my short BDSM erotica piece called MARKED. That's about Jack and Kayla, two werewolves who are meant to be together. Kayla took off and left poor Jack for five years while she figured out what she was running away from. But she's returned to him and is ready to make the ultimate commitment. And no, I don't mean marriage. This goes deeper than that. :)

Right now I'm working actively on two pieces, one is a contemporary western with paranormal elements (ie. two ghosts who are determined to help foster some lovin' between the hero and heroine.) and a novella with a heroine who has the ability to blend into her background chameleon style and a hero who happens to be a police detective. He can see the heroine when she uses her ability. No one else can, which is good for her since it only works if she's naked. (Yep, she's gotta be au naturel)  How does he do this magic? Well, you'll have to wait and see.

So, what are you reading currently? Are the vampire/werewolf markets saturated or is there always room for one more like a Lay's potato chip? How about ghosts? Too scary/cheesy/there's nothing left in that after Paranormal Activity? 


  1. Welcome, Jennifer! You're a writer after my own heart. :) I write pretty much anything and everything too.
    Congrats on the contracts and upcoming releases!
    My reading's as eclectic as my writing. I just love a great story, no matter what the genre. (And I hope ghost stories aren't cheesy, I just subbed one, lol)

  2. Hey guys! I like ghost stories myself. I grew up in a haunted house complete with poltergeist activity and pervy touchy feely stuff.

    Ghosts really scare me.

    Thanks for the welcome. :D

  3. Welcome and congrats! I write lots of different things too but I do wonder about vamps and the market. But I don't thing they'll ever die. - Ha ha - unintentional joke.

  4. Hi Jennifer! I'm so excited for you! You are one busy author right now! I love paranormal stuff too, and the geek references will get me everytime. My heroines are usually big dorks (at least in their minds). Keep on truckin' and congrats on your work!
