
Friday, February 10, 2012

Arthurian legend with a twist

A contemporary twist, that is. Add a dash of magic, a sprinkle of time travel that sends a knight into the future, and a girl who could pass for Lancelot's love from medieval times, and you have A Hard Day's Knight, released today from Decadent Publishing.

Yes, the title's an homage to my infatuation with The Beatles. I think I was the youngest Beatlemaniac.

But I also fell in love with Arthur and his knights after reading The Once and Future King.

Any of your childhood tales still inspiring you today?

Today I'm celebrating my release at the Decadent blog, as well as at Amber Leigh Williams' blog. I hope you'll pop over and say hi.


  1. I just finished it and yep, as suspected, a fun, witty and sexy read showing a famous Knight in an unique way. Thanks, Cate, for a lovely glimpse into modern-medieval romance.

  2. Aw, Arlene, I love you. :)
    I have Arrow to the Heart on my Kindle, and can't wait to read it. I've been under the influence of NyQuil this week or would have finished it!
