
Friday, January 6, 2012

I have a love/hate relationship with edits

I am a staunch believer in having an editor. Though I have amazing critique partners, and a bunch of them too, an editor always lends greater insight and perspective to a story. Takes it another level higher.

As particular as I am about correct punctuation, grammar, and getting all the details right, I worry that I missed something. Or that the storyline has a hole.

So I am thrilled that Decadent Publishing contracted my dark paranormal novel, Dead to Rights.

I'd self-pubbed it last year, but hoped an editor could help me kick it up to that next level. (There's always a next level!) Unfortunately, I can't afford to hire an editor.

I just finished first-round edits, and am loving it. And hating it. Grueling as edits can be, I know I'll be happy with the end results.

I also wasn't satisfied Dead to Rights was receiving enough exposure. Lately, reviewers are swamped, so getting any reviews are difficult, but it's a little more difficult to entice a reviewer to read a self-pubbed novel, unfortunately. I'm hoping that now it will receive a little more attention.

The new, tentative release date for Dead to Rights is late February. Woo hoo!

And I just received this cover in my email. Beautiful, isn't it?


  1. Super cover, Cate and congrats!!!! I hope the book gets the exposure it deserves.

  2. From your lips to God's ear, Barbara. :) Thanks!

  3. I own this one and loved it. I can't wait to see what another coat of polish brings. I'm so glad Decadent said yes and used your orginal cover just making it even more striking. Congrats, Cate!!!

  4. Thanks for the kind words, Arlene. :) Yes, it's a much better cover now, but I'm glad they used the same image.

  5. And the Decadent editors are some of the best around. You'll do well with it. Congratulations!
