
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy Release Day!

Space Pirates anyone?

How about two uber hot male space pirates?

In space can anyone hear you . . . ** ahem **  There's only one way to find out!

ABOARD THE AVENGER, my new m/m short story is out today from Silver Publishing.

Darius Rivers, Captain of the St. Marie, boards the Avenger, ready to defeat the Avenger's Captain and secure the ship's spoils for himself. Aboard the Avenger, Darius encounters more than he bargained for. The object of his fantasies, Captain Hector Ramirez, is waiting for him too.
But Captain Ramirez is not ready to fight, he is ready to bring Darius's fantasies to life. In the arms of Captain Ramirez, Darius encounters more than just pre-battle sex; he finds a man to join forces with for a life of piracy.

ABOARD THE AVENGER is available here.  

I'm working on a sequel too -- wonder what lies at the next port for our two hunky heroes?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's Tagging Tuesday

I've selected five paranormal novels from members on Paranormalists to post for our first event. Please go to the links and click on all the tags you agree with. This helps to move the author up on Amazon searches. If you would like your book to be considered for future tagging parties, please email me at
dlareejackson1 at gmail dot com (replacing the at with @ and the dot with .)

Okay, let's tag!


Splintered Energy--Arlene Webb

Surfacing--Cate Masters

The Starlander Frontier: Starlander's Myth--Melisse Aires

Seducing Liberty--D L Jackson

Simon's Fate--Rebecca Royce

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Sunday,Paranormal Enlistees

Okay, I'm looking for some brave bloggers that would be willing to help me manage this blog. This blog is evolving and there's so much more we could do with it, to make it all it can be.

So...  That being said, I'm looking for volunteers.

Officer Commisions up for grabs:

Operations officers--Two positions. We need bloggers who would like to help put special promo events together--this includes events like tagging parties or setting up holiday bashes and scavenger hunts, Publisher weeks where we spotlight different publishers. If you love to throw parties, put together promos--this might just be your thing and you will have the flexibility to reserve up to a full week for special events. This can be anything from live updates from conferences, from a contact in the field--or a simple one day tag party.

Recruiter--I need a volunteer that would be willing to respond to requests to join--we have 56 spots left and multiple requests in the queue for new members. You simply send them an invite when you get an email and anwser any questions they have about the blog--posting, etc.

Art/Marketing officer--update new covers and create buttons and badges for special events.

Link swap specialist--your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go out and link swap with other sites, seeking other bloggers willing to post our links on their sites in exchange for us setting up a link to the their blog here. This can be anything paranormal related--from ghost-hunters, to pychics, to authors, artists, and even gamers who have blogs. This is about building a bigger community and reaching out to paranormal readers, wherever they may be.

Please email me at dlareejackson1 at gmail dot com, if you are interested.

Thanks for your help,

D L Jackson

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Top rating for The Magic of Lavender!

Wow, how thrilled am I with this review? Over the moon! I feel as if I have a Goddess Connection myself. :)

Aubrey from Romancing the Book gave The Magic of Lavender a rating of Rose That Rules All, its top rating! Woot!

I'm so grateful Aubrey took the time to review it. All reviewers are swamped with requests these days, and it can be particularly difficult to get a self-pubbed novel reviewed.

Here's part of Aubrey's lovely review:

I've always loved books that center around Goddesses and The Magic of Lavender fits the bill perfectly.
The cast of characters of this book keeps the book even more interesting.
The underworld that was created by Masters is unique in that it is an entirely different way at seeing Goddesses. The Inn is on ley lines that help Joss use her magic. Using the ley lines she makes the Lord of the Underworld angry. You really need to read the book to find out what happens!
I cannot wait to read the second book in this series and other works by Cate Masters. This book really made me escape my boring life and enter into one that magic is possible.

Thanks again, Aubrey!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Party at TBR with Arlene Webb!

Come on over to TBR and help Arlene celebrate all her amazing accomplishments! And if you leave your email address in the comment, there's a special surprise in store for you. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Release Day!

Today is the long- awaited release day of THE REVOLUTIONARY, my m/m steampunk western novella sequel to THE OUTLAW!

After months of hiding out in the badlands, ex-Bringer Damian Junter has returned to Terra Noir to plot war with the East. The tide of public opinion is shifting against the corrupt Statesman Paulin, the man who accused Damian’s lover, Kell, of a murder he did not commit. With Kell as their leader, the Outlanders make the only move they can: revolution.

But the West isn't the only side gearing up for war. In the East, Statesman Paulin has been preparing a mechanical army of his own. When Kell sends Damian back home to spy, Damian has to fight against his own insecurities: Kell's ex-lover, Paul, is his right-hand man in this war. Damian trusts Kell with his life—but can he truly trust Kell with his heart?

This is the first time I've written a sequel to an existing story -- so I'm really excited to see how it does.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the two main characters are my favorite out of any I've written (I love them all -- but these two are the best)!  

Join me to find out what adventures Damian the Bringer and Kell the Outlaw have in store!!

THE REVOLUTIONARY is available from Dreamspinner Press here.  

You can also read how their story began in THE OUTLAW available from Dreamspinner Press here.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A 12 Author Anthology, and Let it Rain takes the lead! Out today!

He doesn’t give a damn about me. Lonely and bored, Blaire steps out of the sizzling sunny day into Lacey’s Lamp expecting a cool drink, not to be asked what she thirsts for more than anything else. Captivated by the festive light dancing in the barkeep’s gaze, she spits out the first silly thing that comes to mind. Unfortunately as thunderclouds gather, Blaire learns how dangerous wishes can be.

When Scott opens the door of a strange shop, the man behind the counter asks what he yearns for. Scott throws caution aside and goes for the shooting star, tossing every coin he has in the well, blowing out all the birthday candles, as he speaks from his heart. She still loves me, right? After the clouds burst, Scott comes to understand how erotic genuine desire can be.

Only 1.99, and I'd love some likes and tags on amazon if you hop over there.

I have a love/hate relationship with edits

I am a staunch believer in having an editor. Though I have amazing critique partners, and a bunch of them too, an editor always lends greater insight and perspective to a story. Takes it another level higher.

As particular as I am about correct punctuation, grammar, and getting all the details right, I worry that I missed something. Or that the storyline has a hole.

So I am thrilled that Decadent Publishing contracted my dark paranormal novel, Dead to Rights.

I'd self-pubbed it last year, but hoped an editor could help me kick it up to that next level. (There's always a next level!) Unfortunately, I can't afford to hire an editor.

I just finished first-round edits, and am loving it. And hating it. Grueling as edits can be, I know I'll be happy with the end results.

I also wasn't satisfied Dead to Rights was receiving enough exposure. Lately, reviewers are swamped, so getting any reviews are difficult, but it's a little more difficult to entice a reviewer to read a self-pubbed novel, unfortunately. I'm hoping that now it will receive a little more attention.

The new, tentative release date for Dead to Rights is late February. Woo hoo!

And I just received this cover in my email. Beautiful, isn't it?