
Friday, July 1, 2011

Just released! Dead to Rights

I'm a little nervous - and a lot excited. My new paranormal, Dead to Rights, is now available on Smashwords and Amazon!

It's been more than a year in the making, but after many polishings, I'm confident it's as ready as possible.

I'm pretty psyched the cover came out so well. And the trailer! What do you think?

Here's an excerpt:

The bus drove all night. I dozed off a few times, but every bump in the road easily roused me. All the while, I couldn’t shake the feeling someone watched me. Had the group’s suspicion of me grown since I’d signed up? It didn’t seem likely, but I had to stay on guard, yet appear innocent. Not an easy feat. On high alert, my brain screamed for me to escape.
To what? I had nowhere to go. My only viable connection so far was Cunningham. Time would reveal the reason, but I guessed it wasn’t anything positive.
With a heavy breath, I scanned the faces of others. Every one slept, or tried to.
My senses pricked to extreme when I saw the man sitting three rows behind, on the opposite side. He stared openly, a strange glow in the whites of his eyes.
I jolted upright, then slumped in my seat. My heart pounded. How freaking weird. Grateful for Ellen’s insistence that we sit together, I feigned settling in to rest. Impossible with him still watching intently. And he was. I didn’t know how I knew, but I’d swear it.
The landscape changed from rural to downright deserted. The bus stopped for gas after the sun glimmered just below the horizon, streaking the clouds above with orange and red. It reminded me of smeared blood.
Blinking, Ellen lifted her head. “Are we there?”
“Not yet.” Sarcasm escaped me in the face of a stalker. Twice more, I’d glanced back, only to meet the same steady gaze. I stopped looking after that. Even if he presented no threat, maybe just looked for a little romance in all the wrong places, I wanted no part of him.
Who the hell was he anyway? He hadn’t attended any of the gatherings. How did he get on the bus, if he hadn’t gone through the process?

And if you get a chance, I've been in the LASR Author Spotlight all week - pop over and say hi! Comments earn chances to win my contemporary, Rock Bottom.

Have a great holiday weekend!


  1. Wow, wow, wow. That trailer is awesome. I love the way in the last frames the line becomes the gun in the final. Very cool. And yep, the cover is stunning.
    Did you make both yourself? God, yes, I'm jealous. Ok, I'm off to Amazon. Congrats!!!

  2. Thanks so much Arlene! It took awhile to tweak the video to fit the soundtrack, lol. I'm actually having fun creating new covers for re-releases and new ones - I actually made one for a story I haven't finished yet, lol.
    Thanks again!

  3. You are so talented. The music tract was spot on also, reaching a perfect level of tension before the crescendo ebbed.

  4. Ditto to what Arlene said. The cover is fantastic!!!!!!!

  5. *blushes* thanks guys! Really the image is fantastic, and I just plastered text on it. But I am happy with the trailer. :)

  6. I loved your trailer. This sounds like a great read.

    Does this comment earn a chance to win your book. Cool.


  7. Congrats Cate! I love the trailor and the cover!!

  8. Thanks so much Joyce! Sorry, the giveaway was at Long and Short Reviews. But I will be having giveaways in the future either on my blog or Goodreads.

    Thanks for the kind words Rebecca!
