
Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Release Day!

okay, so this isn't one of my paranormal stories -- but I'm still so super excited I wanted to post!  It's not every day I have a novel that's released -- I'm usually more of a short story writer!

Today, my first novel with Ravenous Romance was released!!

DIRTY HOUSEWIVES is a lesbian threesome set in a small mid-west town in the 1950's.  The novel was inspired by my short story "Tea Time" which is included in Ravenous's ONCE UPON A THREESOME anthology.

Here's a synopsis:

Barbara Curtis is a 1950’s divorcee in a small mid-western town.  She has lived the life everyone expected of her – marriage, house, kids.  Even after her divorce, she continued the typical routine of a Maple Street housewife, sprinkling daily chores with the appropriate measure of gossip.  But when a scandal grips Springfield and brings the FBI to town, Barbara’s life changes dramatically.

Sally Norton is a FBI stenographer and de facto agent who comes to Springfield with Agent Theodore Hoover to investigate an interstate embezzlement plot at Springfield’s local branch of National Federal Savings and Loan.  Sally kindles sexual desires Barbara tried her entire life to suppress.

In the midst of the scandal, Virginia Anderson moves to Maple Street.  Unlike Barbara and Sally, Virginia is not afraid to express her sexual preferences – or share them with her new friends.  The three women explore their sexual attraction in the midst of the worst scandal Springfield has ever seen and in the face of gossip that could force their relationship to end before they come to terms with their true feelings.

DIRTY HOUSEWIVES is available to purchase here.


  1. Congrats on your release Rebecca!

  2. Wow, Rebecca, congrats on what promises to be another great story of yours!

  3. Thank you all! I usually write shorter stories, so its nice to have a novel out again after so long!!
