
Monday, February 14, 2011

How about a free read to sex up your Valentine's Day?

With all the snow, the muse and I have been suck inside, and we've made the most of it. I finished up one manuscript, and while I was waiting for my crit partner to get it back to me, I wrote a sexy Valentine's FREE read. :)

Seducing Jason is about a woman who has decided tonight is the night she's going to seduce her brother's best friend. She can't deny her heart any longer...

Wanna read this juicy short? Come know you want to (even if it's not a paranormal tale, LOL). Click HERE and download it free from Smashwords.

Hope you enjoy!


Brandi Evans


Brandi Evans is a stay-at-home mom with a serious addiction—the compulsive need to tell sexy stories to whomever will listen! To learn more about her, visit her website at

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