
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Small Print - out today

The Small Print – Barbara Elsborg

I’m in trouble.

Matty suddenly finds herself back in her childhood home, naked and alone, with no clue how she came to be there. When her greedy uncle sells Milford Hall from under her, Matty hides in the attic.
The woman is trouble.

Vampire historian, Turner, has long had his eye on Milford Hall and there is no price he won’t pay to own it. He doesn’t expect to find an aggravating female living in his attic insisting she has a right to be there. The small print in the contract backs her up but Turner is determined to maintain his privacy. Doesn’t matter she’s the hottest thing he’s seen for years— in order to protect her from his mistakes, Matty has to go.
I eat trouble for dinner

After a self-imposed twenty year absence from Turner, werewolf Catch arrives to put the past right and save his former lover from circling enemies. But one kiss from Matty and Catch has more than Turner to worry about. Neither boy wants to share their new toy.

If you leave a comment on here or on my blog - I'll choose one winner at random to receive a copy of one of my ebooks - your choice. Please make sure you leave contact details if you'd like a chance to win.



  1. Sweet!!! I think I fixed the link so it works. And, I can't be a winner as I can't wait. I already purchased Small Print. This novel is one to read and cherish. Yet another wonderful read, unique and unforgettable. I love how Barbara's novels are always a masterpiece.

  2. Thanks so much, Arlene. You helped me a lot- as usual!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats on your release! Sounds fantastic.

  4. Don't drop my name in the hat, I already own all your novels. I just wanted to pop on and say congrats, Barbara. Girl, I don't know how you turn them out so fast, but whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Gotta feed my addiction.

  5. Mmmmmmm, that cover looks great and I the story sounds very interesting. Congrats!!
