
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Author Spotlight & Another Monster

I'm in the spotlight at Pam Thibodeaux's blog today met Pam at The Wild Rose Press Writers Conference in Bandera, TX. She is a gracious author on-line and in person. Stop by and visit.

I'm also featuring another classic movie monster actor on my blog. Find out which actor recieved as much fan mail as Clark Gable.


  1. Hope you have alot of traffic, Mariposa. Holloween is such fun.

  2. Funny isn't it, Clark Gable has a face so much of that age. I wonder what future generations will think of Depp and DiCaprio and Pitt and Cruise. (I actually don't find any of those attractive - just as as well as they'd feel the same way about me!!)

  3. First of all . . . there was a Wild Rose Press Writers Conference in Bandera Texas?? I'm not published with them, but I can't believe such a thing would occur so close to my former home. I am jealous!!

    I love your blogging ideas!

  4. Arlene,
    I love Halloween too--from the fall weather to scary stories.

    It will be interesting to see how the current screen hunks stand the test of time. Even in his off-screen photos, Lugosi projected a smoldering elegance.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the post--I've had fun researching this topic.
