
Sunday, August 8, 2010

To my readers.

Thank you.

Thank you for buying my books and taking a chance on a new author.

Thank you for the notes, comments and emails. I just had a comment left on an old post, on a blog post from March. What a pick-me-up.

Thank you for being honest and letting me know what you liked and what you didn't. You help me to make the next book better. I listen to what you have to say. It's important to me, because you are important to me.

And thank you for supporting ePublishing and its authors. We may not be on every shelf in the bookstore, but you make sure we're not overlooked.

You truly are the best!



  1. Sweet, Dawn. Let's thank the publishers willing to take a gamble on a new author also. Of course, you were no gamble. That imagination bubbling in your head is out of this world, and the proof is in the pages!

  2. Thanks, Arlene. Yes, and to my publishers too.

    I received the sweetest comment from a reader today when I really needed it. Sometimes we writers can get a little blue and question why the heck we're doing this. And little things like the comment on the blog put it back into perspective.

    It's not always that way. There have been times the comments weren't what I wanted to hear, but they were also what I needed to hear. Nobody knows better than the readers what they like. I really wanted to say thank you to them. All of them.

    They are the reason I write.

    That's all.
