
Saturday, August 14, 2010

There's a New Kid on the Block.

Please help me welcome YoungRebel Publications.

YoungRebel Publications Launch

New UK independent publishing house YoungRebel Publications have announced they are open for submissions from Saturday 14th August 2010. Jacqueline Young, editor at YoungRebel said, ‘We are looking for exciting, fresh stories with main characters aged 16 to 21 years old. We accept queries for all genres and lengths, from writers of any age.’ Jacqueline, a teacher with over seventeen years of experience, went on to add, ‘We are particularly interested in writing that will appeal to our young male readers. A typical YoungRebel story has a strong lead character and an original plot line. It appeals to the tastes of today's young adult readers, not a sanitised distant memory of young adult tastes.

‘We launch on 25th October (the week before Halloween) with an anthology of paranormal shorts and at least one other title. If you have a story that will make our hair stand on end, then we'd like to hear from you. Your short must have a paranormal theme but can cross any other genre. For this anthology we are looking for stories with a maximum length of 3,000 words.

‘It’s an exciting time in publishing and we passionately believe e-books are the future. The young adult market has been neglected in e-publishing terms, a remarkable fact considering today’s youth are so comfortable with technological media. YoungRebel aims to connect this readership with new and upcoming talent.’

YoungRebel Publications are a full service, royalty paying company. Submissions by e-mail only. Send a query letter and sample chapters or complete manuscript as a Word compatible attachment to . Full submission guidelines are available on the website along with more detailed company and contract information. International authors are welcome.

Details: Jacqueline Young (Editor); e-mail:; website:


  1. Very exciting! Wish I wrote YA. :) Wishing you much luck with this venture. The more we can entice youngsters to read, the better the world will be for us all.

  2. Thanks Cate. It's an exciting time for us here at YoungRebel.

  3. Yep, I echo Cate's thoughts. Great that you're promoting the wide market of young readers, and targeting males also. I wish my adult son who acts like a juvenile would read more than Dilbert, but at least he learned with Calvin and Hobbes.
    It's such fun writing characters based on the young at heart, and I'm sure you'll have a lot of submissions.
    Best of luck!

  4. Congrats on your launch and I wish you many submissions.

  5. Congrats on the launch -- these are indeed exciting times!! I better go get writing . . . .

  6. Looks interesting. I like that they are looking for what is current, not what writers wish was current.

  7. The timing is uncanny ... I just finished the first installment to a YA trilogy. ;-)

  8. I hope you consider us Lisa. I'll keep an eye out for you. :)
