
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Casting Call and a giveaway

My short fantasy, The Duende and the Muse, was so much fun to write! Especially because I vividly imagined certain people as the hero and heroine. Who? Come find out on my blog, in this edition of my blog series Casting Call.

As a funny aside, I received an email from a casting company asking if I needed help finding actors for my film! If they can get these actors to play the parts, I might think about making one. :)

I'm also having a giveaway for Facebook fans - all you need to do is comment on my page to be in the running for a print copy of Surfacing. Oh, and be a fan. :)


  1. Wow, this book is making a typoon, not a splash in the published world. It promises to be a great read, made the top of my reading list.

  2. From your lips to readers' ears, Arlene. Bless you. :)

  3. Awesome! I'm totally heading to facebook :)
