
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fight to Remember - out today

Loose-Id surprised me by releasing this today. Little monkeys!! Well this is the last in my Trueblood series - book five. An erotic paranormal romance. They aren't a series in fact - but stand-alone books linked because they feature members of the same family.


What’s my name?

With a twist of his body, Rhyl avoids being staked in the heart but not the demon’s shove toward hell. Trapped between slabs of rock, he has to drink the blood of rats to survive. It’s a desperate fight to stay sane.

What did I do last night?

For eleven long years, Piper wakes every morning with no idea who or where she is. How can she find someone to love when she can’t remember their face or name after she falls asleep? Life is a long, lonely battle.

When will this end?

Werepuma, Keir Sparks, is bound to a demon who forces him to fight in her club. If Keir refuses, she’ll go after his brother. There can only be one outcome in the ring. Someone has to die. After seven wins, Keir hopes eight is his lucky number. Survival is a hard-fought struggle.

Three worlds collide and the trio discover happiness in each other’s arms. Life suddenly becomes worth living until they learn the price of their love. The only way to keep two safe is for one to die.

If you'd like to win a copy of this ebook - please visit my blog and leave a comment on the latest Fight to Remember post and I'll chose a winner at random.


  1. Fight to Remember is paranormal romance at its ultimate best. The depth of plot, the larger than life characters that leap from the pages into your heart, makes for one truely unforgetable read, with one of the best titles and covers I've ever seen. Congratulations to Barbara for wrapping a series in a truely breathtaking read. No more time to gush about it, I'm off to buy....

  2. Thanks, Arlene. I wish I could hold these books in my hands - I just love the covers so much.

  3. Some day, when you get your e-rights back, I'm sure more than one publisher will offer print. This series is truely a wonderful accomplishment, and well worth getting out there in cyberspace and in hard copy.

  4. Dont forget to get that cover on the spin around!!!

  5. Congrats on your latest release, Barbara. Last of the Trueblood series. *sigh* Looking forward to another fantastic read.

  6. Arlene, you might as well have asked me to get on the next rocket to the moon. i can't even answer a cell phone without cutting the caller off.

    Thanks, Laurie. yep, last one. Loose -Id don't want series of more than 3 books even though this isn't a series. LOL

  7. sounds great and congrats on the surprise release. That cover is toooo hot!

  8. Congrats! I own my copy now, so I am going away now to read!!! :-)

  9. Congrats Barbara! What a fantastic premise. Wishing you all the best!

  10. Thanks very much, guys.
    Cate, had I known how tricky it would be to have a character who couldn't remember a think once she fell asleep - phew - not sure I'd have made it last the whole book. I didn't intend to but it just happened. Its hard because you don't want to keep repeating info the reader already knows but you have to find a way to let the poor amnesiac learn her name etc

  11. Congrats, Barbara. You amaze me with how many novels you turn out.
