
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Newest Release: Dark Tales Digest

My newest release is now live and ready for purchase, Dark Tales Digest features my erotic paranormal tale "Cemetery Seduction".

Published by Midnight Showcase you can drop by the site, read excerpts of all the stories in the digest and if you wish download a copy at:

Dark Tales Digest

Blood Bonds -Lisa Basso

Andrea McCarthy is a young vampire, still clinging to humanity, forced to fend—and learn—for herself. That is until she runs into Anthony Smith, a sexy vamp with a mystery all his own. Will Andrea’s humanity slip away while she struggles to trust Smith, find answers, and break the blood bonds that bind them?

Strained Chords- Rebecca Varnum

Cadence is the talented singer for a small time rock band. While performing their latest gig Cadence is confronted by an ancient evil that forces her to use her unique abilities that have been slumbering for centuries. Can Cadence save herself and the man she secretly loves?

Cemetary Seduction- Roxanne Rhoads

Abby, a half witch, half vampire whose powers go awry in a club, has to run, afraid that the Others, who are policing all human/magick interaction, might put her in jail. She ends up in a cemetery, jumps behind a bush and lands right on top of a very sexy ghost hunter.

Silent Treatment-Shawn McPike

Butch’s former roommates had been good to him at one point; then turned on him no matter how he tried to help them. Would his newest roommate finally be the perfect one, or would Butch’s unusual ability show him George’s true nature?


  1. You have an award here:

  2. wow, half-witch half-vampire! And a ghost hunter!! Sounds wonderful!! congrats on your new release :)

  3. This sounds great Roxanne! I love the witch/vampire cemetery idea:)


  4. Yes, there's some intriging plot concepts you've come up with. Congrats!!!

  5. Thanks, today I'm giving away 2 copies at Fang-tastic Books if anyone is interested in dropping by.
