
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lust Bites Vampire Erotica from Xcite

An all new collection of vampire erotica is now available from Xcite Books.

Lust Bites contains two of my vampire erotica stories one written under the pen name Adrienne Rose (which is a new pen name by the way).

Here's some info about the book:

A collection of five erotic vampire stories that also include menage, girl/girl and bdsm themes.

Fang Fiend by Lynn Lake

She’s had many a fetish over the course of her sex life, but none so lasting and fearsome as her fetish for fangs. So when she can’t get true satisfaction close to home, she goes to even greater lengths to quench her craving, and comes to face to fang with the deadliest of all femme fatales.

Tooth Fairy by Velvet Tripp

Megan’s working on a bookstall at FatalEmbraceCon, a fantasy convention full of people wearing capes and prosthetic fangs. She’s doesn’t believe in real vampires. But there is one at the convention – the author of the books she’s selling. ‘Don’t matter none to me what you believe,’ he says. ‘Maybe I’m just the Tooth Fairy. With sharp teeth.’ He’s going to feed on her whether she believes in him or not.

Escape into Darkness by Roxanne Rhoads

Liana is searching for someone to love who will not die and leave her behind. After her own brush with death she became obsessed with vampires and has been searching the world for one that is real. Finally after a long search she finds Devlin who is exactly what she wants and needs. He is more than happy to give Liana everything she desires and much more than she expects.

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know by Fulani

By day, Sasha teaches literacy. By night, she writes poems. When a local publishing house is interested in her work, she goes to meet the publisher in the pub used by the local literati. But he’s already drunk, and a tall, dark stranger is there as well who turns out to be mad, bad and dangerous to know.

Fangs for the Holidays by Adrienne Rose

After spending the day baking holiday goodies Avery drops by her vampire boyfriend Jackson's home so they can spend some quality time together. He is surprisingly enticed by the smell of baked goods on Avery's skin which leads them to a discussion about family holiday gatherings...and a lot of very hot sex.

Get the ebook for just $4.49 at Xcite

Lust Bites will soon be available for your Kindle at

Monday, June 28, 2010

Meet Lillie St. Clair

I was standing there naked when a dead man sauntered into my bathroom.

That was the first frightening thing. I knew he was dead. I'd seen him buried beneath the cold clay of the old cemetery. His gravestone was due to be delivered within the week.

He sauntered. He didn't shamble.

That was the second frightening thing, because I always thought such creatures did. Stumble and stagger, that is.

I emitted an "Eeep"--like a paralized parakeet--and skittered backward until the shelves holding soaps and pretty bottles bit into my bare behind.

"Nathan!" I gasped. I shouldn't have. His name stopped the slow, blind swing of the sleek blond head and gave the viscous brown eyes focus. On me.

He curled back his sulky lips and leered.

That was the third frightening thing...

Dark and Disorderly, by author Bernita Harris, is out today with Carina Press. For more about this intriguing novel and directions where you can go to read the first chapter or purchase the book, hop on over to Para-Fanatics, and help her kick off the release.

*Pops cork*


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You Can Find My Paranormal Erotica on Amazon

I have several ebook and print publishers so it can be a bit confusing to send readers to numerous websites to find my work- the good news is that Amazon sells most of my paranormal books and ebooks so you can find them all in one place.
If you are interested here are some of my paranormal releases- the ones that are available for purchase on Amazon.

The two books above are my Eternal Press releases and are available in both print and as ebooks that are Kindle ready

Spirit Lovers 2 is an ebook published by Xcite- it contains my story "Halloween Surprise"- you can get it for your Kindle on Amazon

Like That Spark and Torrid Teasers Vol 59 are both ebooks and are Kindle ready

And if you have a Kindle you can add blog subscriptions directly to it- so you never miss an update or contest from your favorite blog

Kindle Subscriptions

Thanks for reading- be sure to visit me at Fang-tastic Books.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The tour carries on

On Tuesday, the amazing Kiki Howell interviewed me at her gorgeous blog (I have blog envy!) :) Pop over and join the discussion. Is genre important to you? Or simply a good story?

And there's still time to leave a comment at Ramsey's Reviews for a chance to win a print copy of Fever Dreams! Hurry - visit today! :)

The Alpha


Someone is about to get some Spice in his life.

Spice has nothing but the clothes on her back when she returns to Chicago. She's looking for a better life, and that means reuniting with her estranged twin sister, Sugar. She isn't thrilled to find out Sugar's boyfriend is a vampire. But then she meets Eric, once the bottle-cap-glasses wearing nerd next door - now grown into the kind of man she'd love to snuggle with on this cold winter night...and he’s offered her his room in Sugar’s house.

Eric can’t believe Spice has returned. He’d given up hope of ever seeing her again, let alone having her stare at him as if he’s sex on a stick. But now that all of his fantasies for them are coming true, reality rears her ugly head and Eric must tell Spice his intimate secret; he’s actually an Alpha werewolf looking for his mate and he thinks he’s found her.



Sugar had everything Spice wanted; a loving man, friends, and a home.

“Daedalus let you cut your hair?” A short man built like a bodybuilder approached her.

The awe in his voice snapped Spice out of her self-pity and the protector inside reared its head. This was the second reference to someone allowing her little sister to do something. “What do you mean ‘let me’?”

What kind of relationship did Sugar have? She needed permission to cut her hair? Maybe destiny brought her back to Chicago to save her little sister from some monster. Again. All those bad things happening to drive her here couldn’t be coincidental.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Where is my sister, and what are you doing in her house?”

They glanced at each other, confusion apparent on their faces. “What?”

The man in the kitchen stuck his head out of the door, chocolate brown eyes wide as he stared at her. “Spice?” The smile he’d given to her when he thought she was Sugar returned but wider.

Her heart skipped a beat. In the light his face seemed familiar as well. “I know you.”

“You should, we were only neighbors forever as kids.”

“Eric!” He had grown. Stupid, of course he’s changed. But she never expected that the skinny, lanky bottle-cap-glasses-wearing nerd would develop into a charming, handsome I-wanna-snuggle-you-on-a-cold-night kind of man. “Hi.” The jobs as a hostess, a bartender, and the most recent, a stripper taught her how to talk to men the way they liked. But with him grinning at her like a happy puppy, her mind went blank.

He swept her into his arms in a bone-cracking hug.

“Wow, I’d forgotten Sugar had a twin.” The redhead scratched his chin. “You look exactly alike, except your hair is short.”

Eric set her back on her feet. “Let me take your coat.” He tugged on the belt and untied it. To her surprise, the small action sparked warmth between her thighs. Not like he took off her clothes but she began to wonder what it would feel like if he did.

Their eyes met. His pupils dilated, the chocolate brown faded to amber, and something feral peeked at her.

She gasped and stepped back.

The pretty oriental girl took her arm and dragged her into the living room. She chattered about making tea, but Spice’s attention riveted on Eric as he stood with the men surrounding him.

What the heck? She’d seen need in men’s eyes before but this was darker, deeper, and so much more alluring.

The redhead tried to take Eric’s arm, but he shook it off and stomped out of sight.

Spice sat on the overstuffed couch. “What did you say your name was?”


A dainty, petite girl with long black hair to her knees, yet she gave Spice the impression of great strength. Life in Vegas taught her to be an excellent judge of character. Too bad it had taken her so long to learn.

“I’ll be back in a minute. You stay while I make tea.” Katrina slipped away to the kitchen.

Every flat surface in the living room held a book. Soft cover, hard cover, tattered, or new, Sugar loved her books. The walls were lined with shelves filled with them. Spice picked up the closest one and smelled it. The scent of paper always reminded her of her twin.

The large, square coffee table in front of her held the game Risk. Different colored pieces lay scattered on the thick blue carpet.

Game night at Sugar’s house. She glanced at the hallway. With Eric. Many questions formulated in her head. What happened to her reclusive sister over the past two years? When did she get friends? Probably when her only one, me, left town. Did she hook up with Eric?

Hope sprung in Spice’s heart. Her attraction to him was out of character. She usually loved them tough and bad. Maybe he could be the new beginning she’d come home for.

Annie Nicholas

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm part of the Romance Junkies Summer Contest

I'm part of the Romance Junkies summer contest! You can check it out here.

I'm giving away a print copy of Fever Dreams and a beaded book thong, shown below.

Here's the trailer for Fever Dreams, which the Pen and Muse called "a well-written contemporary novel that delves into the emotional journey of a woman deeply entrenched in a life headed nowhere. When Diana met Cal at her new place of employment she was thrust into a world of dark dreams and intense attraction. Two very flawed people come together in passion that can’t be denied and take you along on an unsuspected path where the line between love and obsession get very blurry."

Friday, June 18, 2010

An interview with Kate Kaynak

Pop on over to Para-fanatics this afternoon at  to celebrate and launch the release of Kate Kaynak's new young adult science fiction romance, Minder, that's out today.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Author Spotlights

All week I've been hosting Author Spotlights for our fellow Paranormalist on my blog Delusions of Grandeur. Please come by and check out upcoming releases and learn more about our fellow authors.

Some of the authors who stopped by are:
Rebecca Leigh
Krista D. Ball (will be posted Friday)
Cate Masters
Roxanne Rhoads

I would be happy to host anyone if you have a new release coming up. Just shoot me an email or Facebook me, close to your release date.


email: paranormalqueen (AT) gmail (DOT) com -

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Interview with the Vampire Family--Contest!

Read the new interview with the family from The Darkness and the Night, the trilogy that takes erotic horror to a whole new level: vampire Karen; her blood donor, Jason; and her YA twin daughter and son phenomena, Anna and Andy.

Learn more about this bizarre, modern-day-Munsters-like family, the motley group that is as touching as it is disturbingly creepy. Then, leave your own questions for the crew for a chance to win one of two electronic copies of The Darkness and the Night III: Twins of Darkness. See you there!

"Ms. Lane has managed to entice, entrap, and thrill us with her latest installment in the Darkness and Night series, and I have enjoyed it thoroughly." –Bitten by Books (5 "tombstones")

"As I’ve already said, the plot is superb, and when such a plot comes along, I always marvel at the human imagination and what it can produce." –Cerebral Reviews (4 "brainys")

“The author’s style makes for effortless reading; Lane’s novel is interesting, variable and complicated without the heaviness often associated with stories of substance, and she balances her many characters and plot lines like a master.” –The Deepening

Any suckers or shifters want to mess with this?

BLOGMANIA is a twice-yearly blogging event. Sept 15-16th. They promote it as the Best Blog Event on the Web and want: Awesome Giveaways, Quick Entries, Rapid Prize Distribution, and Power-House Promotion.
The list of requirements is long, but the main deal is that each blog needs a special giveaway that has a minimum retail value of $100.00, and a theme for their giveaway.

Application, including theme, must be in before June 30th, and submission doesn’t guarantee acceptance.

They have the following clause:
NOTICE: Blogs with adult content, such as erotic literature, sex oriented themes; alternative life-style orientation, etc. are not acceptable content for blogmania registration. The primary reason is that we are marketing this event across the web without age restrictions or content warnings. If your blog or giveaway warrants an adult warning label, we cannot accept it into our blogmania program.

Our posts are g-rated, and I assume the links to author’s works aren’t a deal because they aren’t the hosting blog sites.

Family and work has slammed me hard these past 2-3 weeks, sorry for not posting about this sooner. We’d certainly pull in more followers, but unless interest is strong....
Ideas for themes, giveaways and offers to help get it together?
Gift certificates to e-publishers? The theme to promote reading ebooks?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm back with a new favourite song!

I'm a huge Meatloaf fan (the singer, not the food). I'm also a huge Patti Russo fan (who often tours with him). AND I love a good power ballad. Mr. Loaf has a new CD out and this song is my new favourite song. (To hear how awesome Patti is, skip to 2:30).

Sometimes, I use music to set my mood to produce a more authentic tone in my works. This is going into my "angst love situation" folder!

Happy to be back :D

Monday, June 14, 2010

Call for Help - Looking for a Critique Partner

I'm in desperate need of a critique partner. I love my friends and they do the best they can, but I need someone who knows what editors are looking for and can give me constructive feedback on what I'm doing wrong. I tried a couple of groups, which helped some, but we're all unpublished and trying to find our way.

I'm really wanting to make my writing stronger. I think I'm learning the craft. Between classes and books, I've been trying to apply what I learn. I just need someone who can read my work and let me know if I'm going in the right direction and how I can make it stronger.

If there's anyone willing to take pity on a newbie, I'll be forever in your debt.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Looking for Authors to Promote on my Blog

Hi All!

I'm looking for people who are willing to do an author interview or promote a new release. If you have something new coming up and wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to answer some questions, I would love to host you on my blog. I was hoping to dedicate each day next week to a different author or new release.

Give me a shout out if you are interested.

Vivi a.k.a PQ

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Release Day!: Review and Giveaway of INSATIABLE, by Meg Cabot & DECEPTION--A Haunting Emma Novel by Lee Nichols

Today is release day of two good stories. INSATIABLE is Meg Cabot's adult paranormal and DECEPTION is the first YA book of Lee Nichols and the first of her Haunting Emma series.

INSATIABLE is Meg's contribution to the vampire madness and it is quite humorous and engaging. Believe it or not, this is the first Meg Cabot book I've ever read. It had me chuckling more than once as well as had my heart racing in more than a few scenes.

DECEPTION is Lee Nichols first plunge into the teen market and I would certainly call it a success. It's a creepy ghost mystery with a dose of romance mixed it. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment! Stop by my blog to read the full reviews and enter the giveaway. I have a total of four ARCs to give away--two each per book.

Hope to see you guys there!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lazy days of summer?

Not!! Things are really heating up, schedule-wise. With four releases coming up, I'm blog hopping all summer long. I hope to see some friendly faces along the way. :)

The wonderful authors at MuseTracks let me take over their blog to talk about weaving details into stories. I finally received a release date (yay!) for my historical adventure romance, Angels Sinners and Madmen.

On Tuesday, I'm over at the Immortyl Cafe. Come on over and hang out with me. Still talking about my latest release, Fever Dreams. I'm a little wary of what might be in their coffee though!

On Friday, BK Walker will interview me at her blog.

On Sunday, I'll be at the Nights of Passion blog. Hope to see you around!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Wandering Paranormalist

Fortunately vampires are portable. Such is the life of a wandering paranormal romance author. When you think about packing, cyber traveling is just so much easier. No coffins to carry. No suitcases of clothes for the shapeshifters and werewolves. No pots of gold to cart around. Actually I wouldn't mind that. But leprechaun gold is dicey at best. It tends to disappear just when you need it. LOL That sounds like all money these days. So where am I going?

June 9th I have an author interview with BK's Live Journal

June 15th, I have an author interview at Immortyl Revolution

June 17th, I'm guest blogging at AZ Publishing Services

If you'd like to drop and comment, that would be great. In the meantime, I'm packing my hair dryer just in case. The Vampires in Manhattan apparently need me to visit and that won't be a cyber visit. They are a lot of fun. I love walking in Battery Park at night with my own fanged bodyguard.

Hope Ocean

Hope Ocean is a mystical, magical, slightly occult anthology, themed around the ocean. This small collection, by a wide variety of writers, was put together in just 7 days. Their aim was to raise money and awareness to aid wildlife charities dealing with the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 

Contributors: Jo Lynne Valerie, Lidia Tremblay, Gareth Dawson, Melody Dempsey, Mary Muhammad, Kiki Howell, Lily Oak, Theresa C. Newbill, Helen Minto, Ami Blackwelder, Rob Bond, Samantha Lee, Chazz Upton 

Cover Art: Rob Bond 
Compiled By Hedge Witchery Books 

Click Here To Purchase

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Are you on the Summer Reading Trail?

It’s a great way to get your work out in front of readers. Here’s the link to my short free read, a mainstream short:

Trail lines range from YA to erotic and poetry. The free reads include short stories, serial installments, deleted scenes and book excerpts from published and unpublished authors. Here are the links to stories

If you’re interested in signing up for the Summer Reading Trail, here’s more info:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Introduction from Melisse Aires

Greetings, Paranormalists.

My name is Melisse Aires and I recently joined Paranormalists.

I write fantasy, futuristic and paranormal romance. I've been in love with paranormal stories since I was a child, watching Dark Shadows with my family on our little black and white TV.

Years later I found Buffy. I felt a little embarrassed--me, a married housewife with three little kids totally enthralled with Buffy, Willow, Xander and the rest of the Scoobies. I suspect I was married to Spike (the vampire, not the actor)in another dimensional life.

I got a computer during pivotal season six, the season of the Buffy/Spike romance. Of course, that romance didn't have the HEA I wanted. BUT I found fanfic on the computer. In fanfic-land, Buffy and Spike are living HEA. In some stories they have very interesting children, even.

I started writing it. I'd tried my hand at children's books(rejected) and Ellery Queen type mysteries (also rejected). I didn't get rejected by the fanfic community and learned a lot during those years. Most important, I leaned how to finish something!

Buffy and Angel eventually ended(Firefly, too and Dark Angel--it was as if I was a jinx, all the shows I loved tanked!) I searched the net for vampire romances( I couldn't kill a book, right?) and found epublishing. Why not give that a whirl?

I met a writer online, a young woman who lived in exotic Australia. (I live in Wyoming). We encouraged each other to simply finish and submit. I wrote a fun sexy homage to my childhood love, Narnia, and submitted that crazy story to an epublisher. To my surprise and delight, the editor fired back a contract. You can read that story, Faunication--it's free!

I have  two paranormal stories and one SFR book available right now--and my vampire is a  gorgeous blonde, in homage to Spike. You can find information about  them and the two paranormal romances still to be released at my Website or Blog.

Have a great paranormal day!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Newest Release: Dark Tales Digest

My newest release is now live and ready for purchase, Dark Tales Digest features my erotic paranormal tale "Cemetery Seduction".

Published by Midnight Showcase you can drop by the site, read excerpts of all the stories in the digest and if you wish download a copy at:

Dark Tales Digest

Blood Bonds -Lisa Basso

Andrea McCarthy is a young vampire, still clinging to humanity, forced to fend—and learn—for herself. That is until she runs into Anthony Smith, a sexy vamp with a mystery all his own. Will Andrea’s humanity slip away while she struggles to trust Smith, find answers, and break the blood bonds that bind them?

Strained Chords- Rebecca Varnum

Cadence is the talented singer for a small time rock band. While performing their latest gig Cadence is confronted by an ancient evil that forces her to use her unique abilities that have been slumbering for centuries. Can Cadence save herself and the man she secretly loves?

Cemetary Seduction- Roxanne Rhoads

Abby, a half witch, half vampire whose powers go awry in a club, has to run, afraid that the Others, who are policing all human/magick interaction, might put her in jail. She ends up in a cemetery, jumps behind a bush and lands right on top of a very sexy ghost hunter.

Silent Treatment-Shawn McPike

Butch’s former roommates had been good to him at one point; then turned on him no matter how he tried to help them. Would his newest roommate finally be the perfect one, or would Butch’s unusual ability show him George’s true nature?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ideas/Volunteer Needed

Kiki Howell just posted exciting announcements, perfect timing as I was wondering if we should copy the Hailing on all Frequency thing over at the SFR blog. Members would message what’s up to the poor sap that volunteers to post weekly. This would be in addition to members posting news on their own, any day of the week, as they please. We’d need an abnormal type title. I'd love someone to offer, and I will if needed and interest.

We’ve grabbed a few new members, and decided to run the recruiting contest throughout June. Don’t forget to tell the new member to mention your name so Dawn gives you credit. Maybe we’d flood Dawn's inbox if we had some more prizes? Message me if you want to add to the reward.

Some News from Kiki Howell

I have lots of exciting things going on, so I thought I would share a few.

My free read, Bloodlust and Redemption is now available at ARE. Download this Regency set, Paranormal/Vampire, Erotic Romance at  

I am Biz Mommy of the Week at There is an interview up and a contest going on to win an autographed book and handmade by me book thong for those who comment. 

I just reviewed the fourth in D. McEntire's Watcher series on my blog, Authors By Authors.  I am just captivated by this vampire series.  The review has links at the bottom to read my reviews of each book so far.

I have a couple of horror stories coming out.  In June, my story, The Werewolf Spell, is going to be in the Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets, an Anthology of Werewolf Tails edited by Jessica Weiss.  And, I just found out yesterday about another horror story called, Samhain's Visitor, which has been accepted for publication this fall in the Just Another Paranormal Halloween Anthology.

Also, even though this vampire tale of mine will not release for another year because it is set between Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, I just had to share the cool cover I just got for it created by Emma Hillman.

I have gotten other good news as well recently, but a few things I have to keep a secret a bit longer.  Hope to share soon though :)