
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vampires, Vampires, Vampires...

While there are those around me who do not seem to get the allure of the vampire, me on the other hand, well it is becoming a small obsession.  But, for a paranormal author, I don't actually write a lot of vampire stories.  In fact, I have only two to date, a free read and one I just submitted.  I seem to be one who more appreciates what others can so with them, and I stick to my witches and sorcerers, etc.

Tonight is the season finale of The Vampire Diaries.  And, the thing I hate about that is the waiting to find out what happened until next season.  I do not have that type of patience!  While it is no TrueBlood, I have liked it for the back story, the history of the town that is presented and wrapped up so intricately with what is going on now.  So, I guess it is no surprise that my vampire story is a historical set in Regency England.  I love how many vampire stories take you back into the different times that the vampires have lived through.

I have read a lot of good books as well.  Teresa Mederios', Cabot series is one of my favorites.  And, I have been reviewing the D. McEntire, Watchers series from Samhain and really enjoying it.  I would be curious to hear others favorites as well, and add to my summer reading list to review.

Speaking of summer though, did I mention that TrueBlood is as of the moment I am writing this only 33 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes and 10 seconds away?  And counting!


  1. We haven't even got through Series 2 here in the UK - and I missed two episodes because SKY failed to record. Darn it.
    I don't mind where and when vamp stories are set so long as they are different and not the same old fang gnashers fighting the same old hunters. It's tricky striking the balance with vamps though, isn't it? You have to have some rules. Break too many and they don't seem like vamps anymore.

  2. It is tricky with vamps these days. Seems we have old school and new. And, when I write, it is to create my ideal vampire. Although, I do love when their is a mix of paranormal creatures too. And, I have had your Misfits on my long TBR list for some time. It sounds great!

    Hopefully they will show the episodes you missed in reruns this summer!

  3. Barnabus Collins, Dark Shadows, was my first intro to the dark world. A deranged child, I really wanted him to chomp on the distressed human damsel, Victoria and get it on with the witch, Angelic.
    The only thing that bothers me about Trueblood is the image of the decaying fox to start the show. I think you'd love any and all of Barbara's vamp novels, Kiki.
    Falling for You, Consolation Prize, Lightning in a Bottle, and Fight to Remember when it comes out, soon I hope!

  4. you had me at "vampires, vampires, vampires"!!

    I'm enjoying the show too. I wish Damian were a little badder tho, as I tend to gravitate toward the bad boy vamps :)

    I WISH I had HBO!! My plan is to rewatch Season 1 until 2 comes out. Then, I guess wait, wait, wait. Eric is sooooo awesome!! I guess I mentioned my penchant for the b-a-d.

    Oh, Arlene. Did you hear Johnny Depp is going to play Barnabus Collins??? He's my dream boat and I can't wait to see him in this most perfect combination!!

  5. OMG, seriously?? JD is my favorite too. He's gonna be awesome!!! Now, finally, I have a movie to look forward too. Sweet!

  6. Well, it sounds like I have a movie to look forward to as well. And, thanks for the book suggestions, Arlene. I plan on checking them out.

    Rebecca, I too like the bad vamps! Damien is my fav on Diaries too. He is getting soft lately. And, I am a definite Eric fan on TrueBlood.

    Oh, and Arlene, a lot of their opening stuff is disturbing! I fast forward.

    I, like Rebecca, do not have HBO, but I Tivo it at my mother's house, and when they are not home, I sneak in and catch up. Sad really! LOL! I have been sneaking to watch HBO at their house since I was a teenager! *shakes head*

  7. i LOVE the opening - even the fox -- and as for the music - be still my beating heart. I sing when it comes on and all the dogs howl - plus my husband leaves the room. It's such a clever compilation of images. I even pinched the title - Do Bad Things for the name of a tattoo parlor in 'Fight to Remember' Good thing titles aren't copywrited.

  8. I stole the line, do bad things to you, for the ending wrap in Under the Mistletoe. As to liking a decomposing fox, how sick is that? I always slap my eyes closed. I wish, very much, we had video of you singing, Barbara, in chorus with the little doggie. Can that be arranged?
    And Eric, yep, he's my favorite too, Kiki, now that, sob, his, maybe that hasnt aired yet everywhere. I best shut up.
