
Monday, April 19, 2010

On the Merits of Plant Porn

Love Grows Wild in the Dark was released in October 2009 from Shadowfire Press and contains a sci-fi romance my publisher placed in the ‘indefinable’ genre.
Explore facts and reason, add in the fiction and you can bring the most interesting points of view to life, which is why I love the sci-fi romance genre. The science of stomata (pores found in the leaf and stem epidermis used for gas exchanges) along with prongs of various inches, and romance did more than just ‘grow wild in the dark’.

I had a record number of comments on Rebel. Most stated that after they stopped laughing they realized they’d never look at plants the same way again, and only one…er…thought it’d be something an adolescent male might write.

One well-known publisher of erotic romance said it was just too controversial but they loved the writing and did I have anything that involved humans. Yes, but that didn’t get the science/fiction/romance between plantae out of the greenhouse-closets.
Then, yippee, a publisher cared about a lusty vine who showed an ornamental that there’s more to life than revenge, and Shadowfire Press wondered if I had anything more contemporary involving humans they could release with it. And so Rebel joined two love stories in my first publication, a single author anthology.
The Point (snicker), to this post is that a poinsettia plant and a creeper didn’t travel on a starship, evolve from a skillfully crafted alternate universe, but the love found everywhere, between every species whether they eat photons or leafy salads, is something worth writing about. Whatever gets a reader imagining could be the groundbreaker an author needs to bring their fictional romances from empty cognitive space and onto the pages of reality.
Just be prepared to take abuse.
‘That is so whacked.’ Friend who won’t be named.
‘I don’t know where she gets it from.’ Mom who won’t be named.
‘Thanks. Maybe next year just forget my birthday.’ Tom Konerth, friend I wrote the story for.


Can an untamed lover distract from the desire to bring down the human race?

When the unforgivable happens, a mother's determination that her little ones blossom becomes an obsession. With a plan and the will, all she needs now is the means. A lowly hero agrees to help. His price? A moment of fun in the dark. When tendrils tighten and he's smitten, he's ready to sacrifice his all to prolong that moment. Many sentient creatures lose their heads when falling in love, yet no one ever expects the glorious aftermath to be quite so painful.


  1. Ah, plant porn. I knew someone would want that story. It is wild and strange and far too sexy for the average annual flower to read.

  2. thanks, Marie! Average annual, funny. BTW, it's easy to edit posts and correct the date. It looks like I didnt even need to delete the post that came up in the past.

  3. I love this story. My very favourite of all you've written. Its so different and funny and sweet and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

  4. Hmm, plant porn. never thought of that! I like it!!
