
Monday, March 22, 2010

Golden Heart Paranormal Finalists Party

It's a party!

March 25th is the big day when writers far and wide anxiously stare at their phones and wait for “the call.”—the call that they’ve finaled in the 2010 RWA Golden Heart!

Here at Paranormalists we’re going to focus on the Paranormal category. We're getting prepped for the party a few days early, just in case those calls start coming in ahead of the deadline. We’ll be listing the finalists asap after the announcements are made.

Meanwhile, if you're one of the lucky Pararnormal Romance writers who gets a call, be sure to post your good news below. You'll be automatically included in the contests here at Paranormalists.

Best wishes and good luck!

[* indicates a member of Paranormalists]

1. Kylie Griffin, Blood-Born

2. Donnell Epperson, Glorious Misfortune

3. Katrina Snow, The Perfect Adventure

4. A.N. Conway, Something Wicked

5. *Sharon Lynn Fisher, Shadowed

6. J. Keely Thrall, Honor Bound

7. Sugenia Robin Weaver, Ancient Skills

8. Morgan Karpiel, The Divine Gate

You can post your good news and/or follow other Golden Heart/Rita celebrations on these sites:

Judi Fennell sponsors the 2010 RITA and Golden Heart finalist party--"The Third Annual Squee! Party for the Oscars of the Romance World." She's got a lot of lines waiting to be filled with lucky finalists. It should be quite a party!

The Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood, a wonderful site run collectively by the 2009 Golden Heart Finalists is also having a big Ta-Do for the 2010 Golden Heart finalist announcements. The 2009 Queens are ready to pass on their crowns....or are they? Be sure to stop by and join the fun!

SFR Brigade (Paranormalists sister community) and Spacefreighters Lounge will be watching for science fiction romance finalists.


  1. And also on the 2009 Golden Heart finalists' blog, here:


  2. Oh, thanks Sharon! I forgot the Ruby-Slipper Sisterhood. *smacks forehead* I'll add them now.

  3. Less than 48 hours now! Let the jitters begin. :)

  4. Loosen your corsets and sit down, it's going to be one wild ride. *passes popcorn*

  5. Oooh. Dawn brought munchies! *noms popcorn*

  6. Thanks for posting the link to my "Squee" party. Over the years, we've had some industry professionals stop by to squee along with their authors. And this gear, just to give those who don't get A Call (or weren't eligible go enter) to win, I'm giving away 2 signed sets of my Mer trilogy. Good luck to everyone!

  7. Hi Judi! I attended your party last year, and when I got the call the first thing I did - after doing a happy dance with my husband and daughter - was announce on your blog.

  8. Welcome Judi! I was one of the first to comment on your GH Squee-quel this year. I have IN OVER HER HEAD, but offering the signed set of your Mer books is such a great bonus. :)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Checking back for updates. And you'll have to let me know what you think of it, Laurie! :) Happy reading and good luck to everyone!

  10. Just checking in to let you all know I'm a complete wreck this morning. Didn't think I'd put that much emotional energy into this, but you know what? The story has a life of its own--even after it leaves the damn computer!!!! tick tock, tick tock, tick tock . . .

  11. HUGE CONGRATS to the first of the paranormal Golden Heart finalists reporting ...

    Kylie Griffin & Donnell Epperson

  12. And I just got a call from Sharon Sala! My paranormal SHADOWED, which is the sparkly, revised version of GHOST PLANET, is a 2010 finalist, wahoo!!!!!!!!

  13. Huge congrats to Donnell and Sharon. Go get em!

  14. CONGRATS Sharon! Epic! Two years in a row for you.

    Judi, thanks for stopping by.

  15. Wow. Congratulations to all of you who went on this ride! I can't wait to hold my copy of these winners in hand.

  16. Congratulations to all, especially our Paranormalists members. And SUPERNOVA congrats to you, Sharon, for doing it TWO YEARS IN A ROW!!! (Sorry I'm late chiming in, but I was away from the keyboard yesterday on an outing with my grandson and the family in D.C. and didn't get back until very late.)

  17. Thanks Donna! That sounds like a fun outing. I got a little taste of DC at nationals last year, but wish I'd spent more time being a tourist.
