
Friday, December 31, 2021

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Friday, December 24, 2021

Free Book Friday Under Her Spell by Jessie Winterspring #YARomance

Free Book Friday Christmas Freebie


Under Her Spell 
by Jessie Winterspring 

Genre: Christmas YA Romance

ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09NQZK89J
Publication date ‏ : ‎ December 16, 2021

All Kaito wanted was a cute girlfriend, but after he decided to pick Akemi, an oversize girl, in a goukon because no one else did. Now, Akemi is obsessed over chasing him and leaving him no space to find another.

This is a short Christmas YA romance set in Japan.

Bonus story: Jenci's Trouble

Jenci was having problems figuring out how to get noticed by the cool college girl who seemed to be surrounded by good-looking guys he can't compete with, but wait... maybe... maybe there's away.

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Santa’s Destiny by Tami Lund - Deck the Halls with Books Holiday Extravaganza

So I’m a romance author. That means a lot of things, but mostly, it means I crave a happily ever after so much that I feel inclined to write about it, over and over again.

Is there a reason I feel compelled to figure out a happy ending for every heroine in every book I ever have – and ever will – write? Is it because reality is so terrible that I just need to escape from it, through the written word?

Let me tell you how my husband and I met…

I was 25. He was 31. I was at a point in my life where I was finally happy; secure, comfortable being single and living on my own. Throughout college I dreamed of finding Prince Charming and settling down and birthing adorable little babies. Unfortunately, the boys I dated in college, and shortly thereafter, were anything but Prince Charming. Eventually I realized I was having far too much fun simply hanging out with my girlfriends and I figured if Prince Charming existed, he’d come along... Someday.

I should mention that, at the time, I lived in Louisiana and the hubs-to-be lived in Michigan.

Before you think, how in the world...? Let me add that I am originally from Michigan and the vast majority of my family still lives there.

We met in May.

A dear friend was graduating from broadcasting school (in Michigan) and asked me to go to the ceremony and after-party. I had some vacation time, and I hadn’t been home in a while, so I decided to burn two weeks and spend it up north.

Turns out, the hubs-to-be was graduating from broadcasting school, too. At the same time. In the same class. Notable event from the graduation ceremony: My girlfriend’s brother and I sat in one row, while her parents sat two rows behind us. I asked my future in-laws to please move for a moment so I could take a picture of my friend’s parents.

My future husband and I didn’t officially meet at the ceremony. Nope, not yet.

It was at the party, afterward. My friend’s brother and I sat at a table in a corner, indulging in alcoholic beverages and pretending we were commentators on The Talk(or whatever version of that show existed back in 1998), while my social butterfly friend flitted about the room, celebrating with her classmates. At one point, she was out on the dance floor with my hubs-to-be and a few minutes later, she came bee-bopping over to our table.

“Hey, Tami. See that guy out there?” she asked, motioning toward the dance floor.

I nodded.

“He wants to know if you’d be interested in a one-night stand.”


(The joke I like to tell now a-days is, “He sure ended up with a hell of a long one-night stand.”)

I was naturally affronted and maybe a little intrigued (oh yes, this is reality; you are not reading a novel right now), so I downed the rest of my drink and headed out to the dance floor. To this day, I have no earthly idea what I intended to do or say. All I know is that we immediately began dancing, then we eventually took a break so that I could go to the restroom, and when I returned, he had a plate in his hand with a piece of cheesecake perched on it, and he fed me the cheesecake.

Let me be clear: He fed me cheesecake. Swoon.

I probably would have gone home with him then and there, except the biggest joke of all is that he absolutely was not that kind of guy. He had been trying to be funny. Instead of a laugh, he ended up with a wife. Joke’s on him...?

We spent quite literally every single day of the rest of my vacation together. I met his parents (officially). We discussed bridesmaids and groomsmen (nope, not kidding). I met his best friend, who had to give his stamp of approval before the hubs-to-be could officially date me. (Apparently he had a history of picking up the wrong kind of woman. Maybe he should have changed his pickup line. Or maybe not.)

The day I left to fly back home to Louisiana, I had his demo tape tucked into my luggage. At the time, I worked in PR, and was friendly with the general manager of one of the local television stations located in the city in which I lived. The hubs to be was trying to break into the industry, and wasn’t particular about whether that would occur in his home state of Michigan or somewhere else.

We met on May 1st. The week of Memorial Day, he flew down to visit me and interview for a job at the local television station. They offered him the job that same day.  My BFF had to meet him and give her stamp of approval (hey, fair’s fair, right?).

At the end of the week, he flew home and gave his two weeks’ notice at the current job. He moved into my apartment six weeks after we met. And proposed at Christmas. We were married six months later. And still are, 22 years later.

Mostly happily.

So why do I write romance? I guess the answer is: because it happened to me.

anta’s Destiny
Tami Lund

Genre:  Paranormal Romcom/Chick Lit
Publisher: Tami Lund
Date of Publication:  12/1/2021
Number of pages:  68
Word Count: 17,851
Cover Artist: Kathryn R. Biel 

Tagline: This elf is in for the sleigh ride of her life

Book Description: 

Des (don’t call her Destiny—she hates that name) is an elf with a problem. A jolly, red-suit wearing, gift-bearing, reindeer-loving problem.

Turns out, someone has stolen Santa Claus’s magic. And it’s three days before Christmas. What’s an elf to do?

Help him out, of course. That’s her specialty, after all.

Except that creates a whole new problem: Des has to work closely with the Man in Red while keeping her presents under wraps, because there is definitely one thing she will not do.

Ride in Santa’s sleigh tonight.

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“Get up. It’s time to go.”

“I’m already up,” Santos, aka Santa Claus, replied while rolling his hips, which earned him a scowl from me and a giggle from his companion.

I turned to the blond bimbo. Okay, to be fair, I had no idea if she was a bimbo. Santos had the ability to pull pretty much all women from rocket scientists to, er, candy cane lickers under his seductive spell. Truth be told, they all became candy cane lickers once he set his sights on them.

“Listen, honey, he’s a one-and-done kind of guy. He’ll use you to get his rocks off”—Christmas euphemisms were Santos’s thing, not mine—“and walk away and never talk to you again. Is that what you really want?”

She eyed the still-impressive bulge in his shorts. “If I get an orgasm out of it, I’m game.”
Mentally, I slapped my palm against my forehand. In actuality, I ground my teeth. “You’ll be out of luck. Giving, at least in that respect, is not how he rolls.”

“Hey—” Santos started.

“How do you know?” Blondie interrupted.

“Yeah, do tell,” Santos added. “Did I miss something along the way? Did I stuff your stocking and neglect to eat your milk and cookies? Maybe we need a do-over.” He eyed me like I’d seriously ever give him a first time let alone a do-over.

“Never have I ever, and never will I ever,” I proclaimed. “I know of him. His reputation. We’ve run in the same circles for a long time.” A few centuries too long, but who was counting?
Blondie’s focus shifted to my outfit. “Why are you wearing so many clothes?”

“Yeah,” Santos said, “you should take them off. Unwrap that present for me.”

Blondie giggled. I glared at her. “Do you even realize that he’s flirting with me?”

She shrugged. “He flirts with everyone. And everything he says makes Christmas sound so dirty.” There she went, staring at his candy cane again.

I bent and grabbed a sheer wrap and tossed it at her before slapping Santos’s leg. “Time to go, Father Christmas. You’re under my protection now.”

He groaned. “You aren’t seriously still doing that whole saving souls gig, are you, Des?”

“As you well know,” I retorted, “since you’ve been dodging me for days now.”

“Sugar plum, if I’d known you were chasing me, I would have slowed my sleigh so you could have a ride.”

“Don’t fucking call me that.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Should I call you Mrs. Claus instead?”

“Don’t ever fucking call me that.”

The jerk had the gall to laugh at my obvious indignation.

“Do you ever stop?” I demanded.

He rolled his hips again. “Wanna climb my North Pole and find out?”

About the Author:

Tami Lund—author, wine drinker, award winner. Lover of romance. Writing happily ever afters, one book at a time. 

Those happy endings come in contemporary and paranormal, so pick your poison. Or try them all. You’re bound to find something that curls your toes and makes you smile.

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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Guest Blog by Vicki-Ann Bush Spells, Rituals, and Little History About Me

Spells, Rituals, and Little History About Me

Growing up in an Italian Catholic family there was church on Sundays, holidays, and Parochial school. However, buried in a deep web of stories, there was another culture my family brought with them from Naples. 

As a child, I’d listen with unwavering attention to the encounters my mother and grandmother would tell me. One of the main concerns was always the Malocchio, or evil eye. They believe not only could you be cursed but also over-looked. Admired or lusted so intently, it made you physically ill. Wearing a small token of  red, like a ribbon, or a patch of material in your pocket when in public, was the protection we were all taught as children.However, if you forgot or someone was extremely strong willed, and they cast the evil eye, then you needed help. The repercussions of thisoften show up with intense, unbearable headaches that nothing medical seems to help. They appear instantaneously and grip the person with such pain it renders them helpless.

In my family they conducted two forms of rituals. The first involved the victim (usually an infant) being passed over fire while the matriarch chanted the words to rid the child of the curse. This happened to my mother. 

My grandmother told me one day she was sitting on the stoop in front of their home and my mom was in her carriage. A woman paused to admire the baby and wouldn’t stop commenting on how beautiful she was. A few minutes after the woman left my mom began to  wail. Nothing my grandma did could get her to calm down.

Hearing my mother’s screams, my great-grandmother came outside and told my grandma to bring the baby inside. Once in the kitchen, my great-grandmother proceeded to low light one of the jets on the stove and carefully held my mom above the flame. Passing her back and forth as she uttered a prayer in Italian. Within a few minutes my mom stopped crying and was fine.

Years later, my mom again had been over-looked. This time a woman in a bakery complimented her several times and wouldn’t stop staring. By the time my mom left the store her head was splitting with pain. This time, my dad’s grandmother performed the ritual of the knife with the red handle. Chanting over my mom in Italian, my great-grandmother yawned uncontrollably as she passed the knife over my mother until it was time to dispel the curse. Throwing the knife across the room, my great-grandmother collapsed in a chair from exhaustion. My mom was instructed to lay down for a few minutes and everyone was warned not to touch the knife for three days. It’s believed that if you do, the curse will be transferred to whomever disobeys the instructions and they will then inherit the excruciating headache. Mom felt completely better in a few minutes, and my great-grandmother was fine too.

As I got older, I realized how much of my family’s history was based on rituals from the old country and cloaked behind the words, “an old wives tale.” 

Choosing to embrace my heritage, when it came time to write the spells for the Alex McKenna series, I decided to create my own. Using the strength of my mom…grandma…great-grandma, and my ancestors before them, I let their light guide me. 

In Alex McKenna & Death Is Not The Beginning, which releases September 2022, Alex is banishing an evil spirit from his house. The spells are spoken in Italian in the books because that’s how my ancestors performed them. I’ll use English…

I call to the spirits who have gone before me, blood to blood past to present. Protect us. I abolish all that is evil. I am the light to extinguish your will, I am the strength with the power of my ancestors. Leave this house!

Alex McKenna and A Winter’s Night
Alex McKenna Series
Book Three
Vicki-Ann Bush

Genre: YA, Paranormal, LGBTQ
Publisher: The Parliament House
Date of Publication: December 14, 2021
ISBN: 9781736981900
Number of pages: 296
Word Count: 78,682
Cover Artist: Shayne Leighton Machova

Book Description: 

For a minute everything in Alex McKenna’s life was perfect. He only had one year left of high school, his girlfriend Margaret, was the love of his life, and he couldn’t ask for a more supportive family.

His psychic powers were growing and he was learning more and more about his family’s ability as Strega witches. Yup…things were good.

Until the night it all fell to pieces. 

As Margaret lay in the hospital after a serious car accident, her disembodied spirit searches for a way back to the living. Alex is desperate to save her and the victims of his next case. An ominous being haunting the hospital and stealing the souls of infants and the elderly, sending them straight to hell.


“I love you.” Margaret leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Our usual spot?” Alex said coyly.

“Of course.”

Alex lingered as he watched the little green Hyundai pull away. A cold tickle ran along his left arm. He pushed the sleeve of his hoodie up to the elbow. A scant number of bumps cascaded from his bicep—goosebumps. He quickly surveyed the area. No sign of any afterlife activity. Maybe you’re just cold, McKenna. He chuckled to himself. Dismissing the incident, he scurried into the comfort of forced heat and a billowy comforter.

Nestled tightly under a pile of covers that adorned his bed, he slid his arm out and quickly checked it again. The goosebumps were higher and now mapped their way over most of his
arm to his shoulder. Something was going on, and it wasn’t just from the chill of a winter’s night in Floral Park, New York. Ever since he could remember being aware of his connection to the
dead, his goosebumps served as a sort of warning. Whenever he encountered a spirit or something was about to happen, they’d stand at attention and alert him. The size and severity were the key. The worse they were, the bigger the issue. Tonight’s warning system started to worry him. They’d grown considerably in the past hour, indicating danger.

“Jacob, can you let me see you?”

The precocious six-year-old materialized. He was sitting in the chair at Alex’s desk.

“I knew you were here.”

“How? Goosebumps?”

“No. Well, yes, but no.”

“You’re silly, Alex.” Jacob giggled.

“I knew you were here because I smelled peanut butter. You playing with Wilby again?”


“I’ll take that as a yes. And I do have goosebumps, but they’re not from you. Something else is going on, but it hasn’t revealed itself to me yet. You hear anything or see anything different lately?”


“Okay, buddy, thanks. And stop hiding the peanut butter from Wilby. You’re making him crazy. Besides, when he gets the Know and can see you, he’s gonna want to get you back.”

“But it’s fun. And I think he knows it’s me.”

“I’m sure he does. But he can’t see you yet, and that’s not nice. Get it?’

“Yeah.” The little boy twirled in the chair.

“Goodnight, Jacob.”

“Goodnight, Alex.”

Alex rolled over to his side and faced the wall. The looming feeling of dread had left him restless and unable to fall asleep. He decided to try a technique his great gram had taught him. Closing his eyes, he imagined a large, two-story house with a wraparound porch in the country. He was sitting on the steps facing the backyard. An old-fashioned clothesline ran the length of the yard from the detached two-car garage to one of the posts supporting the porch roof. Stark white cotton sheets were clothes pinned to the line and gently waving in a light breeze. The sun was bright but not hot, and Alex held a cool glass of lemonade—homemade, not that powder, store bought imitation. He took a sip. The chilled sourness coated his throat, quenching the thirst he wasn’t aware of. It felt good. Looking up to a canvas of baby blue and white puffs, he smiled. Life was perfect.

His eyes grew heavy and fluttered gently. He took a deep breath and sighed. The weight of sleep pressed softly on his limbs, spreading peacefully over the rest of his body. He tilted
his head to let a brush of warmth paint across his cheek. This was a good place. A safe place. As his breath slowed, he turned on his back and wriggled slightly into the curves of the mattress.

The night was taking him.


Startled, Alex abruptly sat up.


“Yeah. I feel weird.”

Alex rubbed the impending sleep from his eyes and turned toward the bedroom door.

“Where are you? The room is too dark. I can’t see you.”

“I’m right here in front of you.”

“Hang on.” Alex reached for the chain on a small lamp sitting on the end table by his bed. Yanking on the brass string, the 25 watts emanated a soft halo of dim light. “Okay, stop messing with me. Where the hell are you? Are you in the closet?”

“No. Alex, I’m right here. I’m scared. I don’t feel right at all.

What the fuck is going on?”

The runaway train racing along his veins acted like a puppeteer pulling the strings. Alex leapt out of bed. The slick, newly waxed oak floors would normally make him wince in the
dead of winter. The extreme temperature piercing the pads of his feet and travelling along the muscles in his calf was the reason he normally slipped on a pair of thick socks, but not tonight. He barely felt the sub-zero temperature razor his flesh as he pivoted around, searching for his love.

“Alex, look at your arms.” The little boy pointed.

“Jacob, what are you doing?”

“Please, Alex. Your arms.”

Alex unzipped his hoodie, swiftly pulled it from his body, and threw it on the bed. Extending his arms in front of him, he stepped closer to the light. The bumps had gathered in a tight pattern completely covering every space of smooth flesh. He lifted the front of his tank; the same formation had taken over his belly and chest.

“Margaret! Where the fuck are you?”

“Alex, she’s standing right beside you.”

“You can see her, Jacob?”

“Yes.” The boy squeaked.

“Wait. Jacob?” Margaret asked.

“Margaret, can you see Jacob?” Alex’s voice cracked.


“No, no, no.” Alex paced the room. “Babe, what’s the last thing you remember?”

About the Author:

Originally from New York, Vicki-Ann currently resides in Nevada. Writing Young Adult paranormal, she finds inspiration from events that have been in her life for as long as she can remember. Inheriting the sensitivity to the supernatural from her family, they continue to be an endless source of vision.

Released in September 2019 from The Parliament House, Alex McKenna and The Geranium Deaths. The first book in a YA, Paranormal, LGBTQ series, that features a seventeen-year-old, transgender boy with paranormal abilities.

Book Two, Alex McKenna and The Academy of Souls debuted October 2020.

Vicki-Ann has several titles that have received Reader's Favorite Five Star seal, as well as the 2017 and 2018 winner of, 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading. Most recently, Alex McKenna and The Geranium Deaths, received the Gold medal in the Readers Favorite Book Awards for Young Adult, Paranormal.

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Stolen in the Dark by Scarlett West - Deck the Halls with Books Holiday Extravaganza

Top Ten Christmas Drinks

Along with all the sparkling lights and festive decorations, one of the things I most look forward to each holiday season is the many delicious drinks that are served.
Let’s check out some alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and find out which one is my favorite!

10. Apple Cider
I love the mix of sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors of a hot, apple cider. On a cold evening with sparkling Christmas lights, a toasty drink like this warms the body and soul.

9. Mulled Wine
This isn’t a drink I see commonly in the USA but one I enjoyed in Austria. They may drink it elsewhere, as well. The base is red wine, then spices like anise star or cinnamon are added, and topped off with orange slices.

It’s a hot beverage, and because of the spices and wine, it leaves you feeling warm and cozy. Mulled wine is often served at parties or outside at the lovely Christmas markets.

8. Hot Chocolate
What’s a list without this classic? Hot cocoa is a wonderful hit for all ages! At my house, we often drink Mexican hot chocolate with all the yummy spices, but the pure chocolate version topped with whipped cream is also delightful.

7. Hot Buttered Rum
This is the ultimate comfort food drink! Prepared with rum, spices, and of course butter, this drink reminds me of a paranormal romance alpha male.
Sexy, spicy, and served warm, it’s sure to knock your socks off with its smooth flavor.

6. Holiday Martini
There are so many versions of a holiday martini. What caught my eye were the lovely colors these beverages display. Red cranberry, creamy, snickerdoodle, pecan, the list goes on and on!

5. Eggnog
Smooth, creamy, and sweet, what’s a holiday without eggnog?  With a mix of nutmeg and light texture, it’s a perfect dessert beverage. And if you like it spiked, don’t forget the brandy or cognac.

4. Raspberry Bubbly
So what if you need to make a toast? Check out this lovely drink made with grape juice, and frozen raspberries. And, if you want it alcoholic, that’s an easy twist to arrange. So simple, yet so pretty.

3. Booze Grinch Punch
Omg. You’ve got to look this one up to see the color alone! Whoever thought of mixing lime Kool-Aid, limeade, and juice, created an amazing holiday drink that looks good enough to make virgin or alcoholic. It just sounds so tasty, and it’s fun-looking! (See below.)

2. Mexican Christmas Punch
Another wonderful drink some people might not have access to, but worthy of mentioning. I know it from my Mexican family, though some other countries might drink it as well. It’s made with hibiscus flowers, tamarind, a variety of fruits, and spices plus sugar cane. Many people make it virgin, and some like to add alcohol. If you ever get a chance to try this tangy, sweet, and warming drink, I highly recommend it!

1. Salted Caramel Mocha or Peppermint Mocha.
You might be rolling your eyes right now, like how is this lady making coffee her number one choice? LOL! I have a great reason so let me explain. Every other drink in this post I might enjoy once, maybe twice, or maybe not at all during the year. But coffee on the other hand is a daily necessity and joy for me, and I ADORE holiday coffee drinks! My favorite holiday coffee drink is Salted Caramel Mocha, but I added Peppermint Mocha for other coffee fans.

Thanks for reading my holiday drinks post. If you liked any of them, search by name on Google, and they will pop right up. Delish had A LOT of party drink ideas! Happy Holidays and here’s the Grinch Punch Recipe.


Grinch Punch Recipe

• 2 packets Kool-Aid Lemon Lime mix
• 1 Can Frozen Limeade Concentrate
• 4 cups pineapple juice
• 1-liter ginger ale
• 2 Cups Sugar
• 8 Cups Water
• And if adding alcohol, 2 cups vodka
• Ice according to your taste
• Red sanding sugar, for rimming your glasses


1. Combine the Kool-Aid, limeade, water, sugar, and pineapple juice.Stir to combine completely. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
2. When ready to serve, combine ginger ale with the juices.
3. Serve in red sugar-rimmed glasses.

Stolen in the Dark
Fae Bureau of Investigation
Scarlett West

Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Passion Press
Date of Publication:  July 20, 2021
ASIN:  B0915V6MY2
Number of pages:  269
Word Count: 70,069
Cover Artist: Lori Grundy

Tagline:He forced me into their world. Now dark enemies want me dead.

Book Description:

When an attempted kidnapping leads me to be rescued by a dark and sexy Fae, I assume life can’t be any stranger… Until I discover I’m his fated mate, and that he needs my help to stop a ruthless enemy from kidnapping his kind. 

If someone doesn’t stop the brutal attacks, it could lead to earth’s ultimate destruction, so if I want to survive, I have to join the Fae Bureau of Investigation, with Damien as my superior. 

But while Damien may be both hot as hell and my one-time hero, my unearthly ability to sense things through my hair is telling me to run: Damien can’t be trusted, and I would hate him as my boss. 

With the enemy closing in, though, time is running out for me to make my choice: join the Bureau…or return home to my death. 

Readers who enjoy Karen Marie Moning, Laurell K. Hamilton, Amelia Hutchins, and Lindsay Hall, will love this dangerous and sexy urban fantasy. Scroll Up and One Click to start reading this hot paranormal romance today!


I narrowed my eyes at Damien. “Does that mean we would have to work together?”

Damien smirked. “Yes.”

I groaned. As it was, Damien set my nerves on edge in so many different ways. I wasn’t sure I could stand to be close to him. Every f*cking day. And the way he touched me? His hands on my hair? My senses swam when I recalled that embrace.

 “Though I don’t like the way I was thrust into this situation, I believe you now. Except for the bracelets. I don't know if you put them on my arms or if they’re even still there. But what can I do to help?”

He raised his eyebrows, and a flash of heat blazed in his eyes. “Thrust, huh? I like your choice of word.”

My cheeks burned, and Iwas sure I was turning all shades of red.

Then, as usual, his expression snapped back to ice. “But this is no game.”

I opened my arms wide. “I'm aware of that. Explain it to me. What would I have to do?”

Still holding the folder, he crossed his arms and jutted out his chin. “Give up your life and join the FBI.”

I frowned at him. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation? You work with them?”

“Correction. The Fae Bureau of Investigation.”

About the Author:

Scarlett West writes steamy, paranormal romance featuring sexy Fae. Deep characters and hot romance are her thing. An avid reader and writer who will never stop dreaming, Scarlett has traveled to many countries and been on tons of adventures. She draws her stories from these places, life experiences, and her grand imagination. Besides writing, she's a hobby herbalist and a dancer. If she's not by the computer typing these things up, she can be found in a forest, on a mountain, or by the ocean. She would like to thank her three F's: Fans, Family and Friends. Thank you forever for your support.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Jasmine Moon by Celia Breslin - Deck the Halls with Books Holiday Extravaganza

Celia’s Paranormal TV and Movie Picks for the Holidays

In my household, we’re year-round fans of fantasy, so our viewing picks for the winter holidays definitely include some fun, paranormal offerings. Here are some of our favs for your viewing pleasure…

1. Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas:  Clever stop-motion animation. Fun, dark fantasy with Halloween town “making Christmas.” 
2. Arthur Christmas:  Sweet, funny and a feel-good Christmas adventure with the Claus family.

3. Die Hard:  Okay, so it’s not paranormal, but it’s seriously one of the best holiday movies ever. Action! Adventure! Bruce Willis!

4. Scrooged:  This Bill Murray version of “A Christmas Carol” is not to be missed.

5. Supernatural, “A Very Supernatural Christmas” (S3 Ep. 8): it’s just not the holidays without some hijinks from Sam and Dean.

6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, “Amends” (S3, Ep. 10): A brief happy moment for Buffy and Angel. And hey, there’s snow in Southern California.

7. The Vampire Diaries, “O Come All Ye Faithful” (S4, Ep. 9): A Winter Wonderland theme-party aaaaand naughty, naughty Klaus. 

8. Legacies, “This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent” (S2, Ep. 8): The plucky students with paranormal powers do battle with a Christmas monster.

9. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Chapter Twelve, “The Epiphany” (P2, Ep. 1): The Spellmans celebrate Solstice… there’s a séance, a demon dressed as Santa, and much, much more.

10. Doctor Who, “The Christmas Invasion” (S2): David Tennant as The Doctor! It’s Christmas Eve, and The Doctor must save earthlings from some naughty aliens intent on enslaving everyone.

Jasmine Moon
Black Hills Wolves
Celia Breslin

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher:  Decadent Publishing
Date of Publication: June 3, 2016
ISBN:  9781683610458
Number of pages:  108
Word Count:  36,400
Cover Artist:  Fiona Jayde

Book Description:

Tech mogul and workaholic Wolf Evan Luparell has little time for distractions but takes a break for his brother’s wedding in South Dakota. When asked to escort another wedding attendee from the airport to Los Lobos, he agrees. Then he meets the curvy spitfire, and she ignores him.

Designer and Wolf Mina Carver didn’t mean to be rude to the handsome, glowering man claiming to be her ride, but she was busy working. Now she must endure a ride to the Black Hills with the cranky but sexy Dominant Wolf. Unexpected mating energy sparks between them, but still—should she dismiss, or kiss him?

Kisses win and they agree upon a no-strings fling. But with each wedding activity throwing them together, and their powerful chemistry and mate compatibility complicating matters, can two workaholics truly have their fun then walk away?

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Evan tipped his head and eyed the ceiling. Prompt replies, punctual people. Striking deals and hitting deadlines. These items made his world tick. Not loitering around a miniscule airport pulling a Waiting for Godot moment on infinite repeat for a no-show, flakey designer from California.

God grant him patience and balls of steel when he showed up without the designer and the all-important wedding dress, because his future sister-in-law Darci would certainly be unhappy. […]

He took a deep fortifying breath and froze. Airport smells assailed his senses—the sharp tang of bleach and lemon-scented cleaners, […] coffee, donuts, fried fast food, and under it all, the distinct musk of wolf.

Female wolf.

She smelled damn good. His wolf perked up, and his legs propelled him toward the empty baggage claim, where one bright-pink suitcase covered in Hello Kitty stickers sat, unclaimed, on the unmoving L-shaped conveyor belt. Her scent, stronger here, socked his gut, and his gaze shot to the corner.

The chaos around the woman stunned him silent. Large, paper coffee cup, half-eaten banana, and a quarter of a powdered doughnut perched on a brown paper bag next to her. Crumbs splattered the linoleum and the woman’s long-sleeved blue blouse in a thick layer of white, sugary dust. On her other side, two pink garment bags lay like corpses, along with a bubblegum-pink unzipped duffel as long as her outstretched, denim-clad legs. Some of the bag’s contents—pads of drawing paper and large swaths of fabric—protruded over the opening, the fabric splaying over her legs in a rainbow-colored blanket. Her feet peeked out of the mess, encased in sparkling pink UGGs. Good grief, sequins? She smacked her shiny boots together in a poor imitation of Dorothy and bobbed her head from side to side in time to some music only she seemed to hear. Her shoulder-length red hair, the color of ripe dark cherries—his favorite fruit—gleamed under the harsh airport lighting and curtained most her face from his view, save a pert nose and small chin, both speckled with a generous amount of freckles.

He’d always liked freckles.                     

Clearing his throat, he stepped closer, but she didn’t flinch in surprise or look up. Her attention remained on the tablet on her lap, the stylus between her pale, freckled fingers swiping without hesitation over her screen. […]

He positioned himself right in front of her wiggly, booted feet. “Excuse me, J—”

“Sh.” She raised her arm and flicked her hand in the universal get lost gesture.

He gaped at her. “Excuse me?”

Another wave of her hand while her stylus streaked across her tablet screen with the other. “Not interested.”

Nice voice. Low and husky. Her attitude, on the other hand… “But—”

“Go away.” Her velvet voice carried a stubborn edge.

In other circumstances, he would’ve admired her strength. But he’d wasted copious amounts of time hunting for the clearly inconsiderate and irresponsible female. “Fine. Get your own damn ride to Los Lobos. Jasmine.”


About the Author: 

Celia lives in California with her husband, daughter, and two feisty cats. She writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance, and has a particular fondness for werewolves, vampires, and the Fae. When not writing, you’ll find Celia exercising, reading a good book, hanging with her family, or indulging her addiction to fantasy TV shows and movies.


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