
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Riding Hard by J.L. Sheppard #BikerRomance

Riding Hard

Hell Ryders MC

Book Four

J.L. Sheppard

Genre: Contemporary Romance, MC Romance Biker Romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Date of Publication: August 19, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5092-2575-0 Paperback
978-1-5092-2576-7 Digital

Number of pages: 380
Word Count: 93073

Cover Artist: Diana Carlile

Tagline: What's luck got to do with it?

Book Description:

Biker Dave "Dodge" Roth has never cared about his bad luck with women. He has other things to worry about—paying off debt his ex accumulated and most importantly, raising his three-year-old son, Cullen. When a new neighbor moves in, his boy makes it impossible to ignore her. Hard to miss, she's beautiful, smart, sexy, perfect.

After her last failed relationship, kindergarten teacher Alexa "Lex" Millen has decided to do without men. She's bought her first home in a small town in California and remodeled it to her liking. Naturally, she's managed to move across the street from the world's biggest jerk. His son's adorable, but he won't mind his own business. If only her engines didn't rev every time he came around.

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Excerpt 1
“Fine. I’ll go with you.”
Going was her best option. When he took her home, she’d tell him why she’d avoided him and why the two of them getting together was a bad idea. Of course, that’d only work if he didn’t kiss her. So her plan—she had to keep him away.
He hesitated for a moment then released her.
“I have to say bye.”
She spun and made it half way around when his fingers gripped her wrist. He tugged, turning her to him again.
“You hear what I said before, Lex, or are you deaf?”
She clenched her jaw and fisted her free hand. Then the anger burning inside her spilled. “For an entire month, I sat in my beautiful house alone. That is, in between the times I got house visits from you being a jerk. I’m very angry with you for ruining the first fun night I’ve had since moving here.”
Her face flushed with each word. That heat crept down her neck and chest. “I’ve agreed to leave with you, but I’m not happy about it. I’m not anyone you can boss or control. I were you, I’d tread very carefully because quite frankly, I’ve had it with your insults, your cursing, your caveman tactics. Bottom line…”
She shoved a pointed finger in his face. “I’ve had it with you.”
A muscle in his jaw twitched. He grabbed her wrist, pulled her hand away from his face, and squeezed. “I could control you, babe, you’d be sitting on my face.”

About the Author:

J.L. Sheppard was born and raised in South Florida where she still lives with her husband and sons.

As a child, her greatest aspiration was to become a writer. She read often, kept a journal, and wrote countless poems. She attended Florida International University and graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Communications. During her senior year, she interned at NBC Miami, WTVJ. Following the internship, she was hired and worked in the News Department for three years.

It wasn’t until 2011 that she set her heart and mind into writing her first completed novel, Demon King’s Desire, which was first published in January 2013.


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Cover Reveal Dreams of a Fierce Heart by Danube Adele #CoverReveal

Dreams of a Fierce Heart
Book Four
Danube Adele
Genre: Paranormal/Contemporary/Sci-fi Romance

Publisher: Danube Adele Publishing

Date of Publication: 9/9/2019

ISBN: 9781733191609

Number of pages: 470
Word Count: 132, 843
Cover Artist: Evernightdesign – Elle Rossi

Tagline: She’ll do anything to redeem her honor, including putting herself in enemy hands; he’ll do anything to stop her

Book Description:


Some have called me impulsive, and maybe I was, much to my own detriment … at seventeen.

A social pariah in my own nation after being found in a fatally compromising position, I tucked tail and ran to Earth for study, work, and to heal my wounded heart. It took seven years for the opportunity at redemption, to earn my way back home, but it means infiltrating dangerous enemy territory. If the Brausa catch me, I might wish for a quick death.

My goals? I have two of them. Save my childhood friend, our Sunan leader’s last surviving daughter, and, get away from Nick Dylant. His deathbed promise to my older brother has him bulldozing into my life, making demands regarding my safety. He’s even found a way to force a marriage using some obscure, arcane law of old in order to protect me, but if he thinks he can force his will on me, he can think again. There is no way he’s going to control who I am or what I do in this world. 

I don’t need his or anyone’s permission to steal away in the middle of the night with a disguise, a rough map, and an even rougher plan of action, because one thing is for certain: I refuse to join with anyone who sees me as a duty, not when I’ve loved Nick since I was a child. Not when I dream about his kisses and crave his touch.

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About the Author:

Danube Adele wrote her first romance at the age of seven when she penned the story of her dogs falling in love and having puppies. She’s been dreaming up romantic tales ever since. A lifetime resident of southern California, she spends time playing at the beach, camping in Joshua Tree National Park, and hiking Mammoth Mountain. Always a lover of adventure, she and her husband took their sons on a cross country road trip to Florida and back in an old VW Westfalia, that had no A/C, in the month of July, and still, it continues to be the best trip they ever took. Extensive travel and trying new things has kept the creative spark alive. Danube lives with her biggest fans, her loving husband, amazing and wonderful identical twin sons, and a teddy bear of a Rottweiler.

You can find other books in the Dreamwalker series, Quicksilver Dreams #1, Dark Summer Dreams #2, Dreams of a Wild Heart #3, at              

Thursday, August 15, 2019

SK Gregory's Top 10 Favorite Urban Fantasy Series #UrbanFantasy

SK Gregory's Top 10 Favorite Urban Fantasy Series 

1. Women of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong. This was the series which started my love for urban fantasy. I read the first book when I was 16 or 17 and have bought every book since.

2. Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs. I haven’t completed the series yet, but I love Mercy, she is a great character.

3. Shifters by Rachel Vincent. I am a big fan of shifters and really enjoyed this series.

4. Weather Warden by Rachel Caine. The main character can control the weather, such a cool power to have, plus I love stories with djinn in them.

5. Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I actually watched the movie first which I enjoyed but the books are so much better.

6. The Mediator series by Meg Cabot.  I love Meg Cabot’s books, she is always so witty and she writes such a wide range of stories. 

7. Harry Potter by JK Rowling – that counts right? Huge fan of the books and the films. I am definitely a Gryffindor. 

8. The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine. Very enjoyable and I love this authors writing style.

9. Tempest Knox series by Kat Gracey. Funny, entertaining and full of surprises.

10. Midnight Texas by Charlaine Harris. Loved the series and loving the books.

The Dark Fae Chronicles
Book One
S. K. Gregory
Genre: YA Dystopian/Urban Fantasy

Publisher: SKGregory

Date of Publication: August 15, 2019


Number of pages: 193
Word Count: 35,000

Cover Artist: Taurus Colosseum

Tagline: When the Fae take over the world, only one girl can bring them down.

Book Description:

When the Fae take over the world, only one girl can bring them down.

Nova and her mother take a trip to England, where Nova accidentally awakens an ancient Fae Queen. Now a prisoner to her ‘Uncle’ Phillip, Nova discovers the truth about herself – she is Fae too.

A new world order…

The Fae Queen unleashes her creatres on the world, seeking revenge on the humans and her brother, who imprisoned her. She will bring them to their knees, no matter the cost.

Nova is mankind’s last hope…

Nova escapes from her prison and finds that the world is no longer recognizable. Humans are struggling to survive, driven underground, they scavenge food where they can. Nova stumbles across some of the survivors who take her in, not knowing what she is. It’s time for Nova to make a choice. Side with the humans who raised her, or her true family – the Fae. As the only one who can overthrow the Queen, Nova may be the last hope of humankind.
Which side will she choose?


Asteria was asleep and dreaming of the war when the first drop of blood touched the Earth. Her eyes opened for the first time in a millennia, as she felt the vibrations through the soil.
Oberon’s blood. It has been shed.
Her kin started to awaken too. They lay below her, her subjects, the ones who followed her in her bid to become Queen. Even Oberon’s loyal followers were entombed with her. He showed them no loyalty to them, choosing instead to seal them all away until only he remained.
Selfish of you, brother, Asteria thought. She remembered that day on the battlefield, when she lay waste to all around her, smiting and cursing the humans because he preferred them to his own kind.
She was majestic, riding forth on her winged horse, her red hair, the color of blood, flowing behind her as she rode. She was well named. She held the power of the sun within her and was determined to scorch the Earth, rid the world of the human vermin and make it fit for the Fae once more.
She should have succeeded, but Oberon fought dirty. He knew he could never defeat her head on, so he used blood magic to open a sinkhole in the Earth. One by one, her brethren were sucked inside.
As she stared her brother in the eyes, she asked him – why? She didn’t expect to see pain in them, but it was there all the same.
She fought hard but the magic was too strong. She was sucked down into the ground, her body trapped by the layers of dirt. But Fae cannot be killed by being buried alive, no, they remained conscious, forever subdued, while the world above them carried on.
But Asteria could still dream and she dreamed of the day she would escape and finish what she started. While she did not share her brother’s ability to see the future, she was able to see glimpses of the world above her. The humans grew in number at an alarming rate. They laid waste to the Earth, murdering each other over petty squabbles. At times she wondered if they would do her job for her, but no, they continued to flourish and breed.
Oberon decided to mark the spot where they fell, placing huge stones above them, as grave markers. The stupid humans would flock to the site to marvel at the structure.
If only they knew what lay beneath their feet.
She wanted to reach out and grab them, to strip their flesh from their bones and swallow it whole.
Today was one of the days they congregated here – the Solstice. Surprising that the fickle creatures remembered such sacred days. The Solstice was a rare time when she could feel the sun’s energy replenishing her.
She longed to bask in its glow. It was so cold down here, so dark. That was when she felt it. Some primal part of her reaching out to something familiar in the world above. What was that?
For a moment, a brief moment, she was connected to it. Oberon? He has returned. The connection broke as quickly as it came.
Oberon never came here. Even with her ability to reach out into the world, she never once felt him. Saw him. Perhaps he changed his mind? Could he have decided that she was right all along?
Then the blood dropped. Fresh, warm, it struck the dirt like the first drop of rain after a long drought.
He is here. He is releasing us. No doubt he had seen what this world had become and decided to join her against the humans.
All around her, the others were reacting to the blood too, eager to be free.
Patience, my pets, she thought. It would take time for the blood to reach them, but when that first drop touched her, this Earth would face a reckoning. There would be no more mistakes, no more truces with the humans. They would be wiped out quickly, without warning. Most would be consumed and the rest? Well, she’d had plenty of time to think of suitable ways to torture them. This world would be hers. If Oberon wanted to join her, so be it. She could work with her brother despite all that he had done. They could slay the humans together, help restore the Earth to the way it once was, so it could heal and the magic could flow freely once more.
And when it’s over, I’ll cut off his head and place him in a tomb of his own. Somewhere dark, cold, where he will be completely alone. When a Fae dies naturally, they enter the Summerlands, but she would ensure he never reached it. He didn’t deserve peace. She would trap his essence in a body that could not be used, for all eternity.
The blood began to work its way down towards her.
Come. Yes, free us, brother. It will be the last thing you do.

About the Author:

S. K. Gregory is the author of several urban fantasy, paranormal romance and young adult novels. She runs a blog that supports indie authors by offering book reviews and promotions.

She is an editor and proofreader with JEA Press. With a background in journalism and film making, she recently worked on an arts based radio show called Lisburn Reads, with a focus on local writers.

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Thursday, August 1, 2019

August Bewitching Book Fair #bookfair #BewitchingBookFair

The August Bewitching Book Fair is live with books by Laura Bickle, S. L. Dearing, Lisa Medley, S. Peters-Davis, and Celia Breslin

Add your book to a future book fair

Every month a new online book fair will go live on the Bewitching website. 

Signs up currently open for September - December 2019.

Add your book to one of our fairs now for the intro price of just $25

This gets you a one month listing in the book fair and ongoing promotion throughout the month on all of our social media outlets, in our newsletter, and on the Bewitching blog.

This is a great way to promote a sale or freebie and to get extra promotion during targeted seasons. October will be heavily promoted for Halloween and December for the holidays.