
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Top Ten Vampires in fiction, movies, and TV by Ashley Pagano #YAFantasy

1. Eric Northman – from True Blood

2. Lestat de Lioncourt – from Interview with a Vampire

3. Edward Cullen – from Twilight (yes, I’m cliché but I love this series)

4. Selene – from Underworld 

5. Kyran – from The Gauntlet (see what I did there)

6. David – from The Lost Boys

7. Dracula – from Dracula Untold

8. Angel – from Buffy the Vampire Slayer 

9. Pam – from True Blood

10. Wilhemina “Mina” Harker – from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The Gauntlet

The Soppranaturale Series
Book One
Ashley Pagano

Genre: YA Fiction, YA Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy

Publisher: Inskpell Publishing

Date of Publication: June 20th, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-949931-15-0
ISBN: 978-1-949931-16-7

Number of pages: 171
Word Count: 40,109

Cover Artist: Najla Qamber

Tagline: Vampires exist. Werewolves exist. Witches exist. Shape Shifters exist. And now . . . Faeries exist. 

Book Description:

Hidden in plain sight, is a mysterious hotel that doubles as a supernatural refugee: The Soppronaturale. 

Each supernatural inhabitant has a specific purpose, job, and destiny. 

All to keep the hotel running and its secrets safe.

Vampires exist. Werewolves exist. Witches exist. Shape Shifters exist. And now Faeries exist. 

The last two Faeries, once unified, could be the most powerful forces on Earth. 

Ommily, newcomer to the Soppronaturale, offensively controls and manipulates the four elements; Fire, Earth, Wind and Water. While Link defensively uses their energy to shield Ommily and himself from even the darkest magic. 

They could protect all others. But first, they have to defeat the Gauntlet.     

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When she walks into the hotel lobby, my world stands still. As if the earth suddenly stops rotating for a brief, suffocating second. Not just for me, but other men and women seem to pause just to stare at her, too. Huddled businessmen stumble over their words as they cut off their conversations in order to gawk at her. Their gazes follow her curves, from her forehead down to her heels. Their mouths hang open with no regard to impending drool. Wide-eyed women follow her path also, turning their heads just enough to hide their judgmental expressions. Even the teenage bellboy nearly trips over his luggage cart as he catches sight of her. For me, I have to grip the counter to stop myself from swaying and my knees from buckling, fighting the breath that’s caught in my windpipe.
Her hair, like fire, consumes her shoulders in perfect, flowing ringlets. Her eyes are like protuberant green emeralds that capture your soul, if ever your gaze aligns with hers. Her skin is as if it were painted on her face, pulling in the bronze summer highlights from outside. Her smile is one luminous hue of ivory, matching the sagging tissues directly in front of me. Her body is thin yet slightly muscular, bulging or pinching inward in all the right places. Her clothes even look as though they were made specifically for her, hugging her body seamlessly.

About the Author:

Ashley Pagano has always dreamed of being an artist both figuratively and literally. Her love of art was instilled by her mother who always inspired her to be creative either with a paintbrush or with a pen and paper. As far back as she can remember her life was always centered around introspection, storytelling, and imagination.

Because she is so artistic, she took to the idea of creative writing very passionately. Her ability to describe a scene, person, or place, she compares to painting a picture, where she can describe every detail vividly in order to make the reader feel like they’re truly living in the story. Her works of writing usually center around a powerhouse female protagonist (which reflect her own personality), who progresses through many wild and extreme obstacles. Ashley loves to write stories that end with a cliffhanger, that have the reader begging for more and questioning what happens next.

Her most recent novel sets the stage for the paranormal romance of the century and includes ghosts, poltergeists, and demons who just love to get in the way of true love. Ashley has won awards for her design, art, and writing.

Ashley doesn’t believe in down time whatsoever and actually loves having a full “To-Do”list. Ashley is a wife to her wonderful husband, Eric and a mother to a beautiful baby girl named Dakota. She is also a Graphic Designer and a health and fitness coach. Her husband and daughter inspire her to be the best person she can be and encourage her to pursue any of her dreams (no matter how extravagant they may be).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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Friday, July 19, 2019

Cover Reveal Demon in the Whitelands by Nikki Richard #YAFantasy #CoverReveal

Demon in the Whitelands
Book One
Nikki Richard

Genre: YA Fantasy

Publisher: Month9Books

Date of Publication: September 24, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-948671-41-5

Number of pages: 358

Cover Artist: Danielle Doolittle

Book Description:

Sixteen-year-old Samuel, son of a devout cleric, has endured shame and prejudice his entire life. Though he is destined to follow in his father’s footsteps, he longs for an ordinary life in the whitelands away from talk of demons and holy roots.

When the mayor claims to have captured a mute demon-girl, Samuel is forced to become her caretaker. But as Samuel gets to know the prisoner, he finds her not to be very demonlike. Instead, she is intelligent, meek, and an exceptional artist. Despite her seeming goodness, some more concerning things cannot be ignored. Samuel is hard-pressed to reconcile her uncanny strength and speed, one missing arm, ambiguous gender, and the mysterious scars covering most of her body.

Samuel forms a deep attachment to the girl with predator eyes and violent outbursts, against his father’s advice. As their friendship threatens to become something more, Samuel discovers the mayor’s dark intentions. Now, he must decide whether to risk his own execution by setting her free, or watch as the girl is used as a pawn in a dangerous game of oppression, fear, and murder.

About the Author:

Nikki Richard is a sensitive queer writer with moods and coping mechanisms. An MFA graduate from the University of Baltimore, she lives in the city with her hot wife, amazing daughter, and fluffy cat.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Enemy Within by Marcella Burnard #scifiromance

Enemy Within
Chronicles of the Empire
Book One
Marcella Burnard

Genre: Sci-Fi Romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Date of Publication: July 17, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5092-2698-6 Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-5092-2699-3 Digital

Number of pages: 422
Word Count: 98539

Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor

Tagline: The military hung her out to dry. Captain Ari Idylle isn’t going to dangle.

Book Description:

Horrific torture in an alien prison torpedoed Captain Ari Idylle's military career. Stripped of command and banished to her father's scientific expedition to finish a PhD she doesn't want, Ari refuses to fly a desk. She intends to have her command back by any means possible, until pirates commandeer her father's ship, and she's once again a prisoner. Perhaps this cunning captor isn't what he pretends to be.

As far as Cullin Seaghdh is concerned, the same goes for Ari. Her past association with aliens puts her dead center in Cullin's cross-hairs. If she hasn't been brainwashed and returned as a spy, then she must be part of a traitorous alliance endangering billions of lives. He can't afford the desire she fires within him. His mission comes first. He'll stop at nothing, including her destruction, to uncover her true purpose and protect what is his.

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“You know how to use that thing?” He nodded at the energy blade in her hand.
She swallowed outrage and awarded him a tight smile. “I am proficient.”
He grinned. “Ever fight for your life?”
“No,” she said, pleased her tone remained steady.
His smile deepened. “Then this isn’t so different. We aren’t fighting for your life, are we? We’re fighting for theirs.” He gestured at the knot of scientists.
Fear gripped her. She’d won matches. She had awards. She practiced religiously. Sure, she’d fought Chekydran with the might of an Armada Prowler at her disposal. But energy blade combat had always been a highly regulated sport, a dance with specific choreography designed to minimize injury. She’d never dueled for anything of more value than a bit of metal or a piece of paper to hang on her office wall. Swallowing hard, she eased into guard position.
Taking his time, he matched her stance. Ari did her best not to frown at the avid smiles on his men’s faces or at the effortless way he sank into position and crossed his blade with hers.
Her mind raced. She had to find a way to keep everyone alive. No matter the cost.
Captain Cullin Seaghdh tapped her blade with his, bringing her attention back to her predicament and his damnably cocky grin.
“You’re willing to trade your life for theirs?” he asked, his question pitched for her ears only, his smile gone and his gaze searching.
Troubled, she shook her head. “Are you intimating I have a choice?”
“Then fight.” He lunged.
Ari scrambled back, her parries thrown off by the aggressive attack. He didn’t press his advantage. That maddening grin flashed at her as he backed off. One step. Two.
Charity. She wanted to scream at him. She clamped her jaw shut and advanced the ground he’d offered.
“Out of practice?” He opened his defenses, daring her.
She accepted, ignoring the taunt. She had no intention of explaining that she’d had a hard time keeping up on weapons practice while a prisoner of war. Her attack wavered, but she pulled it together and forced him back a step to avoid her blade. He drew her in and then pushed her back, like a teacher hearing lessons. She ached to wipe that smile from his face.
“Point,” he said, nodding at her chest.
She glanced down. The bastard had sliced clean through her jacket and the buttons of her shirt. A shiver ran through her. One millimeter more and she’d be bleeding, probably on the floor. A slice like that one took enough control and skill to scare her.
“Lesson one,” he said. “Watch the man wielding the blade, but never lose sight of the business end.”
Lessons? Or something more? From the shock of physical awareness twining through her blood, she suspected they were no longer discussing energy blades.
Snarling to cover the grudging admiration at Seaghdh’s skill welling up within her, Ari charged him. He did not retreat. They locked, body to body, blade to blade. Feeling the leashed strength coiled in him, she knew instantly that she’d made a mistake, one that in any other circumstance would have been fatal. Scorched where their bodies strained against one another at chest and hip, she struggled to control the rush of yearning crashing her defenses. What was wrong with her?
She met his hooded gaze. Desire glittered in the golden depths of his eyes. Pleasure rocketed through her, almost painful in its intensity. She’d forgotten what if felt like to be appreciated as a woman, and the want in his eyes, shadowed by surprise, took her breath away.

About the Author:

Marcella Burnard graduated from Cornish College of the Arts with a degree in acting. She’s a Tarot-reading, Third-degree Wiccan who knows far too much about space travel because she desperately wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up. Turns out she gets air sick. She wisely decided to write space travel instead. Marcella writes science fiction romance, urban fantasy, paranormal, and fantasy. If a story brings the weird, Marcella’s right there for it. She lives in Florida where she and her husband are outnumbered by cats. Marcella is actively involved in feline rescue in the Tampa Bay area and you can always find cat photos and videos on her Facebook page or on her Instagram account.

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cover Reveal MY SOUL TO GIVE by M. A. Fréchette #CoverReveal #PNR

A Demon’s Love
Book One
M. A. Fréchette

Genre: paranormal romance

Publisher: M. A. Fréchette

Date of Publication: September 21, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-9991360-5-5

Number of pages: 342
Word Count: 92,000

Cover Artist: M. A. Fréchette

Tagline: Her soul for revenge—an easy choice. But is the price too high?

Book Description:

With a fatal bullet in her gut, Celina Leviet has only seconds to make a fateful decision. Join her murdered husband in death, or make a deal with a demon.

She doesn’t know how or why Mekaisto found her, but she doesn’t hesitate. In exchange for her soul, he’ll let her live long enough to wreak revenge. The catch? She must kill the murderers with her own hands.

The contract sealed, her skin carrying Mekaisto’s brand, Celina digs into her husband’s past. But every new revelation unravels everything about the man she loved. His company never existed. His family history was a lie. And he belonged to a shadowy religious order whose members know too much about demons.

Her emotions in shreds, she finds Mekaisto’s seductive charms harder to resist. But her dead husband’s secrets aren’t the only betrayal. As the final, shocking truth comes to light, she struggles with the darkest of choices—break her vow and surrender to the unknown, or succumb to the devil she knows.


She left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. The criminal investigation team was outside, and some tension left her shoulders. A few dishes lay on the counter, so she put them away, her mind numbing. It was pointless since she wouldn’t be living here anymore, but the act of doing something familiar let her mind relax for a few seconds.
I’m leaving this place. Thomas won’t be with me anymore.
He’d been stressed after he’d got that phone call and she was too late to find out what had bothered him. She’d never be able to help him deal with whatever it was.
“What are you doing?” Kai asked.
She cleared her throat to make sure her voice wouldn’t crack too much. “Putting my dishes away.”
Kai’s arms wrapped around her from behind and she squeezed the plate in her hand, holding her breath. Somehow, affection from him was worse than if he held a knife to her throat.
His hand rested on her chest. “Strange how love is all inside a human’s mind, and yet your heart is the organ aching.”
She tore herself away from him. “I wouldn’t expect a demon to understand.”
“What makes you think I—”
“Look, I don’t want to talk about it with you. I’ve suffered enough.” The plate in her hand shook, and her fingers cramped as she tried to hold it steady.
“No, you have not suffered enough. You’d have chosen to die if you knew what’s coming.”
“Don’t talk as if you know how I feel, you fucking demon.” Her tears cooled the heated flush of her rage, and she hurled the plate at him.
Kai lifted his hand and the crockery shattered into fine dust at his feet. His eyes locked onto hers, and without a word, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside.
“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Her voice rose higher as she tried tugging away from him.
He stopped near the edge of the woods and faced her, his glowing eyes silencing her questions. His hand rose and black smoke seeped from the ground, sticking to everything it touched. Kai pulled her against him and clicked his fingers.
The smoke seeped into the surface of all that it covered, and her eyes widened. The plants and flowers withered and died, everything turned ashen as though burned. He went back to the house and she followed, glancing back at the destroyed area of the forest. Though no words were exchanged, she knew he had shown her what he could do as a warning. He wouldn’t just threaten her next time she attacked him.
Going back to the master bedroom, she grabbed a bag out of her closet to pack. Thomas’ clothes hung in front of her, and a lump in her throat constricted her breathing. She swallowed hard, trying to make it go away. Grabbing hold of a sleeve, she waited for Thomas to come up behind her to get ready for work. But no one was in the house except for her, and the demon.

About the Author:

M. A. Fréchette writes the darker side of romance.

Being an extremist, she loves both the dark aspects of life and everything sweet. All her stories are either set in Canada where she lives or in alternate worlds she made up while living within her imagination. When not writing, she thinks of the next scene or plot while enjoying her work as a cover designer. Although she has a fascination for monsters, with a bachelor degree in criminology, she understands there’s no need to create the paranormal; humans are capable of inflicting nightmares of their own.

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Friday, July 12, 2019

Albatross A Kendra Spark Novel by S. Peters-Davis #kendrasparkseries

Albatross A Kendra Spark Novel
Kendra Spark Series 
Book Three
S. Peters-Davis

Genre: Supernatural, Paranormal, Suspense-Romance

Publisher: BWL Publishing, Inc.

Date of Publication: June 1, 2019

ISBN-10: 0228608910
ISBN-13: 978-0228608912

Number of pages: 210
Word Count: 60,200

Cover Artist: Michelle Lee

Tagline: A cold-case investigation ends in facing the ultimate psychopaths, a highly-accredited police director gone crime lord and a beautiful malevolent “albatross of a spirit.”

Book Description:

Kendra Spark, Derek Knight, and “ghosty” Jenna Powers, members of an FBI special task force, investigate a cold-case and end up facing the ultimate psychopaths, a highly-accredited police director gone crime lord and a beautiful malevolent “albatross of a spirit.” Both want Kendra for her unique abilities but might settle for Jenna instead.

Derek stops at nothing to keep Kendra and Jenna safe, but what if the worst-case scenario happens, an unstoppable villain and villainess of the dark plane that picks the earth plane as their stomping ground?

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Excerpt Kendra’s point of view – 1,221 word count

The scent of vanilla stirred the air within the bathroom. “Sparky, why aren’t you in the big house with Derek?” Jenna, in all her ghosty-glory, got my attention using her pet name for me, an annihilation of my last name. She leaned against the doorjamb of Derek’s small cottage version of his home and silently tapped her toe.
“We needed some thought-provoking space apart.” I turned from the mirror and faced Jenna. “So, did you honestly believe that I saw ghosts before you became one? I mean truly.”
“Well, I called you a few weeks ago when Dad’s life lay in peril from a psycho killer targeting FBI agents.” Jenna tilted her head, her eyes narrowed. “Is this about Derek?”
“He continues to struggle with what he saw at the Voodoo Re-resurrection Ritual. I mean, he watched it, actually saw Buster, and Grandma Ellie with all of the Guardian Angels, and the soul-lights belonging to the trafficked teens.” A deep agonizing sigh rolled off my tongue. “You never saw any of the ghosts I did, and yet you called me for your dad. You had to trust in my ability, right?”
“Listen, Sparky, honestly, I called because none of the agents could get a handle on the situation fast enough for me. My concern for Dad had driven me to make the call. At that point, I wanted to grab at anything, including your ability, even if I didn’t fully believe or understand it.” Jenna stepped closer, her gray and fluorescent green running ensemble flattered her slim frame. “I’d wrap my arm around your shoulder if I could. I still feel like I owe you an apology for so many things, not believing in your ghost-vision is but one.”
“Well, you put on a good front for me, because in college, I never doubted your belief in me.”
Jenna chuckled. “I thought most of what you told me related to your fiction. You were always such a good story-teller with your wild-wacky imagination. Most of the time, I figured you set me up for a shock-factor effect.”
A light rap on the front door announced Derek, but he didn’t enter like usual. Jenna shimmered out of sight as I strode to the door and opened it. My lips parted as I sucked in air. Clara Jones, my literary agent…here? “How did you get this address?”
“From your writer friend, Sharon. I got her information from the last manuscript she sent to me because you were here.” She peered over my shoulder, glancing around the inside of the cottage. “Wow, now this is one hell of a writing retreat.” She pushed past me and stood in the center of the room, gaze darting everywhere until it settled on me. “Tell me you’ve started the first book in the series. Knixton House is getting anxious for the media and cover art information, and since I was in D.C., I thought I might pick it up personally.” She forced a smile. “I’m beginning to think you’re dodging my calls and text messages.”
Another light rap on the door, I swung around to Derek. His smile warmed me, but his arched brow and nod toward Clara indicated his concern.
“Come in and meet my Literary Agent, Clara Jones. Clara, FBI Special Agent, Derek Knight.”
“We just met. Mr. Knight told me how to get back here.” And still, Clara moved toward him with the speed of a booster rocket. Her hand extended and grabbed Derek’s before he offered it. She studied Derek’s face, her gaze traveled over him, from head to toe, until his face blazed red.
He pulled his hand from Clara’s. “Nice to meet you, again. Kendra has mentioned you.”
Clara turned to me. “Only mentioned?”
“We’ve been rather busy solving FBI cases.”
With a poof of vanilla, Jenna reappeared next to Clara. “Wow, she’s a looker. And damnation, her eyes keep creeping back to Derek.” Jenna chuckled. “You’ll have to muzzle her or wrap a blindfold around her head.”
I chuckled out loud. Of course, at the worst inappropriate timing.
“I hate to cut your visit short, Ms. Jones, but Kendra’s presence is requested at a meeting downtown D.C., and we are running behind schedule.” Derek pressed his lips together, tension swept along his jaw and temple.
“Wait a minute, buster. This woman already has a job.” She poked a finger in Derek’s chest. “In fact, she’s obligated to complete that job in record-breaking time to meet the commitment of her book contract.” Clara’s green eyes widened as she glared at Derek.
“I think bolts of lightning are flying from her eyeballs and striking Derek, right in the heart, where her fingernail is buried.” Jenna grinned. “What do you think?”
I forced an exasperated breath and stepped closer to the duo. “Derek, I need some time to talk with Clara. Can you go to the meeting without me? You can record it or just pass on anything I should know.”
Derek grabbed my elbow and directed me toward the door. “She’ll be only a moment,” he said as the door slammed behind us. We kept walking away from the cottage and around the side of Derek’s log home. He stopped and whirled me toward him. “Why is she here? When she knocked on my door this morning and requested you, I thought she might be a relative.”
“I have a signed contract to a new publishing house, and Clara’s nervous about the upcoming deadlines. With everything going on, I haven’t told her about my decision to stay here for a while. I’m not sure how to break my contract.” Plus, the fact that I didn’t look forward to a face-off with Clara. I’d neglected this major obstacle. “She has no clue about my ability, or why the FBI would use me. It’s going to take some time to explain.”
“I’m sure the FBI has some kind of legal documentation we can present to Clara that will supersede your contracts.” He tilted my face upward and pulled me closer. His lips touched mine, stealing my breath. His throaty moan electrified the beat of my heart, and I melted against his body.
Then vanilla fluffed the air, but I ignored it.
“Sparky, wrap it up. Little Miss Nasty-Pants is on her way.” Jenna’s face appeared over Derek’s shoulder. She winked and then vanished.
I broke away from Derek’s embrace. His stormy-blues smoldered.
Clara flounced around the corner and ran into Derek’s shoulder. He stood solid as she stumbled, but then she righted herself, eyeing him and then me. “I’m not getting a good vibe with what’s happening here, Kendra. We need to talk. In private.” She glowered at Derek.
“Get this straightened out.” Derek’s gaze met mine, and then he moved away from Clara. “I’ll let Director Powers know you’ve been detained. I’m sure there’s something he can pull out of his hat to help secure your position with the FBI.”
“What’s he talking about?” Clara’s face flushed to a bright red, almost matching her hair.
“You got time for a coffee, maybe two? This might take a while to explain.” I nodded to Derek as he walked away, and then slipped my arm through Clara’s. “Let’s go back to the cottage. It comes with the best little screened-in porch, very private and serene.”

About the Author:

S. Peters-Davis writes multi-genre stories, but loves penning a good page-turning suspense-thriller, especially when it’s a ghost story and a romance. When she’s not writing, editing, or reading, she’s hiking, RV’ing, fishing, playing with grandchildren, or enjoying time with her favorite muse (her husband) in Southwest Michigan.

As DK Davis, she also writes YA and NA paranormal, supernatural novels that involve diverse and mature subject matter.

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