
Friday, March 29, 2019

Tethered Trust by Jade Royal #BDSM #Romance

Tethered Trust
Limits of Love
Book 2
Jade Royal

Genre: BDSM Romance
Date of Publication: 3.21.2019


Cover Artist: T.E. Black Designs

Tagline: Limits of Love Series Book 2

Book Description:

Running from a demon that has been after her for six years, Vanessa needs respite. His last threat echoes in her mind even now. He's already won. Why won't he leave her alone? How much more can he take besides her life?

Jamar isn't looking for love. He's too busy with his passions for photography and rope to ponder such things, but a favor from Mistress X flips the script, putting love at his doorstep.

Is he strong enough to walk away from the fiery Latina? Or is he already doomed? Does he have enough rope to slay her dragons?


A whine escaped my lips. I wanted Jamar to taste me, tease me, and continue his sweet torture...My body was desperate enough to do anything he desired. The way he touched me set everything aflame.
Jamar came back to my lips, and as he nibbled, my tongue darted out to lick my bottom lip. He grabbed it between his lips sucking on my tongue. Moaning prompted him to hasten the kiss, savagely taking my mouth. My arms went around his neck, loosely holding on but giving him control. I needed to touch him, to know that this was real and not some silly dream.
If his kissing skills were any indication of oral sex, I was in for one serious thrill. They were sweet but direct, taking what he craved. The moves that he was demonstrating on my mouth were already causing havoc below as my slit throbbed, ready to be satisfied.
Jamar shifted lower to my breast kissing along the way. I swore since he’d touched them earlier, they’d remained sensitive and peaked. There was no forgetting the things he’d done to them. And every graze of his lips registered somewhere else, reawakening every ounce of my body. Pulling a breast free from my bra, he thrashed his tongue against the sensitive peak, causing me to grind my hips against him, seeking release from multiple sensations.
“Please, Sir,” I begged.
“What do you need, little girl?” He sucked a bit harder, and my hips bucked toward him in response.
“You…” We were both surprised by the revelation, but there was no going back. My body had made the decision for me.
“Good girl.” Praising as he slid down my body and nestled his head between my legs before inhaling my scent. He moaned deeply, stirring chills along my skin. “You smell so fucking sweet.”
That’s when I knew I had to have him, innocence be damned.

About the Author:

When the voices begin to speak, Jade Royal sits down in her lab to write the tale.

The story unfolds with each keystroke as she listens to her instincts bring the words to life. For as long as she can remember, Jade has always expressed her creative nature artistically, especially by writing. She refers to herself as “Slave to the Pen” because it’s difficult for her to resist the call to write.

Jade resides in Cincinnati, Ohio where she was born and raised. She has many siblings and is very family oriented. She spends Sunday evenings eating dinner with them keeping the bond between family nice and strong.

Jade Royal is the author of the series Limits of Love. The series focuses on love, romance, and the eroticism of the two combined. The first book was released in December of 2016.

As an author, Jade hopes to pull in her readers to experience a community of stories that they can relate to on various levels. The emotional roller coaster that is bestowed will hopefully make her readers stalk her words and provide literate entertainment.

For more information on Jade Royal, follow her on her website and social media avenues.

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Iron Circle by Justin Joschko #scifi #sciencefiction #dystopian #YA

Iron Circle
Yellow Locust
Book Two

Justin Joschko

Genre: Science Fiction Dystopian

Publisher: Month9Books

Date of Publication: March 26, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-948671-35-4

Number of pages: 305
Word Count: 367

Cover Artist: Danielle Doolittle

Book Description:

The path west is long, but despite Selena’s progress, New Canaan is never far enough behind her. It was there that her parents were killed, forcing her and her little brother Simon to flee the tyrannical state. Now, New Canaan wants control over  every last inch of America-That-Was. Only the Republic of California can stand against it—but not without the data stick in Selena’s pocket, rumored to contain vital information about New Canaan’s deadly new weapon.

As winter closes in, Selena races south in search of an open passage to the coast. She must pass through Nuevo Juarez, where a ruthless leader named Thorin has seized power. Selena runs afoul of Thorin’s men and is separated from her brother, captured, and auctioned off at the city’s thriving slave market.

Her only way out is through the Iron Circle, a fighting ring where the city’s most fearsome warriors pit their skills against one another. As the populace and Thorin watch Selena rise through the ranks, Selena earns a reputation she doesn’t want and the attention of man with the power to destroy her and what’s left of America-That-Was.


Selena grabbed her opponent’s left wrist. His skin was hot and clammy, its greasy expanse flecked with patches of flaky, dry crust. Suppressing her revulsion, Selena brought the man’s arm up behind his back and, with modest but steady pressure, eased him to his knees. The man obeyed without struggling. Whatever spirit his disease hadn’t eaten away had been beaten out of him by Thorin’s strongmen. He was defeated before he’d even entered the Iron Circle. The least Selena could do was signal this defeat gently.
She laid him on the ground and pressed his shoulders into the dirt. He seemed to get the message, for when she released him, he stood slowly, nodded at her in uncomprehending thanks, and scuttled out of the circle. She imagined he wouldn’t get far and would likely face his punishment in some other form. There was nothing she could do about that, but at least she wouldn’t be the one providing it. In recognition of this resolve, she stepped back and raised her arms to the crowd, beckoning their ire.
The crowd obliged, hurling incomprehensible epithets and pounding their fists on the railings. Selena ignored them, summoning her inborne Seraphim’s hauteur. She set her eyes instead on the clutch of fighters awaiting their own bouts, scanning for an ideal target. There was no shortage of options, but Selena was choosey. It would have to be someone who appeared unbeatable, and he would have to be among Los Hermanos.
One presented itself almost immediately. The Hermano who’d gestured obscenely at her before the fight was now tapping his friend on the chest with the back of his hand, signaling his derision at the spectacle before him. She scoped the topography of his muscles, sized up his potential speed and power, noted points of weakness: long hair and beard for easy grabbing, an offset knuckle that would weaken his left jab, a peculiar slope to his jaw hinting at an old break. He commanded respect from his peers, which meant he was good—but also meant he was cocky. Selena was good, too, and no one here had seen her fight.

About the Author:

Justin Joschko is an author from Niagara Falls, Ontario. His writing has appeared in newspapers and literary journals across Canada. Yellow Locust is his first novel. He currently lives in Ottawa with his wife and two children.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mabon by Kellie M Davies #PNR #paranormalromance

The Clandestine Chronicles
Book One
Kellie M Davies

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Aurora House Publishing

Date of Publication: September 2018

ISBN: 978-0-6481851-7-8

Number of pages: 227

Cover Artist: Simon Critchell

Tagline: Let the Magick in.

Book Description:

Magick or Love.

If both ran deep in your blood, which would you choose?

On her sixteenth birthday, introvert Lucy DeBane can’t shake the memory of her father’s death, or the possibility that by day’s end a life altering ancestral truth will blow apart the world she knows. Lucy is sure of one thing, her feelings for Gil ... tall, dark and hot ... her first real love.

So when she hears the chiming of ancient bells and her family’s secret is revealed, Lucy must make a decision ... become a DeBane witch, or walk away from family for love.

Is there a way she can have both?

‘Davies weaves together a complex tale of magic and romance in this sweeping adventure.’ ~ Fiona Horne

Teaser Excerpt:

All three witches took their places. Dana stood in the north quarter in front of the alter stretching her hands out for the twins to take in theirs. She pressed on their hands and they all smiled at each other. Abi winked in my direction and my pulse quickened.

The ritual, my initiation ritual, was about to begin.

About the Author:

Kellie M Davies was born and lives in Sydney, Australia with her husband and two children. After University and a long period away from writing, she began to dabble with words again. Stories flowed and from the mess of manuscripts that cluttered her computer files, Lucy’s story rose.

Release Day Blitz Unbearable Failure by ML Guida #scifi #scifiromance #romance #sciencefiction

Unbearable Failure

Bears of Aria

Book Two

ML Guida

Genre: Sci-fi Romance

Publisher: Buffalo Mountain Press

Date of Publication: March 27, 2019


Cover Artist: Melody Simmons

Tagline: He’s on a mission that could destroy his family, but he has to learn the truth. Only his mate is willing to stand by his side.

Book Description:

Vaughn: I won’t rest until I find out the truth.
No matter what––even if it disgraces my father.

Rumors are floating around that my father a decorated captain abandoned his crew on the cruel planet Sutois to save his own skin.

I can’t believe it’s true. He isn’t a selfish coward. Or is he?

But I have another problem. Our women are dying on Aria and we don’t know why.

An Earth woman may have the cure, but she won’t hand it over.

I don’t like kidnapping, but she leaves me no choice.

And she’s my mate.

Sandra Rotella:  Everyone thinks I’m a failure. I’m here to prove them wrong.

My mom and stepfather are respected scientists and so far, none of my experiments have worked.

But one.

This is my chance to prove I’m as good as my parents.

An alien is desperate for the formula, desperate enough to kidnap me.

And he tells me we’re fated to be together.

That isn’t logical. He can’t take away my only chance for success.

I’ll fight to get back home.


Vaughn, the Intrepid’s science officer, reviewed documents on the ship’s computer of his father’s mission on Sutois and there wasn’t a shred of evidence that his father had abandoned his crew on that cruel planet.
The screen turned blurry. He rubbed his tired eyes and exhaled a frustrated breath. He hadn’t had a good night sleep since that day Nucl had accused his father of being a coward.
The door to his quarters buzzed open. Dread crawled up Vaughn’s dry throat.
His older brother and captain, Tash, stormed inside with a scowl. His green eyes were dark and the scar on his throbbing cheek was white. “Why do you have your damn intercom turned off? I’ve been trying to reach you.” His voice was less than pleased, meaning Vaughn was at the bottom of the food chain.
Heat burned on Vaughn’s cheeks and his ears. He immediately turned off his computer. “I’ve been doing research.”
Tash crossed his arms over his chest. “Still trying to prove that Dad was a yellow-bellied coward?”
 His gut tightened. “No. Not at all.”
“Then why do you insist on believing Nucl?” He spun his computer and turned on the screen to reveal the last page Vaughn had been reviewing.
Vaughn winced and avoided his brother’s accusing gaze.
“Dad was a well-respected star ship captain for the United Planet Confederation.” He pounded his fist on the table. “He’s an admiral, for Shade’s sake.”
“I realize that Tash, but I need to know. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
 His brother’s eyes clouded over, and he turned away. “Then, you’re a fool. Nucl was completely mad. He betrayed his own people on Sutois. Feeding our people to the Gogs.”
Nucl’s betrayal had ripped his brother apart, making him doubt his ability to be captain.
Vaughn wanted to believe him, but the hair on the back of his neck itched and cold chills crept down his back. Insanity was just too easy to accept. “Tash, there was nothing you could do.” Vaughn could still remember the screams, the horror, the constant death, and he shuddered.
Tash cast him a lost look, then hung his head. “Dad would have a found a way. I was the captain. I should have way to save my crew.”
Tash never thought he could live up to their dad’s reputation, but he was a better captain than their father had been. “You did everything you could do.”

About the Author:

Award Winning Author M.L. Guida loves science fiction and the paranormal. From Star Trek to Dark Shadows to Supernatural, she fell in love with things that go bump in the night. But it was the heroes, she loved the best. Whether it's a shape shifter from outer space or a vampire from the past, her wounded heroes always find a way to win the heart of the heroine.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

New Release: Iron Circle by Justin Joschko #YA #YAScifi #YADystopian

***** New Release *****

When the only way out is through, Selena must pit her wits and fists against Juarez’s toughest brawlers to escape the clutches of a merciless dictator intent on conquering the city’s last-known resistance.

Iron Circle
Yellow Locust
Book Two
Justin Joschko

Genre: Science Fiction Dystopian

Publisher: Month9Books

Date of Publication: March 26, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-948671-35-4

Number of pages: 305
Word Count: 367

Cover Artist: Danielle Doolittle

Book Description:

The path west is long, but despite Selena’s progress, New Canaan is never far enough behind her. It was there that her parents were killed, forcing her and her little brother Simon to flee the tyrannical state. Now, New Canaan wants control over every last inch of America-That-Was. Only the Republic of California can stand against it—but not without the data stick in Selena’s pocket, rumored to contain vital information about New Canaan’s deadly new weapon.

As winter closes in, Selena races south in search of an open passage to the coast. She must pass through Nuevo Juarez, where a ruthless leader named Thorin has seized power. Selena runs afoul of Thorin’s men and is separated from her brother, captured, and auctioned off at the city’s thriving slave market.

Her only way out is through the Iron Circle, a fighting ring where the city’s most fearsome warriors pit their skills against one another. As the populace and Thorin watch Selena rise through the ranks, Selena earns a reputation she doesn’t want and the attention of man with the power to destroy her and what’s left of America-That-Was.

#dystopian #sciencefiction #YA #YAScifi #YADystopian #Month9Books #NewRelease #MustRead #WhatToRead #eBook #BookBuzz #AuthorRT #BookBoost

Monday, March 25, 2019

Risking Forever Vol 1 by Tara Gallina #newadult #collegeromance #newadultromance

Hi. I'm Tara Gallina and the author of Risking Forever: Vol 1 of The Forever Series, a new adult serial romance. It follows college sophomore, Ainsley Belle, and the infamous senior surrounded by mafia rumors, Sebastian Gianni.

Today, I'd like to discuss my leap from young adult novels to new adult, which led to this story, and answer a few questions about the book. 

I started writing young adult romance novels because I love all the "firsts" that come with falling in love as a teenager. It wasn't long after I realized new adult or college-aged peeps have milestones and "firsts" too. Ex:

~ Legal aged-drinking and getting into bars and clubs. 
~ Living away from home. 
~Paying bills. Phone? Car insurance? Credit card?
~ Parties, getting drunk, and having sex. If you were a good girl or had strict parents before college, you might not have experienced any of these. 
~ Love. If you didn't find it in high school, you might just find your first and forever love in college. Ainsley does!

Some fun questions:

What movie or movies would you compare the story to?

Mean Girls go to college with the dangerous and forbidden romance of Twilight—minus the paranormal aspects.

Is the story more of a romcom or a drama?

Both. It has dramatic issues paired with light suspense, but the characters have humor to them, relating to their personalities. People who have read it, say they have laughed out loud in places.

Can you compare the love interest (Sebastian Gianni) to a TV character?  

Sebastian was inspired by all the Damon Salvatores in the world—minus the vampire element. Dark, brooding, dangerous, complicated, confusing, struggling with his own insecurities, hot, hot, hot, and underneath it all, a guy willing to do whatever he must for the people—girl—he loves.  

Risking Forever Vol 1
The Forever Series
Tara Gallina

Genre: New Adult College Romance

Date of Publication: March 11, 2020

ISBN: ISBN: 9781794313163

Number of pages: PDF 150, Paperback 200
Word Count: 40,000

Cover Artist: TLC Design

Tagline: Wanting him would be wrong, tempting him even worse. But falling for him could cost her everything she's ever wanted and everyone she's ever known.

Book Description:

Risking Forever: Vol 1

My best friend has been obsessed with Sebastian since our freshman year in college. She wants him to herself, which is fine by me. He's a paycheck, a means to an end goal. He's temporary. But he's also tempting—the way he looks at me, the things he says, the way he touches me… If I'm not careful, I might do something I'll regret. ~ Ainsley Belle

The Forever Series

At twenty, Ainsley knows it's time to follow her own dreams and not the future her mother planned for her—a future she never wanted. Losing her job couldn't have come at a worse time.

Sebastian Gianni isn’t the ideal boss, but he has a position to fill and Ainsley is desperate. The sexy twenty-two year comes from money, owns a successful business, and graduates from college in three months. He has his life together in a way Ainsley could only dream.

No wonder her best friend is obsessed with dating him. Even his ex-girlfriend is determined to get him back, although threatening him seems like the wrong approach. Ainsley would be a fool to fall for the guy, too.

By no means, should she trust him. He has more secrets than anyone she knows, which makes her wonder if the mafia rumors about him are true. It doesn't matter that he's a good listener, and sweet and protective at times. That playful flirty side he shares with her alone means nothing. Right?

When a kiss turns into a secret romance neither can give up, Ainsley learns the truth about Sebastian's corrupt family and why his ex-girlfriend won't go away. A future together is near impossible and comes with a risk that could get them both killed—or give them everything they've ever wanted.


I straighten and rub my now clammy palms on my jeans. "I should go find Harper before she finds me and gets pissed again." I stand.
Sebastian does too. "Pissed again?"
"She might have thought I was hitting on you in the pantry. She thought you were hitting on me too and then got mad because she likes you. But now we know you're engaged, so she's dealing and moving on."
He scratches his chin. "Is Harper the girl in the silver dress?"
"Yes! You noticed her?" Of course he did.
He takes his empty beer bottle into the kitchenette and tosses it into the trash. "It was hard not to. She was yelling at you when I was holding you in the kitchen."
Holding me? He doesn't mean it in the way I wish he did. No. I don’t wish that. He's engaged and if he weren't, Harper would be after him. Besides, I'm trying to get a job with him. I can't crush on my boss.
I stroll to the railing but stop at the top of the stairs. "Are we going to settle this job thing tonight, or do you want to do a formal interview at your office in the bad part of town?"
"You remembered." His face lights up. He strolls toward me, his gaze pinning me in place.
I feel frozen, excited, and lightheaded. It could be the wild drumming of my heart. I'm surprised my shirt isn't thumping. I've heard about stares like this, read about them in Harper's romance novels, but I've never been on the receiving end.
He stops close and peers down at me—at my lips. His citrus scent invades my senses and my body reacts with desire. From his cologne? He's so tall, cocooning me in a way I like but shouldn't.
"Do I have the job?" I ask, my voice a breathy mess. 
"Do you want the job?" The way he says it makes me think he's asking if I want him. It could be my mind playing tricks on me or the way he keeps staring at my lips.
"Yes," I whisper, wondering what I just admitted to—or what he thinks I admitted to. I'm deranged, delusional.
He touches a strand of my hair. "This is the first thing I noticed about you when you tried to hit me with the door."
"Tried? It was an accident."
"Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose?"
"I didn't know you were there. How could I?"
"Girls do interesting things to try to meet me."
"Not this girl." I lean away, pissed but mostly shocked. "Guys do interesting things too, like putting their arms around a girl who's only in her bra and not letting her go. What's your excuse?"
His Adam's apple bobs deep in his throat. He twirls the golden strand around his pointer finger. "Do you want the truth?"
"I didn't want anyone else to see you. I wanted you all to myself, and I wanted to know what you'd feel like in my arms. I didn't plan it any more than you planned to strip but you did, and I reacted."

Whoa. My throat dries with a breath or is it a sigh? I force my mouth closed and try not to wobble on my suddenly weak legs. Did I hear him correctly or did my brain derail into fantasy mode? It takes me a moment to gather my thoughts. I blurt the first idiotic one that pops into my head. "Aren't you engaged?"


RISKING FOREVER is a serial novel and one of three installments in the Forever Series. The story is continuous and meant to be read in sequential order. The average length of each book is around 200 pages in paperback and can be read in a few hours or less. For this reason, I've heard them referred to as lunchtime reads.

About the Author:

Tara Gallina grew up breathing the salty air in a small town near Clearwater Beach, Florida. The sun and sand were her playground, bathing suits and jean shorts her go-to wear.

After moving to Orlando, FL with her hubs, she left the workforce to enjoy motherhood and rekindled her love of writing. While romance is one of her favorite genres, she writes young and new adult and has a soft spot for retellings.

She has two furry writing companions who often steal her seat when she's working: a mini shih-poo named Bella, and an exotic cat named Tigerlily but who answers to Kitty because the menfolk in the house like it better. Speaking of kitties, she is obsessed with Hello Kitty, has a pink office, thinks everything is better with sparkles, freezes in temperatures below seventy, and is happiest when visiting local hotspots like Disney World or Harry Potter with her family.

Join Tara’s mailing list at and receive the FREE serial novel Sebastian-Risking Forever: Vol 1 (Sebastian's POV) The Forever Series.

**WARNING – Sebastian's POV has spoilers that aren't revealed in RISKING FOREVER Ainsley's POV until mid-novel of DARING FOREVER. If you don't want to ruin the anticipation built in the series, wait to read Sebastian's novel until after you've finished RISKING FOREVER and DARING FOREVER.   

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