
Monday, July 31, 2017

Alternate Endings - Rex by Cody B. Stewart, Mark Rogers, and Adam Rocke

Alternate Endings

Mark, Cody and I kicked around numerous possibilities for Rex endings, one of which might just find its way into a sequel. Ideas include ANOTHER Rex -- maybe it's an EVIL Rex that hunts for TJ and Sam, leading to a showdown of good vs. evil.

We talked about a MECHA-REX or a CYBORG REX -- that the bad guys built to catch and kill Rex.

We talked about having Sam or TJ (or Sam and TJ) getting captured by the bad guys, forcing a swap -- them for Rex.

And we talked about a really sad ending... What if Rex died saving the lives of TJ and Sam.

But ultimately we decided upon an ending that we feel everyone will love -- and definitely want to read what happens next!

Cody B. Stewart, Mark Rogers,
and Adam Rocke

Genre: Middle Grade

Publisher: Common Deer Press

Date of Publication: October 5, 2016

ISBN: 978-0-9959729-1-6

Number of pages: 320 pages

Cover Artist: Common Deer Press, Ellie Sipal

Book Description:

When eleven-year-old TJ finds a weird looking egg in the Florida Everglades after a tropical storm rips through, naturally he takes it home for identification. It could be the egg of a mutant duck or something, which would be awesome.

Problem is, the egg doesn’t look like it came from a mallard, even a mutated one—it’s too big and heavy and…strange. So he hides it away in his closet and continues on with his life as usual, doing his best to ignore the creepy men constantly banging at his front door and the significant rise in military helicopter sightings in his typically quiet neighbourhood. Then one day he comes home from school and it’s as though a cyclone has gone through his bedroom.

Suddenly, TJ knows he’s dealing with something a little more interesting—and a little more deadly—than a duck.

TJ and Sam stood silent and still, too afraid to move or make a sound. “Wait a second,” TJ finally said. “Mess downstairs? We weren’t downstairs.”
          Their eyes met and they shared the same thought. They darted into TJ’s room, emerging a moment later, sufficiently rearmed with the slingshot and bat. Then, they snuck downstairs to assess the damage.
          When TJ saw the extent of the wreckage, he almost let another marble rip. His heart sank when he spotted the demolished cherry pie.
          “Hell-o Kitty,” Sam uttered, marveling at the mess. “I think your house is haunted, TJ. You have one of those polter-geese.”
          “Geist,” TJ corrected. “Poltergeist. Do you think a ghost hatched out of that egg?”
          “I don’t know what it was that came out of that thing, but I know it’s a huge pain in my butt. Since you found it, I’ve almost been eaten by an alligator, shot by a swamp cowboy, and now I’m stuck cleaning up its mess.”
          Sam and TJ grumbled at each other, and ghosts, and the whole world as they scrubbed the floors, wiped the counters, and picked up bits of broken plate and other unidentifiable things. Once the kitchen sparkled, Sam threw her dirty rag at TJ.
          “Not that this wasn’t a fun night or anything, but I’m going home before the ground splits open and we get attacked by mole people.”
          “You’re leaving?” TJ shrieked. “While there’s still a possible ghost goblin poltergeist thingy stalking around my house?”
          Sam shrugged. “Ghost goblin poltergeist thingies got nothing on my dad when I miss curfew. Call me if something tries to eat you.”

***** ***** *****

Fatigue hit TJ hard. He yawned and didn’t stop yawning until he reached his bedroom door. His mind raced in circles. He couldn’t focus on any one thing long enough to even care about poltergeists or alligators or whatever. All he wanted to do was go to sleep with the hope that he’d wake up in the morning with all of his limbs still attached.
          Luckily, TJ’s reflexes were working just fine despite his mostly asleep brain. He opened the door and ducked just in time to avoid getting hit square in the face with a flying sneaker. He dropped to the floor and covered his head with his arms. He peeked up when he was sure the other sneaker wasn’t going to follow. He instantly wished he had his helmet—and the swamp cowboy—because standing on his bed was the thing that had destroyed his room and the kitchen…
A one-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex.

About the Authors:

Cody B. Stewart was born in the Adirondacks, in Upstate New York. His love of stories began in those mountains as he vanquished trolls, fought in the American Revolution and discovered his latent mutant powers. Stories have continued to consume his life, but he now plucks them out of his head and puts them down on paper in the form of novels and comic books. He left the Adirondacks to grow into a man, did so, and has since returned with a wonderfully supportive wife and two sons.

Mark Rogers’ career as a travel journalist has brought him to 56 countries and counting. These trips have fed his imagination while at the same time provided authentic experiences and sensory detail that find their way into his novels and screenplays. Mark’s won multiple awards for his travel writing, including an award for his Hurricane Ivan coverage in Jamaica. His work regularly appears in USA Todayand other media outlets. Mark lives in Baja California with his Sinaloa-born wife, Sophy, where they recently built a rock house overlooking the sea.

Adam Rocke never met an adventure he didn’t love. From swimming with great white sharks without a cage, to jumping out of a plane without a parachute, Adam’s adrenaline junkie tendencies play a major role in his writing.Throw in a secondary degree in CryptoZoology, and it’s anyone’s guess where Adam’s literary travels will take him.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Time to Think About Halloween Book Promotions

Halloween is 96 days away!

That means you only have less than 45 days until you should start heavily promoting anything Halloween related- especially books with Halloween themes, paranormal settings, supernatural elements and horrifying stories. 

The stores are already putting out Halloween decor. You should be planning your Halloween season promotions.

September and October are hot sales times for paranormal romance, urban fantasy, horror, paranormal erotica, and cozy mysteries with paranormal elements.

Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween Themed Book Tour option open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons and more. 

This is a Halloween tour option, not a group event where your book could get lost in the crowd of other books. 

This special tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross promotion of an overall Halloween event, a group Rafflecopter, and a group facebook party.  Yes, each author receives their own Halloween themed tour during Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular from September 18- October 31.

Each participating author will receive:

* 1 1/2 month Halloween Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $235) 
* Custom tour banners
* Professional media kit
* Option to offer review copies
* Group rafflecopter for cross promo
* Time slot in Halloween Facebook Party

There will be one group Rafflecopter for the event- this will offer a giveaway sponsored by Night Owl Reviews in addition to one item each author wishes to giveaway (optional). Each author can have 3 entry options on the rafflecopter- newsletter sign up, Twitter, and Facebook.

In October there will be a multi-author Facebook party for all Spooktacular Authors. (Retail value $10 per author)

Total retail value for this event is $245, sign up now and get it for just $100

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. 

You’ll also need to provide a Halloween theme guest blog( which can be recipes, music playlists, costume ideas or DIY tutorial, etc- anything Halloween related), short Halloween flash fiction story, or a Halloween poem. (you may submit 2 of these items)

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block (ebooks, $5 gift cards, etc).

The early bird fee for this promotion is $100 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books each additional book is $50.

Price goes up to $150 per author August 1.

This event has a limited number of spaces available. Payment is required at time of sign up to reserve your space.

Sign Up Here:

Want Halloween promotion without the group events? Sign up for a Spellbinding Special Tour Package for the month of October tour for just $125 (retail value $145) Sign up here: use code HALLOWEEN2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

Hunted: A Jonathan Harker Novel by Christopher Draven

Hunted: A Jonathan Harker Novel
Christopher Draven

Genre: Supernatural Thriller/Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: May 14th, 2017

ISBN: 978-1547126866

Number of pages: 270
Word Count: 55,000

Book Description:

Slinging Spells with Broken Ribs Isn't Easy

Jonathan Harker, mage and life-long demon hunter, wakes to find himself tied to a chair and severely wounded. His captor, a demon in service to a summoner who wants Harker alive.

Armed with impossibly powerful magic and a gang of demon toughs, the summoner has snared Harker in a deadly trap. Nothing is ever easy, and being new in town has left Harker with few allies. However, with help from a Fortune-Teller named Clover and a self-described "Kitchen Witch" named Momma Dee, Harker fights back.

To prevail, Harker must walk unprepared into a pit of demons and black magic - and come out alive on the other side.


My brain righted itself, and I could pull my thoughts together.
Neither demon seemed to possess magic. Instead, the creatures relied on their strength and speed. There was no matching those physical attributes. To survive, I would need to use a different tactic. Direct confrontation had failed, twice. My next trick was misdirection.
“Tell me,” I said. “How did a low-powered summoner rank high enough to afford two Demon Nobles?”
Both demons, who were whispering to one another across the room, turned to face me.
“You know us,” Cresh said with a tone of surprise. The demon still pressed one hand tightly against his wounded side.
“Yes,” I said.
“You knew and you still entered to battle?”
“To be fair,” I said. “I had no idea who was waiting.”
Cresh huffed a small laugh; Mindal growled.
Well, I thought. I know which one is the smart one.

About the Author:

Christopher Draven has worked as an instructional designer, newspaper journalist, and ghost writer.

One soggy Monday morning, he committed to leaving behind the soul-stealing work of corporate puppetry and escaped to a meadow where he could concentrate on his passion. Since that fateful day, Christopher has focused on learning the craft of fiction.

Hunted: A Jonathan Harker Novel was Christopher’s debut, and his best friend said it was swell.

Twitter: @writerdraven

Friday, July 21, 2017

Bewitching Book Tours Free Book Friday – July 21- Grab Your Free eBooks Today

Mouth Watering
St Leasing
Book One
LP Maxa

Genre: Romance

Book Description:

Corey Cooper, the new guidance counselor at all boys prep school, St. Leasing, discovers nothing is what it seems, especially the mouthwatering coach, Dominic Hardy.


Looking to change her life, Corey Cooper moves across the country to a remote town in Colorado to become the new guidance counselor at St. Leasing, a prestigious all boys prep school. But soon she learns her attraction to the gorgeous head coach, Dominic Hardy, is more than the usual chemistry, and that her students are more than the typical randy teenage boys.


Dominic Hardy loves his life at St. Leasing. As head coach, he's fulfilled by his career, and in the small Colorado town outside the school's gates he has all the entertainment a man could desire. No complications, no attachments, life was good. Then Corey Cooper comes to St. Leasing and Dominic's instincts kick in - she is his, and that's for life. Throw in a troubled teen, a tyrannical parent, and a mysterious disappearance, and all of a sudden everything at St. Leasing has become a matter of life or death for his kind.

Get Your Free Copy Today

Boroughs Publishing     Amazon     iTunes     BN     Kobo     Smashwords

Evelyn's Journal
Darkness and Light Series
Book One 
MJ Gardner

It's cold and dark and Evelyn is in the morgue. In a drawer. She doesn't know how she got there, and Tammi, the morgue attendant who hustles her out into the night, doesn’t have time to answer questions.

Evelyn has been robbed of the gift of immortality her absent lover promised her, and plunged instead, alone, into the night-time world of the vampire. In her search for love and belonging Evelyn must contend with a series of lovers who have their own ideas about what being a vampire means, and who she should be.

Get it Free at Smashwords

Dead and Delicious by Tara West

Dead and Delicious
Tara West

Genre: PNR

Release Date: July 17, 2017

Book Description:

Two zombies and one skeleton on a road trip to Vegas to kill a witch, stop an apocalypse, and rescue their friends from the belly of a shadow dragon.

Nothing weird about that.

Five things I learned while being a fallen angel zombie:

1. Duct tape works better than embalming.

2. Alopecia is not my favorite hairstyle.

3. Fried demons smell like bacon.

4. This brain breath is affecting my love                  life.

5.  Nothing ruins a honeymoon like an apocalypse.

Amazon US      Amazon UK      iBooks      Kobo      Nook

Excerpt 2:

“Ash,” Melanie hissed behind me, “that zombie looks like you.”
            I clutched Aedan’s side, staring into a set of familiar green eyes, watching with horror as my doppelganger bit the head off a stiff squirrel corpse, crunching its little bones and spitting clumps of fur out the side of her mouth. She was wearing a purple dress that came just above the knees. I recognized that dress. I’d gotten it at a steal of a price at one of those brand name resell shops, and I’d been waiting for the right date to wear it. Guess my mom figured my date with death was as good a time as any. Zombie Ash had on no shoes, and judging by the bald spots all over her head, she’d decided alopecia was the new trend in hairstyles.
            She gaped at all of us before mumbling, “Hungry.” Then she took another bite.
            I swooned in Aedan’s arms, momentarily disoriented as he led me to a nearby stone bench and sat me down.
            “Ash, are you okay?”
            But I wasn’t looking at him. I was looking at my corpse while she gnawed on rotten roadkill. I covered my mouth with my hand, bile projecting into my throat. “She… she… ewwww.” I was too shocked and repulsed to say anything else. Finally, I looked up at Aedan, amazed I managed to form a coherent thought. “How is my corpse walking when I’m not even in it?”
            Tank leaned on his scythe, scowling at my zombie double. “Demon magic. Powerful demon magic.”
            Clearly this was the cemetery where I’d been buried. I’d died nearly a year ago, which meant, thanks to embalming, my body appeared to be intact. I didn’t know who had resurrected me, but how dare that demon make me a zombie! And how dare my zombie stoop to eating roadkill! Couldn’t she have at least have found a deli or burger joint? Dear Lord, I’d even settle for a gluteny bagel or breadstick. Forget what gluten did to my insides. I’d eaten a lot of questionable shit, but I reached a new level of low with raw, rotten animal carcass. 
            She pulled a piece of tendon out of her tooth, or maybe that was a maggot, then gaped at us with a vacant expression. “Hungry,” she groaned again shoving the tendon between her pursed lips and slurping it down like she was sucking up a spaghetti noodle.
            My fellow ghosters gagged, and Melanie threw up on the grass beside me. My corpse’s eyes widened, and she licked her lips as she eyed my friend. I didn’t know if she was hungry for barf or brains, but I’d had enough.
            I jumped to my feet as my corpse ripped the animal’s torso in two. “That’s disgusting!” I hollered. “Hello, dummy!” I wildly waved my arms. “Go back to your coffin. Look at you,” I sneered, pointing at her gray, spongy legs and arms. A bone was poking through her elbow, and her skin was peeling at the knees. “You’re falling apart! You shouldn’t be walking around.” 
            Aedan was at my side, jerking me back. “Don’t get too close to her.”
            “We need to get back to the church,” Sarge called.
            The Ash zombie bit into the squirrel’s stomach, chewing on its innards and staring blankly at us as if she was a cow, mindlessly eating hay.   
            “Ewww!” I screamed, lurching forward and swatting the rodent from her hands.
            It happened so fast. One second I was Ash, the purgatory bride, and the next, my spirit was pulled into zombie Ash like a genie being drawn back into the lamp. My scream was sucked into the vortex with me, and in the next moment, I was staring up at Aedan, trying my best to yell through a scratchy throat while spitting out stale squirrel fur that was stuck to the roof of my mouth.
            “Omigod!” I struggled to sit, but my body was so stiff, I could barely move. “Aedan, what happened?”
            “Ash!” He leaned over me. The look of horror in his eyes would have been comical if I hadn’t been the object of his repulsion. “Are you okay?”
            “No, I’m not okay.” I slapped the ground and kicked my feet, then winced when my knee popped out of socket. “Why would I be okay? What the hell happened?”
            To his credit, Aedan grabbed my arms and pulled me to a sitting position, but I could tell by the way he winced that he did not like touching me. “I think your spirit went into the zombie.”
            “What?” My hand flew to my mouth, and that’s when I realized I was still holding the squirrel carcass. I dropped it with a shriek. “Omigod, Aedan! Get me out of here.” Where had my other body gone? Back to purgatory? Or since my other body was a spirit, maybe it was all inside the zombie. I’d spent a lot of credits on that wedding gown. I sure hoped I got it back.
            “Easy, sweetheart,” he soothed. “We’ll think of something.”
            He grabbed my elbows and pulled me to my feet, and that’s when I felt another pop, only this one was followed by a sickening tingling that numbed my fingers.
            I looked at my dangling arm. “You dislocated my arm!”
            He tried to put my arm back in its socket. “It just fell out.”
            I threw up my one good hand. “I’m a walking corpse… on my wedding day!” I would have cried had I any tears, but I was more dried up than a ninety-year-old vagina. 

About the Author:

Tara West writes books about dragons, witches, and handsome heroes while eating chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate. She's willing to share her dragons, witches and heroes. Keep your hands off her chocolate.

Tara West's young adult and new adult romances have been Kindle bestsellers. A former high school English teacher, Tara is now a full-time writer and graphic artist. She enjoys spending time with her family, interacting with her fans, and fishing the Texas coast.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bewitching Book Tours Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween Themed Book Tour option open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons and more. 

If your book features Halloween, has paranormal elements, spooky settings, or is a terrifying tale of horror join us for Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular September 18- October 31.

This special tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross promotion of an overall Halloween event, a group Rafflecopter, and a group facebook party.

Each participating author will receive:

* 1 1/2 month Halloween Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $235) 
* Custom tour banners
* Professional media kit
* Option to offer review copies

There will be one group Rafflecopter for the event- this will offer a giveaway sponsored by Night Owl Reviews in addition to one item each author wishes to giveaway (optional). Each author can have 3 entry options on the rafflecopter- newsletter sign up, Twitter, and Facebook.

In October there will be a multi-author Facebook party for all Spooktacular Authors. (Retail value $10 per author)

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. 

You’ll also need to provide a Halloween theme guest blog( which can be recipes, music playlists, costume ideas or DIY tutorial, etc- anything Halloween related), short Halloween flash fiction story, or a Halloween poem. (you may submit 2 of these items)

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few small prizes for your author party block (ebooks, $5 gift cards, etc).

The early bird fee for this promotion is $100 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books each additional book is $50.

Price goes up to $150 per author August 1.

This event has a limited number of spaces available. Payment is required at time of sign up to reserve your space.

Sign Up Here:

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Author Sign Ups Are Now Open for Haunted Halloween Spooktacular

  Author Sign Ups Are Now Open for 
 Bewitching Book Tours Second Annual
Haunted Halloween Spooktacular September 18- October 31

Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween promo

tion open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons and more.

If your book has paranormal elements, spooky settings, or is a terrifying tale of horror join us for Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular.

A month and half of Bewitching Tour Stops, Social Media Promotion and a Kindle Fire Giveaway along with a multi-author Facebook party in October.

To learn more and sign up visit this link:

To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. You’ll also need to provide a Halloween theme guest blog or a short Halloween flash fiction story.

For the Facebook Party you’ll need quizzes, games and a few prizes for your author party block.

The fee for this promotion is $100 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books each additional book is $50.


Please Support Bewitching's Newest Thunderclap

Please Support Bewitching's Newest Thunderclap

Through Her Eyes, The Mind’s Eye Series Book Four, By Deborah Camp

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bewitching Book Tour Bundles

Introducing Limited Time Bewitching Book Tour Bundles

Have a book you want to promote heavily? Or do you have multiple books you need to promote? 

Check out our bundled deals.

Bundle 2 and 3 are perfect for authors with a couple new releases coming up or for Publishers who have multiple books to promote.

Buy the bundle now, use them anytime. 

Bundle deals do not expire, but your chance to purchase them does.

Bundles will only be available to purchase until August 1.

You must use codes BUNDLE1, BUNDLE2, or BUNDLE3 to receive bundle pricing

Not available with any other offer or special pricing

Sign up here:

Bundle up and receive big discounts on Bewitching services

Bundle 1 features a cover reveal, release day blitz and one month tour for just $180

Bundle 2 features 2 release day blitzes, 2 two week tours, and 2 newsletter blasts for only $240

Bundle 3 features 3 release day blitzes, 3 two week tours, and 3 newsletter blasts

You can use the bundled services on one book or split them up for multiple books. 

One month advance booking still applies. Which means if you want to tour September 1 you would need to schedule it by August 1.

They Were Watching Over Him and His Pets- Joy To His World #BDSM #PNR #Menage #RomanceNovel


[Siren Menage Amour: Erotic Consensual BDSM Menage a Trois Paranormal Romantic Suspense, M/M/F, HEA]

Chris Spinell, Jilly Reimers, and Chris “Nate” Poole are happily married. Now living in a small town run by The Love Play Matchmaking Service, Chris Spinell hopes his family is safely away from the possible dangers that come from living in a big city.

Jilly and Nate cherish the life they have with Chris. They even love the fact that he is their Dom. BDSM gives them the structure and sense of belonging they’ve always wanted. However, life in Minaqua doesn’t give Chris the peace of mind he needs in order to quell his anxieties. The scars from his time in Afghanistan run so deep, Chris’s PTSD will not allow him to escape the fears that his family is at constant risk for harm.

When a stranger comes to town seeking to harm Jilly and Nate, Chris’s protective instincts are put to the test. Will he deal with this reasonably, or will he do whatever it takes to defend his family—including breaking a solemn oath?


Chris chuckled. Not a problem.

He never told anyone other than Jilly and Nate about his friends who were former military and BDSM practitioners. He knew Jilly and Nate wouldn’t speak about it to anyone nor would the other members of his BDSM group. Their name of their group and its purpose was a closely guarded secret among them.

It was more proof that the Eros had some mystical way of keeping tabs on the inner matters of their clients’ hearts. Nevertheless, it was damn weird and embarrassing, not to mention annoying. If they could do this, he wondered if they kept tabs on how he fucked his husband and wife, too.

I am contacting you to say that you are now entering a new phase of your love walk. As scary as it may feel, press forward and trust your heart. That is where the truth lies, not in the anxiety that you
often feel, the Eros wrote.

What do you mean? Chris texted back.

Be willing to take risks with yourself and your family. 

I don’t agree, Chris replied. I refuse to play Russian roulette with our lives. 

Without risks, you won’t grow. 

All I know is that I have to protect my family, Chris replied ...It’s my life. Not anyone else’s. I make the decisions.

Buy Links